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Technology #649
In an alternate universe, someone is using Windows 9 right now
Low-cpu music player for window$
Where do I go to get a "hacker" to do something for me ?
Are all tech pajeets assholes or just the ones that don't make a lot of money?
Where do you get your daily technology information besides Sup Forums?
Why is the eastcoast the only part of the United states with good internet infrastructure?
Gamer gril
Google employees “outraged”
Reminder to stop procrastinating and go buy that fucking UPS already, Sup Forums-kun
Only NEETs need IO
Does Sup Forums watch lunduke?
What's a computer?
Mobilefags stop what you’re doing and post your lock screen without fucking with it
Smoking a joint and installing debian
What do Sup Forums think about this guy??
Is it rape?
What makes font rendering look worse on Linux?
Devialet Phantom
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Holy shit, this is so much more cohesive than Python or Ruby...
Desktop customizaton thread
Do you buy dvds?
The Linux kernel
/wt/ - Watch Thread
New Nokia/HMD phones
Offensive Wi-Fi Name ideas
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Still works with lucky patcher :^)
Americans have to hand write a letter begging for pornography and send $20 to be able to look at boobs on the internet
Spending $150 so you autists can hear your keys click
Here's something for you to think - imagine that you have to write a multimedia application that must run without any...
Why did all the bridges go down? Its happened before, but why does it happen
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
What is the best Android Emulator I can use for my Windows machine...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
How can we stop Electron?
I'm begging you, please help me Sup Forums:
What went right?
Is the iPhone SE the only good Apple phone?
The bestest
If you could only back up one file, what would it be?
So the downfall of Sup Forums have begun
*collects your username, email address, any messages, images...
Nvm fixed it
I'm actually genuinely curious. Not trying to flame
I bought a MSI Gaming X 1080 Ti for €879 new
Best free OS for normies
Apple's "innovation" is just laziness
Universal Serial Bus
LineageOS 15.1
ITT: Pretend that this thread is a git repository
Galaxy mini the only phone you ever need
Hello I want to learn to programming
Why doesn't Sup Forums love OSX?
I'm leaving Gentoo. Should I install Arch or Void instead? These are my only options. Needless to say...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
I just installed OpenBSD on my desktop, pretty comfy so far but how do I play my AAA games...
Alright now I know what you are thinking
The Black Edition is finally available in the US
Google images is a worthless piece of garbage now. i have to resort to using bing
Light weight security focused linux distros?
This is THE modern Linux desktop
Gentoo or Debian? "
ReactOS Resurected
TV volume not adjusted to an increment of 5
Kubuntu sucks dick
Who are some Sup Forums-approved qts?
Rate my setup
Why is Firefox's history functionality so bad?
Xiaomi or Samsung S7?
So which company did /notchkino/ better?
Are you the basic bitch Sup Forums user who has a thinkpad and uses kde or xfce as your desktop environment?
Not using gnu/comfy
The original author of truecrypt has a really interesting background...
Why aren't you using superior Mint user?
Post 10 valid non-meme reasons for using GNU/Linux over Windows
Soyboy company wants to take a picture of everyone
Best way to get free music???
PhD in CS?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
/wt/ - Watch Thread
If I know Linux bash, do I need to learn anything if I transfer to BSD?
Come home from work, just want to play some games (PCI passthrough W10 VM)
What is the best internet browser to use?
Brave Browser
Is c++ useful
How's gentoo as a desktop os? I'm asking seriously
Gtx 2000s series releases this year
What are your thoughts on this guy?
Mac OS High Sierra image download?
Is all computer-based random number generation psuedo-random?
So, Sup Forums, what's the best web browser right now?
Ask potential programming candidates why object oriented programming is good/bad
Tablet thread?
A "new" post, LOL
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Free antivirus
Pachinko games
Born too late for home computer revolution
Why do you dislike apple?
ITT: 10/10 software
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Google is brainwashing you
Who else shieldtv master race?
Youtube Censorship????
Why bother with anything else?
I heard Linux was a fatal virus that infects all your files and can only be removed by a hard reformatting...
