Why do soyboys love mechanical keyboards so much?
Why do soyboys love mechanical keyboards so much?
>why do soyboys love membrane keyboards so much
FTFY faggot
OP, please post a picture of yourself to show us what a real alpha male meat eating chad looks like
It's that soyboy lifestyle. They have nothing going on in their lives so they pretend they have a modicum of creativity by choosing non-traditional color combos. Notice how these fat, gay faggots aren't engaged in an activity that requires a keyboard: this is typical since anyone that is required to type for a living sees their keyboards for the tools that they are and not a medium for the most milquetoast form of personal expression imaginable.
Oh shit, OP you're gonna really hit a raw nerve for those babymechtards. They actually fell for the meme. Manlet keyboards! Can you believe it, the state of Sup Forums today.
Are you the fat one with no bread?
That fat one definitely has bread. An excess of bread.
people whose job it is to type on keyboards are not real men.
t. your dad
stop projecting
>t. fat tittyman that has spent over $1k on keyboards that are all functionally equivalent in the last two years
>Going community on another site that doesn't force their believes upon you, take a picture from them and posting it here just to point them with a fat finger and make fun of them
This is the cringiest thing you can do.
>he fell for the 60% mechanical keyboard meme
Because it feels good.
>shitting on mechanical keyboards.
If your using them just to be hip, sure by all means.
But Goddamn are they nice to type on if you do an sort of extended typing work or decide to be an author. To the point I don't think I could use a normal keyboard for anything other than the most basic office functions.
material value
Because they are only really useful for typists today and the general hipster community goes full nostalgia over how common they were in the late 80s/early 90s.
stop projecting
My dad is a retired computer engineer. Why would he call himself not a real man?
Wait isn't soyboys suppose to be frail-bodied people?
butthurt op doesn't have friends to drink and compare keyboards with kek
your'e dad was a soyboy, user...
thin frames, big tits
imagine being this mad about people having a weird hobby that they enjoy with others instead of being an angry resentful NEET who makes fun of people that actually enjoy their life
buying stuff isn't a real hobby.
>things I don't like aren't a real hobby, they should just be angry little shits with a god complex who will off themselves before they turn 35
Absolutely no one gives a shit if a keyboard has a membrane, because they actually work just fine.
>claiming soy
>no soy faces in photo
You have to do better than that OP. A soyboy isn't just anyone who isn't an alpha male Chad
not a single soyboy in that picture
learn to shitpost correctly.
Looks like a bunch of nice people having fun.
They are keyboardlets... what a sucker punch of people. I never knew the testosterone levels of Sup Forums is this low. I wouldn't buy an expensive keyboard just to look good. If it's more than 10$ into the trash it goes.
>the most milquetoast form of personal expression imaginable
I've read this exact sentence twice in the past hour. Are you just going from thread to thread telling others how butthurt you are by people who buy expensive keyboards? Because I think THAT might actually be the most milquetoast form of personal expression I can imagine.
the sad life of a resentful poorfag
>He doesn’t type for at least 8 hours a day
Ok kid, let me know how your fingers feel after a day of typing with a shitty membrane keyboard.
Why are you championing shitty membrane keyboards just because a group of people you don't like happen to like mechanical?
Given how massive the tits are on the first two these are clearly cow milk drinkers and cheesebreathers
>being this insecure about a mundane hobby some kids picked up
you mad brah? keep taking your estrogen little guy
it's funny that now you're the one who sounds angry and resentful
They feel perfectly fine, as my fingers are not made of talcum
Your fingers are made of lard so I’m surprised that you can even type that out.
we have mechanical keyboard generals that regularly hit bump limit on Sup Forums. This is like making an "anime is for faggots, prove me wrong" thread on Sup Forums.
You contribute absolutely nothing to this board. Kill yourself
The opposite of mechanical is not membrane. The opposite of mechanical is rubberdome. You can have a membrane keyboard that is also mechanical.
Yeah, nobody should own multiple things that are functionally equivalent. All you faggots with multiple shirts and pairs of pants, lmao.
i used a few demo models at stores and they are honestly pretty shit for what you are paying for
this is a scissor-switch rubber dome. it feels better to click and has smoother, nicer feeling keys. $5 at thrift-store
>They are literally at a barbecue joint.
I love my mechanical keyboard and I have a submissive gf (female). Nice try OP
I am shopping for a point of sale keyboard so I can have another 50 keys for more functions, macros, and expanded unicode bindings.
150% mechanical keyboards when?
For the free baskets of cornbread muffins
Where is this magical land of free corn pone?!??!?
get one of those tiny keyboards that are programmable and program all the keys to macros/functions in unison with a fullsize keyboard
forget split keyboards, you need two full keyboards
I'm shopping about and may get one of these to mount at a 75 degree angle above my fullsize keyboard.
> 150% when?
>massdrop "artisan" garbage for $400
fuck off
top kek
Also, as a mechanical keyboard user, those 60-80% keyboards (eg, ducky's pok3rs, etc) are the stupidest, least productive, non-ergonomic shit i've seen. Nobody with a job uses one, they're merely cosmetic.
Sup Forums is littered with hobbyists who spend more than is needed on electronic toys:
>gaming anything
>rgb anything
>nice headphones
>multiple thinkpads
>edc autisms
Why act like mechanical keyboards are somehow objectively more childish or superfluous than all of the other bullshit that fills this board.
80% of all discussion here pertains to something I've listed. The other 20% is linux. You are just as bad as everyone else, kys.
that black grill is cute
cuz it just works
you membrane fagget
>tfw gaming on a mechanical keyboard
>tfw programming on a mechanical keyboard
>tfw RGB LEDs on my keys change colors when I press them
>tfw i hear sound of the clickity-clack
>tfw it slightly improves my gaming performance
>tfw girls who come to my apartment like my keyboard
Enjoy your basic membrane keyboard OP. You'll never know how satisfying it is to type on a mechanical one.
I have a job and use a 60% pok3r daily at home. I have a tenkeyless at work.
It's all about preference dude
That's why.
are those the guys that post on /mkg/?
/mkg/ meetup?
fuking milenial soypricks
Doesn't making this post make you worse than them
> used blue/black instead of grey/white
Ever pressed a button on something and thought oh that feels really nice to press? Well you can get a keyboard full of them.
Too bad most mechanicalfags use Cherry MX garbage which desu is worse than the majority of Rubber domes. Scratchy plastic on plastic garbage.
Realforce, IBM Buckling and ALPs are where it's at.
Wtf is the point of those tiny keyboards?
But they're a bit loud though aren't they? I'm using mx clears and they feel fun to type on.
Because their gyno makes them fantasize about being secretaries.
They're utterly unusable. Only reason soyim buy them is so they can be contrarian.
Pseudonostalgia / quasi-old-fashionism. It's expressed not only with keyboards.
Realforce is pretty quiet. Uses Topre switches.
Feels really smooth, and feels like a pillow if you bottom out.
I forgot those Realforce's are topre, I've heard about them yeap
>people like things I don't like
there's nothing wrong with having a nice keyboard, but buying keyboards as a hobby is fucking retarded and qualifies you as an unfettered buypig
effeminated like to have pretty things that they think makes them unique.