
What e-reader truly respects my freedom? And don't say physical books.

All of them. You're free to be a retarded faggot no matter which one you choose.

All of them?

t. brainlet who has never read a book after high school

has anyone had trouble getting their Kindles to be recognised by computers lately? Tried on windows 10 as well as Ubuntu, and nothing seems to work. I tried resetting, restarting and fiddling with all sorts of device settings. I tried with multiple USB cables. It's doing my head in.

Just because they run Linux doesn't mean they don't require closed source software.

kindle that is constantly in airplane mode. put stuff on it using calibre

I've had no problems on that front with my kindle oasis. Which model do you have?
Though I wouldn't suggest an amazon product to you OP, since it sounds like you are very into free software and would hate a lot of things it does. They are very apple-style walled-garden with a ton of built in features designed for nonfree vendor lockin stuff. You can still stick ebooks from other sources on them, but there's a lot of hard-coded stuff that is obviously intended to be for amazon's bookstore. At the end of every book (or every epub file in general), it asks you to rate it on amazon. The "book description" option in the menu takes you to the amazon page for the book. There are "kindle store" and "goodreads" buttons permanently on the top of the screen whenever you're browsing your collection (not while reading books though).


Plus koreader.
It's the only one that is somewhat open

This. I love my Aura One with Koreader.

That's because you disabled all kinds of windows stuff.

>i love spending millions of dollars to read gay fanfic

i like my kobo h2o

I read Parappa fanfiction on it.

My AV-606 runs on mostly Foss, save for a few libraries to keep compatibility with the DRM enabled books.

It has a rockchip soc and good documentation so it's easily flashable

The lack of backlight is my main reason for buying it though, no eye strain and such.

Redpill me on Koreader. How difficult is it to install. it's only big feature I know of is it has syncing wirelessly with Caliber but that's not a big deal to me beyond Caliber's and news recipes (assuming I can get it to print an ebook of Drudge Report properly) I love my Kobo Aura One but I really wish it had a RSS reader.

Kobo's store has quite a bit of weeb stuff in it. They have all the Spice and Wolf light novels plus translations of it's seaqua and a manga adaptation I never knew existed. They also have english translations of light novels that have had popular anime adaptations. It's a nice bonus for someone like me. Although I mainly interested in reading public domain stuff which I get for free and sideload.

I just got a Kobo. Mostly because all my books are in Epub which are a lot easier to pirate. It asked me to make an account, but it let me choose not to send my data to them. Regardless, I have wifi on it disabled.

>Mostly because all my books are in Epub which are a lot easier to pirate
this isn't a major concern
calibre can convert between formats very easily and I have no issues pirating shit for a kindle
except when some shit is only available in pdf

You don't have to connect that shit to the internet except for the initial setup. After that just have it forget the wifi network and add all the hentai you want

pocketbook desu


What do you use to reflow PDFs?

Works fine in fedora OS. Try a new cord or sumthin' idunnknow

fuck off.

any experience on that? some guy here said he ordered one weeks ago, I'm waiting for that feedback still ;__;