Hey I was curious Sup Forums did I just meme out buying this?
How do I learn Java?
What does Samsung need to do to reach the level of prestige of apple?
This board has now gone completely down the shitter
"usable" smartphone backgrounds
/pen/ - The Pen Thread
Russian Sup Forums thread
How did you stop procrastinating?
Best value 2nd monitor for reference material...
Boss puts me in a new project
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Dumb phone with WhatsApp
He does not drink mate that respects his four essential freedoms
So...what do I use now?
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Stop using Linux
/glmg/ - GNU/Linux Minimalism General
/spg/ - Smartphone General
How many of you actually use Gentoo?
Android updates
*blocks your path*
Finally ditched Nova Launcher in favor Evie Launcher
Speccy thread
/csg/ Chink Shit General
How Does a Torrent Program Kill a Wifi Connection?
/wt/ Watch Thread
Fuck GTK
Which one of these will clog up faster /g ?
For however much Sup Forums shits on Apple you've got admit their CS is amazing
Scala love thread
If GNU/Linux is so great, why isn't there a GNU 2/Linux 2? Must be depreciated...
(((((((((((((upgrade)))))))))))))) to windows ten
/mg/ - Minimalism General
The website has RSS feed
Years programming
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Why haven't you started learning Ruby yet, Sup Forums?
Why are there no small ARM systems available?
Custom Roms
So yesterday someone managed to hack my paypal account and use my credit card to buy some shit from ebay...
What did FreeBSD mean by this?
You guys are my last resort
How to remove distractions and be more productive?
Mouse pads
DAAAAAMMNNN! That Sup Forumstard got completely owned by my man Janko!
Would you buy this shirt Sup Forums?
Fuck this gay earth. Why is this allowed?
Âpple BTFÒ again
Only use shitty laptops with shitty distros
Is react os the only available option when windows 7 dies?
You think you know how to program, you C nigger?!
Why aren't you using the evolution of the best distro ever?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Mfw trying to get a job
What does Sup Forums think about IRCv3? It's like Matrix and XMPP and whatnot, but built on good old time tested IRC
Need New Laptop
Hey Sup Forums, pls explain why can't I use my mouse with an Ipad?
Why don't you use kDE? It's better that Gnome in every way
A simple Anonymous wiki
Enough of fanboy fights and IPC discussion
Javafags, what is your excuse for using pic related?
How long time you did used Linux befor changeing it to Windows another time again?
How does Apple manage to maintain a good aesthetic throughout their OS while Microsoft can't?
Has anyone here ditched smartphones entirely...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What kind of girls post on Sup Forums?
Please enter username
What's the catch?
You can now use Coffee Lake CPUs on 100/200 boards
My fellow Clover/DashChan phone-posters/tablet-posters, what phone/tablet are you browsing Sup Forums from tonight?
Tfw recruited by a big company after only finishing half of your education
Gemini PDA
The absolute state of OpenBSD
What do you use your flash drive for?
So guys, is there any FREE antivirus that does not fuck you up with bloatware/some other undesirable shit?
Apple brainwashing
Unfortunately, Debian is still there best distro. We have to admit/accept/ignore this bullshit
ITT we pretend to be on Hacker News
Opensuse tumbleweed kde?
What ever happened to flexible screens? Weren't we supposed to get this shit like 3 years ago?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Well gaymers, prepare them nooses
/bst/ - Battlestations thread
Qubes OS
Defeat the breathalyzer
Is there any reason not switch to electric cars?
I'm going to a decent 4 year university for software engineering this coming fall. It's no Stanford...
Your smartphone isn't running AOSP
How can I run (((YouTube))) in the background without paying for Red?
Prgramming language to learn
Replika thread
Ryzen 2600 worth it?
I have 150-200€ what thinkpad do i buy, that's not complete garbage and will run kali/arch smoothly
Why do people send youtubers free shit?
VanillaJS then meme frameworks, now this???
KDE doubts
How many times did you go back to windows before stay with linux?
How long till YouTube gets a blacklist?
At what age did you grew up out of Linux?
Best non-mechanical keyboard?
What kinda fuckery is this?
