Why is this allowed?
Why is this allowed?
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why wouldn't it be?
>buying a cheap motherboard with electrolytic caps
>buy gen 1 solid caps
>still fail miserably
>by good electrolytic
>they work
Hmmm makes you think
What is the actual difference between those 2?
blame the caps or the bad power supply in your house?
Or the fact that the board is probably 10 years old
Age should never be the reason for a pc's retirement. That's why people buy expensive motherboards and power supplies - they want their computers to last.
Cheaper motherboards have electrolytic capacitors that fail due to age and high temperature.
I've worked on many computers with bloated caps and have never seen a single one that was destroyed due to a psu failure.
Solid electrolyte doesn't evaporate. They can still fail but they're more reliable. I can't find good replacements for all but a small subset of electrolytic caps. Maybe large manufacturers have better access to parts than I do.
Properly chosen electrolytic caps with a well laid out mobo in a halfway ventilated pc case will last more than a decade. At that point replacement is trivial compared to some of the crap I see retro hipsters doing to keep their gear running.
>Age should never be the reason...
>Cheaper motherboards have electrolytic capacitors that fail due to age...
I'm lmfao
Left has liquid in it so it can spring a leak and stop working.
Old design and very cheap to make.
Right is newer design without liquid.
More reliable but more expensive.
youre right, PGA sockets and other gayyymd products should never be allowed in this world
Why are you complaining?
Any decent PC made in the last like 8 years have all solid capacitors minus the few you find in the audio circuit and those are electrolytic for a good reason
>Electrolytic caps in the current year
even no name chink boards have solid caps
desu if an electrolytic cap goes rip just solder a new onto it
I disapprove of this inaccurate terminology. Both of those are electrolytic capacitors. Electrolytic caps can have both solid or non-solid electrolytes.
Solid state caps don't have a liquid in them and at 65C can last 6 times as long
Knowing chink boards, they're probably cheap non-solid ones packaged to look like the more expensive high quality type.
Volts need a home too
Bullshit, there are electrolytic caps that are better than solid ones.
They do cost more. For example those made by Nichicon and rated at 20000 hours lifetime. Bear in mind that this lifetime is calculated based on the assumption you are using the device at its maximum allowable temperature.
If you keep your device 10 degrees cooler, you extend the life of your caps significantly.
The stuff OP refers to is gaymurs marketing bullshit, used by mobo manufacturers to milk you of money. Pay up, goyims, for solid caps. But you don't check what the ratings are on those caps. Because not all solid caps are better than electrolytic ones.
Or better yet, a diode inside of a capacitor can.
These are both electrolytic capacitors.
Because you're a fucking retard. Kill yourself.
Why is this allowed?
fugging chinks
seems like no one makes new capacitor technology anymore. its always either those in the pic or the solid meme.
Even high end power supplies use electrolytic caps and people expect those to last more than 5 years but somehow electrolytic caps on motherboards automatically equals bad? Unless it's defective or is constantly allowed to overheat electrolytic caps will last long enough until your next upgrade.
fug me that will cause problems, thank you chinka
I-is that a thing?
there may be high quality electrolytic caps too but only really expensive high end audio hardware use them. motherboards use the cheapest possible chinkshit.
Wow check out those BIG BLACK CAPS.
Because you time travel to 2010 to insult depreciated technologies.
Look at that socket. Disgusting.
looks like a normal amd socket to me.
Dude, that motherboard is socket 939 (hint: cooler mounting holes), they were made in 2004-2006. Solid caps were not used for CPU VRM systems then. The conversion to them started many years later. There were no other options but e-caps like these, then.
I have two 939 boards and both still work BTW, no bulging. Some brands had problems though and there was a wave of low-quality chinese caps at one point that gave the electrolytes a bad name forever.
For an LGA775 maybe. Disgusting.
I'm afraid that one day a cap is going to go on my original Xbox
Because you buy chinks shit.
Caps should be properly rated for temperature and ESR. And chinks try to put as less caps, as possible, so system runs only for warranty period fine.
Back in the day, before chinks meme existed, capacitors were larger and more reliable. You can salvage caps like from 80's japs (or Korean) TV and they will be still in specs. Try salvaging caps from LCD monitor from 00's, caps would be failed, or will fail soon.
Don't be a pussy, get yourself a soldering iron, solder, rosin (or whatever non-acid flux), a cap and replace it.
Get raped twice and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.
Both are electrolytic retard
Ones just higher quality
shit for brains much
you replace the capacitors and it works forever
Fucking kys you poorfag neet
Embrace capitalism
who else /amplifier/ here?
just bought a shit ton of replacement caps & resistors for a 30 year old amp
OP is a racist.
Why? if it works - don't replace.
They sound different as they dry out, I'm replacing the big filter caps not the bias caps.
The resistors and ceramics I'm modding to the specs of a different amp that's almost impossible to buy, my amp is very similar so change a few values and you're mostly there.
>Why is this allowed?
That looks to be quite old, new stuff doesn't have that problem too often
not sure why you're complaining
>That's why people buy expensive motherboards and power supplies - they want their computers to last
or you can choose to upgrade to something 2x better for 2x cheaper by then
>capacitors deliberately mounted above very hot components
Why is this allowed
>for 2x cheaper
Capacitors cost literally pennies
Only chinks could come up with such a evil idea. I don't even think jews would do such a heretical thing.
Because size has a substantial impact on durability for wet caps. Each tiny CPU side cap has to handle the same ripple current as the medium size ones you see on the 12V rail of a PSU. They have to use a water-based electrolyte rather than oil to get low enough ESR, and the water tends to corrode things.
hello friend
See probably ~2005, when solid caps simply weren't an option
This is why we get capacitors and designs that force them to operate in a low reliability area. I recapped a computer that busted after 7 years of continuous operation for $15. If they save $10 on each unit and make a 10k units that's some serious shekels.
I never knew about this. Guess it explains why I had more then one motherboard in that era die on me but I've never had a P1 or 486 board die from caps popping. Always figured it was due to higher power draw in later years, but I didn't know that it was a /thing/.
overclocking getting more popular and more singificant also played role. OCed systems stressed those caps more.
That’s a PGA you fucking idiot, and and still uses those on ryzen
The old shit in the pic is the LPT port
Shitskin pajeets.
for pedophiles' best experience listening to their 64-bit 1024kHz wav files