That's slander, RMS would never, ever recommend gentoo because it does not respect your Four Freedoms.
Justin Edwards
Install a pirated windows 7 sp1, then search for the accesibility version windows 10 and you will get the official version for free as an upgrade for w7.
Xavier Gonzalez
Leo Fisher
Download LTSB and check sha1 hash code then activate it using VLMCSD, Open source activator, activating process is using Virtual Machine.
Don't use KMSpico and other shit it is closed source russian malware. If you don't know to activate it just use gnu/linux.
Accessibility version free upgrade ended at the end of 2017.
Joshua Anderson
It still works. 7SP1 activated with DAZ Loader and upgrade to 1511 (I guess 1607 should work too) Win10 will give you a digital license. Ofcourse, if you do this, do it with Ultimate 7 so you get 10Pro license.
Jose Nelson
It still works, they extended it indefinetly
Chase Wood
are you a student? if so you may not even need to pirate anything. just check with your school scroll down to windows 10 and see if your school qualifies. some places you can even get the academic version, which with a few tweaks can disable cortana and such (not as cool as enterprise which is cleaner without tweaking, but good enough).
Joshua Anderson
Use Professional or Enterprise, skip the N editions, and use the latest build. 10 is botnet no matter what, and you can still debloat most of it. Creator's Update is fast as hell on my decade-old computers so stick with that. LTSB is a meme.
LTSB1607 is faster than Enterprise1607, Pro1607, Pro1703 and Pro1709. It's simply lighter.
Elijah Ramirez
My four toasters say otherwise.
Tyler Cruz
>what windows should I install None. Install a gnu/linux distro, they work more reliable and m$ won't fuck you in the ass
Jaxson Price
>toasters Maybe, I ddn't test on any low-end system. On Broadwell-E LTEB1607 outperforms other mentioned versions of 10.
Robert Powell
Some quality advice here guys, thanks.
I understand that, as a member of the 32% of legitimately autistic Sup Forums users, you want to share your opinion. Please do not.
Gavin Mitchell
I don't know what the Pajeets in Redmond did in the CU but it was at least twice as fast as previous versions. It made my 10 year old Walmart special with Celeron processor and 2GB RAM usable again. I ain't even using and SSD.
Christian Hall
>>>reddit This is a unix-like board
Alexander Lopez
>unix-like *hug*
Adrian James
whatever, Harold.
William Cox
>impying anybody here cares about cucked operating systems GPL is the only way