After trying linux for 4 months, I gotta say its not reslly that good...
ITT: Soylent technology
At what point did we all submit to google using us as sweatshop button clickers...
Which one of you faggots is this?
ITT: we write a code of conduct for a software on github
Install Office 365 from the Microsoft Store
Is this the best processor ever made?
Why is Linux so hard to use?
What's the best way to keep data backups off site? Currently I have all my computers backed up on a NAS...
Rfid implant
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Alternatives to Chrome on Android
General Phone Discussions and stuff
Why do soyboys love mechanical keyboards so much?
Install KVM switch
GTX2080 for $1499
13 Reasons Why Cassettes Are Cool Again in 2018
Why arent you using zorinOS?
Haven't seen a homescreen thread in ages
Fav RAM brand
What do you think about my new case Sup Forumsuys? Was it a good investment?
It's official: Apple is pathetically out of ideas
/hmg/ - Hackerman general
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Sup Forums BTFO!
Rate the top 5 YouTube tech reviewers from most gay to least gay
Proprietary software is bad, mmmmmkay?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
So I would like to get into shortwave radio
Not using superior lxqt
Listen to me you maggot piece of shit
/wt/ - Watch Thread
Don't trust Facebook!!!
Spammers keep posting Sup Forums threads on Sup Forums
So i got 15 of these bad boys for me and 2-3 friends
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
On your way to your Sup Forums-related job
Anyway to enhance a picture??
Game Development General
Is there a good alternative to this that doesn't use wi-fi/bluetooth?
Hello Sup Forums i have been send here from Sup Forums as they were not capable of answering my questions...
Is jailbreaking iOS still worth it?
If you don't recognize this icon you're underage b&
This question is more of curiosity than really might apply
/hpg/ - Headphone General
I want to un-botnet myself
What the actual fuck is wrong with people? Why can't google just put the photocredit beside the image preview...
Why do people rice Windows 10? are they retarded?
FreeBSD General
Working on a 2D platformer game...
Is there any kind of software or a way to find if an image is eduted/photoshopped or not?
What's the comfiest aspect ratio?
What GNU/Linux distros are free from systemDick by default?
Bros who here uses a 4k monitor? What is it like compared to 1080p (I don't mean for gaming, I mean for proper use)?
Is there an updated version of this?
How do you guys deal with GPU sag?
Site or program has a "Light" version
Best Phone Hardware/Software for the security minded
/glmg/ - GNU/Linux Minimalism General
Who /nobackups/ here? I keep telling myself to do it but I've had hard drives work for like 10+ years...
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Audio playback above a sample rate of 44khz is completely pointless...
You getting one Sup Forums ?
Legitimate question
Web dev hate thread
I Contribute to the Windows Kernel. We Are Slower Than Other Operating Systems. Here Is Why
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What's the point of mItX cases?
Best upgrades to increase sale price of used laptops?
The Year of our Lord Two-Thousand and Eighteen
Mpv can replace madvr
Daily reminder of what the best DE is
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Localization of pain due computer usage among Sup Forums users
Vrms thread
A n00bs guide
Remember back in 2003/2004 that TVs costed up to 3 thousand dollars?
What percentage of your coworkers are gays?
Ridiculously cheap GPU on eBay
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Im looking to get a cheap kobo ereader or Kindle for reading manga, light novels and books...
Laying on my back with my thinkpad on my belly at 4am
I frequently ssh from my Xubuntu laptop into my iMac, and use scp to transfer files ect
How do you comment code? Over the years I've changed my comment spacing several times, finally settling on:
If I try hardcore to learn programming, like all year, non stop...
What would you buy with 1000 bucks Sup Forumsentoomen?
AMD APU general
Xiaomi Mi Notebook Pro
Whats a good username?
Should I buy a 60" plasma TV from 2012 for $300...
Why would anyone use anything other than Xubuntu?
IPhone X
Got fired three months into my Data Analytics job because my boss hated me
Has anyone on Sup Forums moved to China and got a programmer job?
Why has modern web development become so hard in the last 5-6 years...
I don't seed
Am I lost?
