Is this the best processor ever made?
There are still anons using it to this day, 9 years later.
>newfags will never know the sheer joy and bliss that came with unlocking an x3 to a quad-core
Is this the best processor ever made?
I had a 555 that failed to unlock into a 955
still sucks
Phenom II is shit
Not noticing any Core2 or first gen i5/i7's on that list...
>There are still anons using it to this day, 9 years later.
Can confirm, this system has been running for 8 years now I think.
do phenoms have better single core performance than bulldozer or is that a meme?
>tfw used gentoo on my Athlon II X4.
You can imagine my pain during every emerge
Michael only throws old hardware into new benchmarks if he has fucking nothing to do
Phenoms tend to do somewhat better in single threaded applications but the difference between the two cores is not very large. Bulldozer has newer instruction set extensions which helps it in newer applications that support them.
It has measurably better single core performance than Bulldozer. Piledriver essentially evened things out, but the X6 Phenom IIs can still outperform the "eight core" FX chips in FPU-heavy workloads clock for clock, since they actually have six full cores. Of course, Thubans top out at around 4GHz, whereas Visheras can go much higher.
Two days ago I upgraded from my Phenom II X6 1055t to a hand-me-down FX-8350 given to me for free.
I used that 1055t for the best part of a decade though, damn solid processor.
checks out.
A few years ago he benchmarked a Netburst-era Celeron and Pentium 4 for shits:
the only people still using it are the literal definition of poor.
the best AMD processor ever made was the s939 3200+ venice
There's literally no need to upgrade
Still runs most games fine and lincucks flys on it no matter what you're doing.
that's not a 2500k
It is an upgrade in many ways, just not raw single-core performance.
So yes, an upgrade.
fuck outta here intelcuck
kys retard it's objectively the best cpu of the last decade
if all you do is play gaymes, then sure
kek I hope you installed the meltdown patch intelcuck
Been running an x6 1090t for 8 years. Flawless.
Amen brother
Waiting for Zen2?
Nah. Going to ride this thing until it smokes. Enough compute for win10/centos dual boot setup and all my heavy shit is done on large aws or lsf clusters instances anyways.
I'm using an Athlon II X2. You will never know my suffering.
They really arent that bad.
You should still be able to compile the kernel in under 20 minutes.
I still use a Phenom II x4 955 in my desktop system. Shit runs smooth as butter combined w/32GB ram. Older games really do run better on Phenom than FX. As a test I swapped the Phenom out with an FX 8300. FX has 8 cores w/100 mhz per core clock bump over the stock 3.20 GHZ phenom. So single core results should be pretty close. Wrong, with every other component the same, the FX old game tests (1999 - 2k4) all ran like shit, jerky,studdering play. Even after applying the "cpu" patch still the same results. Put the Phenom back in, all problems fixed. Games all ran smooth. BTW: Opteron-185 (dual core) 2.6 GHz is highest clocked S939 cpu made. They made an FX edition but clock speed/L2 Cache is exact same as Opteron 185. I've got a few S939 cpus; Opteron 185 (in service), Opteron 170 (w/mobo & ram), and athlon 64 3800 2.4Ghz (single core). Also got an Athlon 64 x2 6000 AM2 (3.0Ghz) w/95w tdp
>being affected by spectre/meltdown and using anything AMD
I bought myself a dual-processor Xserve G5 quite recently to do some round-the-clock computing tasks that I don't want to put on my bedroom laptop for noise reasons.
Having put FreeBSD 12.0 on it, I can tell you it's an extremely capable machine. I run a couple of game servers on it (Minecraft, Quake 2), some compilation, along with numerous apache hosts for various clients of mine -- including my own web development needs -- plus lighter stuff like mail, file storage, and just general dicking about. Pretty sure the last Apple PowerPC stuff was the best way to go if not AMD/Intel up until recently, when it started becoming more obsolete and more expensive to boot.
tfw still have a working athlon II x2 260 build as a guest PC
fun CPUs to overclock
took a $105 Phenom X4 955 up from 3.2ghz to 4.15ghz, overclocked the northbridge frequency (L3/memory controller frequency) from 2000mhz to 2950mhz, 8gb DDR3 @ 1866mhz, threw my old HD 5870 1GB in there and that cheap shitbox played vidya forever for my stupid bitch gf.
Phenom II X4 840 still running from the day I got it. The last two years it's been running nonstop as it was relegated to my server. Love it to death, but I'm starting to feel the struggle of being limited by that generation's hardware. Don't know if it's worth tracking down a motherboard that will still support its AM3 socket, while also supporting SATA3 and USB3.
965 reporting in. I use it as a file server and for playing games on the TV. I never upgraded since I started using a laptop as my main computer.
Sandy/Ivy Bridge have had insanely good value. They're going to be used at least as long or longer than high-end Phenom II parts.
I have a Phenom II X3 B75. Can I unlock anything with it? Help a brainlet out.
