A wiki where anyone can post/edit a page about any topic. It does not track a user and it is designed very simply.
Please have a look.
A simple Anonymous wiki
Other urls found in this thread:
Looks cool
How do you protect it against spammers?
Thank you friend user. Consider adding, editing pages of interest.
Simple mechanism that a single IP cannot edit a page if he has edited multiple times in the last x minutes
You might want to promote this on some of the other boards too.
random page link when
So you actually do track users.
No! The IP is hashed. Please look at the code. That hashed value is compared to check if it has edited for last x minutes
might add soon
Sup Forums is too risky to talk about. They have edgy opinions for the most part. But there are gems here and there.
That's still tracking.
Sup Forums's problem is that it's filled with retarded LARPing Burgers for the most part.
Oh well. I think that is unavoidable. But it doesn't directly make me identify an user. I am also not storing any logs in nginx.
And the discussions are almost completely disconnected from reality. Just vague posts made for sake of humor or justifying the violence without any real action.
put this in there
and this
Are you deleting hashed IPs from the database after the X minutes?
Reduced the file size. Nice trick
No. It just stays there. I will update the code to write empty string values in the place of hashed ips after x minutes. Thank you for this suggestion.
ye it's great for text screen caps and mono colors
>is that it's filled with retarded LARPing Burgers for the most part.
It's filled with just as many LARPing third-worlders pretending to be nazis as well. Or at least such was the case before I left it a few months back - the shitposting there is too much, even for me. Shit's basically modern Sup Forums.
i mean like cartoons simpsons etc
> LARPing third-worlders pretending to be nazis as well.
Yes, I already mentioned Sup Forums was filled with Burgers.
It would be good if the welcome page is sticky
you mean, non-editable? But it would mean some new cool page or idea someone did would not be made visible on the main page. It kind of becomes a fixed authority which I don't want it to become.
You sure you thought this through?
Will you GPL the source code?
kek. edited it.
the code can be used however one wants.
>a hosted service
I sincerely hope you're either retarded or dropped an A.
already tried, always ended in failure.
Be nice to Her you scary nigger
>no javascript
>doesn't use cloudflare so I have to accept cookies for the website to work
>can't log in with facebook account
>doesn't block tor exit nodes
>no uncompressed images
>no comment field
>cia_niggers created 4 minutes ago
>Pretending that anything on this site is serious
Getting a big input error. How big can a page be?
I tried to improve the article for pi by including one billion digits but the website doesn't seem to handle big edits very well
Op is one dumb motherfucker that allowed the initial page to be edited
why would i take time to write something if a bot can erase everything the second after?
How do you format text?
you can restore everything from the log
But why does Sup Forums have to be retarded niggers?
Because this is Sup Forums
why i would take time to do that? your site economy is flawed in its very core.
Someone call Wikipedia, an economist just proved that it can't work!
Well then...
>big input
No shit.
There are only 4 million IP addresses. If you want to hash 4 million things, it'll probably take less than a second to find the IP.
What you need is bcrypt or something where it takes seconds to compute it. But then you run into the problem of identifying people. At least with bcrypt. Idk if scrypt has the issue of having salt built into it
Before get edited again.
wikipedia has a police that offers securities to contributors.
Fuck that. I don't want my taxes supporting armed police for Wikipedia.
>4 million
still a trivial amount in modern computing.
If OP adds IPv6 support you have an extra 2^128. But fixing it so IPs are only stored for the timeout period is the only real answer. They may also want to make this more clear, instead of "AnonsWiki will not store user's IP address" which is arguable, just say "IP addresses are only stored as hashes temporarily to prevent abuse" or something similar.
Will fix it soon. Thank you for this too. Along with deleting the hashed IPs themselves after x minutes.
there is no elaborate formatting. Just simple monospace text to keep it nice and simple.
I allowed it's edit becuse I know humanity is not all insane. Also
max character length is about 64K characters. If one needs to add more, he can create a new page and link the first page with second.
You got a Mistake in the point starting pages:
It is user.wiki/create_page while it is anons.wiki
You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
Uhhhh did you see the point of the website?
I suggest adding a comment or talk section to the articles for anons to discuss the topic
Nah. You can discuss the topic using edits.
Thanks for the tip ;)
Apart from using bcrypt or some KDF with a large iteration count you have to provide a salt unique to each entry otherwise you can just generate a rainbowtable from hash to IP.
Why is the pages_list page not automatically updated? If you want add another page you have to manually edit it if you want the page to be listed.
I think it was created by a memeperson
Is it possible to embed an iframe or something of that nature?
This unironically has a valuable usage to me but only if there was no tracking
Console hacking data offloading with no traces would be fucking amazing because Microsoft has a gun pointed at everyone right now
hashing IPs is dogshit, use a MAC with a PK you keep private. Also looking for XSRF and XSS watch ur ass.
php lol