Hey fa/g/gots, anyone of you familiar with the visual novel engine RenPy...
Mattresses are technology, discuss what you sleep on
Business idea: square AA batteries that more effectively use up space
Ubuntu user
Ex-Google Recruiter Fired For Resisting Racist Hiring Tactics
I tried Ubuntu and now my windows 10 is gone. Steam in linux won't let me play 90% of my games so fuck you Sup Forums...
Be me
EDC thread
What would you change about how Sup Forums works? If you had to implement Sup Forums today, what tools would you use?
Miss me yet?
Wat builds do u guys use
We need a brogrammers union
This sucks
What would realistically happen if hell froze over and "software professionals" banded together and formed a software...
Portable Music Plater (PMP) Thread (No phones!)
Would any progaymers like to make a simple script for me. I'm a girl
Sup Forums humour thread
Cyber inclusion
Java & Lemons
/wt/ watch thread, reminder this is real edition
Any design concepts in the last few years that you just knew was a stupid idea?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Sony RX77ES
What's your preference
/hpg/ - Headphone General
The internet is increasing being filled the data (social media posts, youtube video uploads etc) of dead people
Anyone have a Pebble?
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
Do you do it with ubuntu?
I blame msmash
Current state of Sup Forums
Have you ever shilled your channel on Sup Forums?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
We need a brogrammers union
Upgrading prebuilt help
PROVE that Discord is really a botnet Sup Forums
We had these computers in my elementary school's computer lab and I absolutely hated them. Were they actually any good?
Suppose I reverse engineered a closed-source program without the permission of the developers and I discovered a major...
Best looking laptops!
C++ packagemanger
Glorious Noctua Air Cooler Master Race
Post best antivirus
Is this your favorite anime, Sup Forums?
What does Sup Forums think of the Steam Controller?
Films related to technology, hacking
ITT software nostalgia
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
How to pirate Vidya games
How do I solve this
Women and Technology
Why did it have to die?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Name one thing wrong with cmd .exe. You literally can't
Is this the hero we need?
*triples the cost of a new GPU*
Can we talk about chairs?
I just know I'm gonna get called out for being a shill, here, but I just gotta rant
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Do you not buy some tech products based off their political stances? Which ones and why?
I have 0 experience in CS and programming. Give me a list of projects I should complete, sorted from easiest to hardest...
Superior font rendering
Did he die because he didn't use FOSS?
How do you back up your data? What tools do you use and why...
HP sucks dick
The perfect OS doesn't exi--
/bst/ battlestations
Search YouTube for videos about tech
Post the GPU you're currently using
If you use this, you are shit tier
I made a site Sup Forums, please feel free to post some feedback
Best unix (not linux, not gnu) for home use?
How often do you do a clean install of your OS?
What sound cards would Sup Forums recommend today?
Why did Paul Allen never marry or have any kids? Dis nigga sitting on 20 Billion and has no one to inherit it
/dpt/ Daily Programming Thread
Removal of headphone jack
Is there a way to block someone from using a website based on their cookies?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Is it just me or has recaptcha gotten worse?
The URB-e
I need ideas for some software to write. im bored
Is it common for Software Engineers to never experience any kind of mentorship or guidance from Senior Devs in their...
Website asks you to disable ad blocking software
I just got offered two internships in backend development, one as a java developer and another one as a C# developer
Are phone cases a meme? Is it worth ruining the aesthetics of your phone if you're not retarded and don't drop it?
$1500 for NVIDIA GeForce GTX2080ti
Best Android for Security, both offense and defense
I miss it, lads
/umg/ - Unix Minimalism General
Where would you place Slackware in this picture?
Someone explain this shit to me please. Why does an entire IP range gets blocked? Whats the point?
Music player thread
Lol we all knew it... are you retarded?
TV shopping
Is crypto the only thing I can do with my PC that’s able to turn a profit while I’m not using it...
Find a flaw
I hate Paypal so much. Why is it still popular?
Essential Android Apps
Hehe, you're poor cunts
Troubleshooting VirtualBox, reboot
Where is Windows 9?
Ultimate way to view YouTube videos?