>not unlocking an x2 to a x4
the fuck
Same. II X2 215 here
My Q6600 still going hard.
Sit the fuck down, son. This when overclocked handles literally all games at 100+fps.
All benchmark websites show bulldozers have somewhat better IPC than phenoms.
It's in my desktop. Still runs fine
the vishera should easily hit 4ghz so long as your motherboard/psu aren't garbage
this alone will easily smash a 3.2ghz phenom
and is even better than 3.9ghz deneb in games/single core
definitely much better in multicore
i still love the phenom II though. nothing with the same value has been released since. sadly even browsing the internet is slow on it now because of certain instruction sets.
but it does still game every AAA game before 2015 really well.
1600mhz ram limit is also a bitch but not a big deal with proper timings
Same here, still don't feel like upgrading.
Deneb 965 here, paired with 16 GB 1833 MHz DDR3 and GTX 660 Ti. Been running at 4 GHz since 2011. No need to upgrade. System runs smooth as fuck. 3 monitors, 24" 1920 x 1200, 27" 2560 x 1440, and 24" 1200 x 1920 portrait.
>not a gaymemer
> it must suck to be a gaymemer
Same here, i was scared that i'd have to upgrade the cpu, because i was swapping the stock cooler after 8 years, and the only way to remove the cpu was to knock it off with a screwdriver and a hammer, i bent like 20 pins, but thank god the cpus are built like tanks
>There are still anons using it to this day, 9 years later.
they are ok for shitposting and porn
I still use mine with a 980 TI.
No reason to switch.
amd phenom ii x6 1090T
960T reporting in. Sure it's probably not enough for modern AAA gaming, but I'm not a gamer anyway.
I don't know how to break this to you, but... Phenom II 840 = Athlon II 650
It's not a real Phenom, pleb
> Is this the best processor ever made?
> No SSE4.1
Think about it: it is already obsolete even though X6 platform still has enough power.
Check out this guy shilling a CPU without VT-d.
>CTRL F Q6600
>only 1 result
The Q6600 is known to be a fucking trooper.
Legendary CPU.
Yeah they really fucked up by not giving it at least SSSE3, and by the time x6 came out they really should have at least SSE4.1
No, this is the best processor ever made.
I guess, unless developers start seriously using the extra cores and threads, a proper Sandy/Ivy is gonna last many people at least a decade..
No, they had their own, very capable 3DNow! instruction set, they didn't fucked up at all.
After Intel breaking contracts and agreements with AMD throu 10 years, AMD stop licensing anything from Intel, and eventually became several generations ahead of Intel. But they never broke even in market share. Intels lobby and corruption departments made sure of that, and, when all the developer is making stuff for the majority of hardware, AMD EVENTUALLY gave up, and licensed Intels engines.
They didn't fuck up, they where screwed harder in the ass than most companies could handle, and look, they actually couldn't after a decade of being in front, they fell to the bottom, for 10 years.
Before anybody calls me a fanboy, as i am in fact using phenom II still, yes i am a fanboy since last year, when i realized the shit Intel is getting away with. I own a i7 and i5 first gen, and i5 2500k, and i'm getting anymore.
It is not just because of my European socialistic cries, it is because of all the development in hardware we are loosing when we have a monopoly. Look how fucking fast things where going when Cyrix, AMD and Intel was all there against each others. Fuck your engineering arguments, competition is the single biggest motivator for corporations.
had to upgrade my phenom II x6 to ryzen 1700 because it couldn't run pcsx2 at full speed
feels good man
feel you, at first a thought i would upgrade to a second hand piledrive when i heard something new was coming, but then i realized how good they where, so i decided to build a PC on Ryzen 2 (but fuck me if i had expected the RAM and GPU increase, i can't reuse my otherwise good DDR3 or aging 7870)
>No, they had their own, very capable 3DNow! instruction set, they didn't fucked up at all.
>They had a 1998 instruction set in a 2010 CPU therefore not having the more modern instruction set extensions is okay
You literally just said that
yes i did. did i, at any fucking point, say 3DNow! version 298? No, if you read my post, i complained that Intel had force AMD out of their corporation deal (which intel offered AMD back in the day) and that AMD was reluctant to start licensing from Intel, a good choice, you realize how many fucking instruction sets you would need to license in order to both keep up to date and have legacy support?
Was 3DNow! used? No, as i just said, so was it the good option for consumers at that point? Hell fucking no! But why you still ask? Well go read my post again, with trying to find something to argue about, and try to read what i wrote instead.
3DNow! was a horrible, non used instruction set, which is still unused in my 965 BE, to this day. But there is a reason.
Athlon 64 for best single core CPU
i5-2500 for best multi core
The Motorola 68000 (or the series of Motorola processors) is the best processor ever made. Praised for being easy to use and easy to learn and was present in almost every video game system and home computer of the 90s and is still used in all kinds of embedded devices.
I still have the E8400 :^)