How do you choose your passwords, Sup Forums?

How do you choose your passwords, Sup Forums?

ouija board

Password generator.

head -c 1024 /dev/urandom | tr -dc '\''a-zA-Z0-9~!@#$%^&*_-'\'' | head -c 32 | cat

How the fuck did I not see this in the news? And if it's something I need to remember off the top of my head I take a line from a song and add a number.

keyboard mashing

A random combination of Military Aerospace parts and tolerances.

These parts have names that arnt listed anywhere.


Yeah, but I'll put numbers and capital letters in them randomly after I do.

I live in Cardiff

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As IT support, I create a lot of passwords for new users. I don't want to implement a password policy because half of my user base is retarded, so I just set a good password by default and tell them to change it.

What I do is just combine two words that come to mind and then add padding.
Here's an ex.

I use "correct horse battery staple" on everything. It's been proven to be the best password.

itt: Technically correct answers, that will never satisfy some management-tard's mandatory password policy

that's a jeep

diceware for password manager and tr -cd '[:alnum:]'


*misheard line from a song
*line from a song in foreign language written in your language phonetically

Four "random" words, the first and second word gets a letter replaced with a number and the third and last word gets a symbol injected into it. The last letter of the first and the first letter of the last are capitalized.

>nigger, waldo, lemon, burnt

I remember it as two strings the "phrase" and the modifications.

It is my name followed by my birth year

i think of a word, put it in tripcode explorer, and select the best input i find