Hey Sup Forums poor university student here looking for some advice
/wt/ Watch Thread
Why isn't Sup Forums talking about youtube creators union?
Whoever decided that the reference model should look like that needs to be hanged...
Linux distro for dev
Well, /g, is it?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
What do you do if some Indian hacker group locks your computer and demands 300$ for "security software"?
What is the WORST GNU/Linux distro?
This is the cheapest b350m motherboard I can find. Shit's expensive as fuck here. Will it do?
Why are Android companies so cringe?
ITT: Good Sup Forums memes you fell for
Describe the difference to be more simpler
Post your programming language
Command prompt randomly popped up on screen for 1 second then disappeared
R.I.P. Spotify dogfood
What's the worst code you've ever written?
Do you use "natural" scrolling?
When did you get sick of all the pointless niche distros and return to the king?
P2P onion messengers
Do you like Windows 10 now?
5k display
Plasma 5.13 Blur
What are some good irc channels?
Why do computer components uses inferior DC electricity over the vastly superior AC electricity?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
ITT best phones you've ever owned
When you buy a new hard drive, what test do you run on it to make sure it hasn't been damaged during shipping?
Internet of Things
Gpus are expensive as fuck and crypto isnt going anywhere
Windows 7 32 bit or 64 bit?
++i is more efficient than i++
Why doesn't Apple trash ever work properly?
Everybody uses Windows, so just use Windows!
I've just made a PirateBox, I am planning to use mostly for showing off with normies...
How much if a meme is this language? I hear its good for machine learning...
As a desktop user...
Swift language
Prove me wrong
What a fucked up society
Why is android UI design so shit? Just compare this trash with iOS ffs
Hacking Steam
The state of Sup Forums
Systemd cancer
What's your favorite IM client Sup Forums?
Average linux user
Is this the ultimate brainlet filter?
What did people have against him pre-2010? Yes, he was a mediocre CEO, but at least he didn't tank the company...
What's the newest notebook computer that has parallel and serial port(s)?
Have you backed up today, Sup Forums?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
JavaScript was a mistake
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
What's your WiFi SSID name?
Used servers
Did Microsoft steal the Windows 10 logo from K-ON!?
Why don't the Janitors think pens are a type of technology?
You Might Be Compromised
Give me one (1) good reason why I need any text editor but Notepad
Post Tech Memes
Best bleeding-edge GNU/Linux distro?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Cobol programmers are either dying or retiring
This triggers the mods
Hackathon Ideas
Try SublimeText
What kind of camera do you own Sup Forums? What kind of photography do you do?
What symbol do you see below?
Hello Sup Forums
The United States has shit intern-
Winamp Visualizations
Are there any optional Windows 7 Updates worth installing?
AMD Discrete GPU Share Rises To Highest Point In Nearly 4 Years
Cheapest IPS screen with a refresh rate over 75Hz is fucking $500
What's the consensus on Discord?
Is this a good result for fibre?
Why THE FUCK did they call it 'JavaScript'...
What does Sup Forums use to read pdf files?
As someone without experience programming, how long would it take me to get enough knowledge to be able to get a job...
How long does your PC take to start up?
Is programming only for certain people ?
Does anyone else use Linux?
How do you choose your passwords, Sup Forums?
Is there a reason why Linux distros are 15+ years behind design-wise?
Blockchain is retarded
Without making any reference to coolness factor or the people who buy/use them, are apple products worth buying...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Power outage
Image viewer software (windows preferably), fast sorting/tagging please
I hate it more and more every day
What is the best GNU/Linux distribution and why?
My ICT teacher thinks this is a programming language, Pls help me
How can any other client top this?
The best GNU/Linux distro for grandma?
Is it worth to watch the second season?
*fetch thread
What do you think of Tor being funded by the US government? Does that make it less secure?
Why use Linux
Ready to burn a salary to play next gen videogayms ?
/wt/ Watch Thread
How do I learn Java and MySQL in a week?
It's time to fight for youtube
2700x 300mhz faster than 1700x
Home server general - /hsg/
1000 bucks to burn. What to buy Sup Forumsentoomen?
