I hate it more and more every day

I hate it more and more every day.

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please tell me more

Where can I subscribe to your blog, Pajeet? Will I also find some Java and C# related posts? Maybe some nice curry recipes as well?

Listen, I know the concept of JavaScript as well as the engine it runs on is shit. Let me reason with you.

- JavaScript is one of the fastest JIT languages we have. This is pretty cool.
- JavaScript's ecosystem is very powerful and allows for rapid development. Not sure why this isn't the case for other languages, but essentially every tool on npm is plug-and-play.
- Supported almost universally, works with Docker and Kubernetes in addition.

What else could you want? Sure, you could build something a lot more performant in C, but it's going to take 10x longer, be full of bugs, and will require high skill level developers to maintain.

Also, I was talking more about Node.js here, but some of these points apply to frontend JavaScript too.

What about Go or Python?

I hate it more and more every day

Sure, Go and Python are pretty good too. However, in my experience, the pip package manager is pretty awful to use. Not sure about Go... the code doesn't have very nice aesthetics to me, but it makes up for this in other ways.

I've heard it is going to be replaced by web assembly. Not sure how good this is.

How so? Do you mean in windows? Genuinely curious because I only have used pip to do “pip install ___” now and then and thats as far as I’ve used it.

You should try pic related.

The truth is it will likely be augmented with webassembly not replaced. Which is fine by me.

Dumb phoneposter.

Buy a pc phonefag.

Well, the dependencies are installed into a global directory, which makes it difficult to see what's installed or just delete the project's dependencies. The pip install command doesn't create a dependencies file, or append to it either.

The fact alone that they dishonestly named it like that just because Java was popular makes me rage.

Javascript and all it's children are made for fucking degenerates who can't learn real programming language. It's piece of shit..

It's not so much the language itself. It's what it turned the Web into.

Oh because you want to keep things “clean/minimal”? Meh I’m ok with installing and installing and installing and never deleting since the install sizes are so small and its not an issue like real world object cluttering in your room like unused books on a shelf.

Whatcha sayin' nao, salty boii?
A truly PC mastah rase!

It confused me when I was younger, I thought when I got a warning that java applette needed updating that it was related to javascript somehow

that's why you use virtual environments...

Suck it, grandpa

Show boipucci.

You do your developing in a VE all the time? I’ve been considering this now that RH offers RHEL for free with development license.

Please elaborate?

>works with docker
This is a negative


buy a Thinkpad, install gentoo

Second hand HP server master race


Let's keep things constructive. Tell me why not to use Docker.

anime website

Whaaaaa??? Anime on an anime discussion image board website?????

It's ok for short scripts where you don't run into any of it's problems.

I dont see why you wouldnt use docker, I’ve been interested in it. Being able to design and deliver a program that doesnt require the user install a ton of dependencies sounds great.


>Being able to design and deliver a program that doesnt require the user install a ton of dependencies sounds great.
That's like the opposite of docker

I thought the same. A lot of people on Sup Forums will complain about the bloat, but that isn't a valid reason, and I doubt any of the people that say that actually have a job.

Well the only dependency is docker itself.

But for example, you dont have to worry about “oh will users on windows have to install the right version of python and use pip? Do they have the right version of java? Etc etc”

>have a user deploy an entire fucking operating system to get your program to run
This isn't fucking windows where you have 6 billion versions of .NET installed, try just having a readme file of the shit you need to install.

>deploying a program to end users
>README with dependencies
what if you deploy to more than just developers?

I seriously doubt you've ever been a developer. Things go missing from the Internet. Documentation goes missing. Plus, that's incredibly inconvenient when redeploying after an update or a new dependency has been added. It pretty much makes DevOps a requirement.

Portable programs are the best. I dislike how “normal” programs modify things in several folders, hidden temporary folders, registries in windows, etc. unless totally impossible, if a program can do everything inside its own little folder and nowhere else, thats ideal to me. Even if it makes the install size 500MB instead of 40MB I dont care. Drive space is cheap.

Are you fucking blind it something? This is MY thread where I'm complaining about anime.
So gtfo of here!

Usually people that say that can't actually program their way out of a for loop.

