>try SublimeText
>install Sumbimelinter-Pylint package
>install pylint
>doesn't work
>>but you have to put pylint in the path
>google "pylint executable path windows"
>no answer, or only python 2
>no linter
WHY is that piece of fucking trash so badly documented ? VSCode doesn't need any of that
Try SublimeText
windows babby
doesn't even know how to edit his PATH
I fucking know you idiot, what I don't know is where this stupid .exe is, learn to read
>executable path
sorry winie, I'm not your tech support
>can't even install a text editor
wow, this is a new low, even for Sup Forums
What's wrong with this? I want the path where the pylint .exe is.
more like
>doesn't want to waste time on an obscure piece of shit where you have to search half your system partition to know something that shouldn't even be manual
This dude can't even configure a simple text editor, one of the most basic programs out there. Go play with your "apps" buddy and leave this sort of stuff to us vim kings.
>bitch what the fuck is search everything by void tools
Install Anaconda instead
Low effort bait.
Where in the actual fuck am I supposed to find the answer to the simple question "where is the pylint executable", which is necessary to configure this shit? Not in the doc at least.
Did you even Google, I literally found this on the first page
were iz mai path.exe? wewweeeeeee
Hint unlocked
>python -m site
wow thanks
it's still undocumented crap
>what I don't know is where this stupid .exe is
holy fuck
>being this clueless
what said
just get notepad++
>using a nonfree text editor
Unironically use VSCode on my linux install. I have to give microshit credit for this one.
Linux is a kernel.
Spergs these days,,,
not him, but... There is no such thing as a "linux install"; are you a retard?
He has an installation of Linux. You are retarded.
Even if I hate Wangblows and a lot of Microshit stuff I have to agree.
However VSCode, Dotnet and Poweshell. All the while when Linux is using more RestAPI's and Wangblows 10 supposedly is the last Wangblows version. Why do I get the feeling that Microshit wants to drop Windows in the long term and wants to find a new business model on Linux?
Yes it is, but guess what? Someone has to install the kernel in the GNU/Linux system, the kernel doesn't install itself, retard
Lol just sudo apt install sublime-text fucking degenerate
> he doesn't know what working directories are
> he doesn't know what .dll hell is
l m b o ; the absolut state of Windows Me users