Ryzen 7 2700X
Linux Circle Jerkers
Which is the superior processor?
Recently my isp doubled my internet connection speed so I'm at 80mbs...
Is this a joke?
When will the apple be topped?
I’m going to build computers and sell them but eBay has a lot of buyer scams any other online site to sell on?
He has an i7
What is the future of smartphones now? They reached their peaks and is getting stupid now with notches...
Would you use a 10 year old smartphone? Then why are you using a 10 year old OS?
Reading a programming book
CPU IPC survey
Let's imagine Sup Forums developed its own programming language
Saving live streams from youtube?
Free website builder?
Now we have these ugly ass fucking lcd panels instead
Which is better Microsoft Office or LibreOffice?
What is the most Sup Forums car to drive?
/php/ General
Post your case
Vivo Apex Appreciation Thread
Has anyone noticed how internet addiction is now a normie problem? You see people, especially people over the age of 30...
Daily driven distro for lazy fucks/noobs
"...was a mistake."
Best distro
Why don't you own a Microsoft Surface?
Honest answers
Echo vs google home
Graphics card prices
Oh, Google
Are chinks unhuman?
Windows Vista thread
The absolute state of YouTube
Why do you still have a Google account? Post reasons why you no longer have one to encourage others...
Use me
Hackintosh - is it really this bad?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Fingerprint scanners becoming the norm in all smartphones
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Hey Floens, instead of warning us that a jpeg is too big, why not just resize it for us?
Would you work for the FBI?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
I accidentally autism'd a software engineer interview in C once. The prompt was to take a string...
Sup Forums humor thread
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Google Chrome: Flash Usage Declines from 80% in 2014 to Under 8% Today
Trying to dynamically allocate a 2D array. what's wrong with this? it seg faults when i = 14 and j = 0
Learn java
What was your favorite internet era?
Switching from mozisjwlla firebug(windows) to Brave master race. Judge me
ITT: People of tech who you hope suffer a career threatening and potentially life threatening injury
/bst/ - Man your stations, Sup Forums
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Is womyn in Computer Science just a meme, Sup Forums?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Please select your expected salary
Is this the sexiest keyboard of all time?
Hey Sup Forums I'm buying a new laptop and i want your opinion on it...
Have you read this book?
I never tried virtual machines before
I just want an honest answer
Gopher Holes
Does Sup Forums unplug their computer during a storm? My power just flickered on and off and it always scares me
Assemble a part list
When was the last time you used this?
You motherfuckers need to use perl6 today
What is it that makes Alienware so shit?
Anyone else using Bitdefender and running into problems since the last update...
What CPU cooler do you use, is it effecient and why did you settle for it?
FreeBSD General
Have 4gb of ram
Why should I learn Rust?
Is VGA still viable in 2018?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
/mpv/ - is it the end of the madvr?
Hey Sup Forums, if you dont want to get a fucking aneurysm, DO NOT BUY AN IPS DISPLAY
Even Windows 1.01 Paint can draw circles, and yet GIMP cannot. How can GIMP even compete like this?
I need to performance test my code parser on spaghetti
It begins now
So let me get this straight...
ITT post general tech terms and terms that are said in tech professions that make you want to kill someone
Void Linux + dwm on X230
You've pre-ordered, right user?
/wt/ - Watch Thread
Is Sup Forums interested in steganography ?
What computer should I buy for using java (Idea , Netbeans) and c++ (qt,codeblocks)
Why do people bash AMD Ryzen and why do they always think that they're like AMD FX...
I'm losing my mind
For what good solid reasons why are you still not running a BSD distribution as your daily driver and desktop operating...
Thinkpad of phones, or just a meme?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
/gg/ - Gentoo General
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Pwning uBlock Origin
Defend this, Clover-fags
He actually buys ASUS products
Is there a corporate ZOG conspiracy against RSS as a technology?
/umg/ - Unix Minimalism General
Why is this allowed?
I had one of the best teachers ever in my introduction to server administration class
What's the Thinkpad of smartphones?
Report: NVIDIA Not Unveiling 2018 Graphics Card Lineup at GDC, GTC After All
Why do American companies have so many Indian CEOs?
He still uses drugs to alter his mood
Why do you guys hate iPads so much? They are comfy to watch movies or browse Sup Forums from your bed
What programming language do they use on the Enterprise?
/hmg/ - Hackerman general
Pajeets General
Whats a good, non botnet email provider Sup Forums? im currently using gmail, and its okay at best
Why dont you have any friends Sup Forums?
What's the best language and why is it Java Sup Forums?
/pmp/ ~ portable music player
So, user
N-no I'm not baka
How the FUCK did this become the norm?
Nokia 7 Plus
Code Review
I'm looking for onobtrusive music to programming
Stupid question, guys. I am editing an HTML document...
A distro is not an OS. A desktop environment is not an OS. It is not even a distro
Whats the point of having a powerhouse desktop CPU on a Smartphone if you cant install game emulators or use the whole...
Talk shit about macs since I was 18 (I'm 30)
The current state of Linux
Home server general - /hsg/
How come a PC with old, used and expired server graded parts costs $300 in the US, but $700 in Europe?
I7-8809G - 4 GB RX Vega M GPU Bench
If Rust is so good, why are there so few programs written in it?
What's the best program ever written?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
What search engine does Sup Forums use?
Email Providers/Degoogle
Sup Forums on suicide watch
Good idea or just put a notch on top?
What's the actual reason so many of you use these things? The Linux drivers? I actually can't figure it out
I just tried this BULLSHIT on android
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Transmission appreciation thread
/umg/ - Unix Minimalism General
Are we legitimately at the point now where it's more cost-effective to buy a pre-built for gaming than assembling your...
/hpg/ - Headphone General
I'm on CGN and someone sharing my external IP (or likely more than just one person) is downloading a bunch of TV series...
What's their problem?
/speccy/ - im a dumbass edition
How come east asians arent very good software developers or computer scientists?
Let's say im writing an application in c++
Does anyone knows a
Imagine being nr.2 at everything you do
User is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported
Why is there still no reliable FREE way to send SMS from a PC on Android?
Reinstalling my Windows
Name a better keyboard
Aliases, functions, little scripts. Share 'em
You will never know the pleasure of having this because you use shitty xfce
Fuck you Google
ITT worst phones youve ever owned
I'm tired of the botnet store shilling me garbage apps full of ads and just installed fdroid instead...
Why do you use Manjaro?
See the line, Sup Forums?
The price of a gpu these days
The best way to protect yourself online is basically:
Android Go
I don't seed
Do you have a YouTube tech reviewer that you enjoy watching?
FIREFOX BTFO BY KONQUEROR! How firesjwfags ever recover?
What is the consensus Sup Forums are we updating our BIOS to fix Intel's failure...
Sup Forums memes bingo
Purism Librem 15
I am excited for this
Apple - Literally taking a shit
Downloading Viruses (purposely)
Buying a thinkpad as a present for my girlfriend. What is a good Linux distro to install on it...
Is This Some Kind of Phishing Scam?
Convince me why I shouldn't use Firefox
/wt/ - Watch Thread
What DE to use with arch?
External Graphics Cards
Literally bought a gtx 1070 last year
/gpg/ - Go Programming General
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
This triggers the UStatian
Screen tearing
How can blacklisted phones get cleaned?
Bill to Destroy our Internet Freedoms Passed by the US House of Representatives
Why use Open Suse?
Often imitated, never replicated
/csg/ - Chink Shink Generink
Cool websites
What's the best way to hack a mainframe?
Apps worth having on your phone?
It's all ogre
Why does anyone support this fuckwit?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Sup Sup Forums, there still anyone on here that uses a dumb phone?
Why are normies so retarded?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Learn C++ with 0 knowledge in coding
Missed Opportunity
What's your favorite GNU/Linux OS and why?
Would replacing Win10 with Linux make my netbook faster?
Wow! What a great resume!
Sticker bread
I don't seed
Battlestation general /bst/
What went wrong Sup Forums?
Privacy Badger vs Ghostery
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...