What have you done with JS, that makes you dislike it so?

What else could I want?
Decent scoping for a start.
Not to mention optimization.
The instant you go 3 scopes deep, the whole fucking engine shits itself hard.
The very core of JS is broken. It needs a rewrite for it to ever be good.

That'll never happen because the shit thing is everywhere.
It's god damn x86 all over again!

>decent scoping
Tried const/let?

>not to mention optimization
For a JIT language, JavaScript is already incredibly fast.

>The instant you go 3 scopes deep, the whole fucking engine shits itself hard
What are you even talking about?

Sorry, but it appears as though you have no clue what you're talking about and are just looking for reasons to hate something.

Typescript security


I love it more and more every day.

This tbqh

Can you suggest some good javascript books? All books that i have found are written for 12 years old black mtf anime transgenders with iq == 70 and i feel retarded while reading them


Honestly the JavaScript ecosystem moves so fast that you're better off learning from reading code or documentation online.

This is what you get when you never learn the underlying concepts properly.
If you actually know for example how and why closures work like that it makes perfect sense.
But yeah, come and cry on a image board about it.

eloquent JavaScript




Banker here

I always post here about financial crime and account stealing and security and stuff. Now you guys are gonna help me. I'm going to school for Computer Engineering, I know Java and C but if i learn JS can I please QUIT MY FUCKING JOB and get around $20/hr part time? Is this possible? i want to leave so bad please let me into your JS club if it's so easy if I have to help an old lady access her money from an ATM fuckup ONE MORE TIME I'm killing myself and some Merryl Lynch boys also

Holy shit don't even
That piece of shit is unoptimized as fuck.
Everyone of worth suggests steering clear of it.
CONST, no beef against it. He's cool.

As for it being JIT'd, doesn't matter, it's high-overhead as fuck when you chain multiple enclosures deep. It absolutely shits the bed.
See pretty much every JavaScript library. That's why they are so slow.
Sorry, I typo'd scope and enclosure in the last bit.
That shit really needs to be fixed.
It makes any significant project run like shit because of the overhead. It makes shit like Slashdot, Sup Forums or Facebook essentially ridiculously slow on say, netbooks. That simply should not be.
Just because we have more powerful hardware these days means we should abuse it. That shit thinking is why the world is so fucked up at every level from the economy to energy sector.

You should see the silly amounts of optimizations that developers at Unreal had to go through to make UE4 run in JS+ WebGL.
It's fucking dumb how shit JS is at handling enclosures. So so dumb.
Every new enclosure shouldn't add any significant overhead in processing, even less so when the damn thing is JIT'd and not dynamic!
Sure, if it is dynamic and can't be optimized, it's expected to be slow as fuck, but when the code is solidly written it STILL blows ass.
It along with the DOM is what holds back the web from actually being a serious development platform. Both of them need to be rewritten from scratch and the original developers punched in the throat for making such shit ideas in to a reality.

t. Pajeet Parvell, aka PPCodur.

They literally don't exist.

I agree with this post.

Roughly a 1.5 year ago if you asked me about JS I would have scoofed at you. But I started working with it more and more, I learned about React, Node.js, GraphQL, and all kinds of other neat shit and I gotta say, it's pretty fuckin neat.

Some things I love about JS:
>arrow functions
>everything is an object that you can extend(or it's prototype)
>simply type system that can be expanded with typescript(though I don't see why you would want to)
>really vibrant community creating a lot of cool frameworks and tools
>great debugging capabilities(see chrome debugger and Node.js inspect, pic related)

I seriously like JS, and the only thing that kinda makes me sad is lack of multithreading. But even then the way Node.js is written it actually performs MUCH better than for example a ruby or python based. As in, hundreds of times more requests handled compared to python/ruby on a single thread.

>I know Java and C
Good start.

>if i learn JS can I please QUIT MY FUCKING JOB
If you actually find it less grueling than your current job, sure.
>and get around $20/hr part time? Is this possible?
Definitely possible if you get a hang of some currently popular technologies(Angular, React, Vue, GraphQL, Relay, so on). JS developers that can actually use the new frameworks are in high demand.

The issue is, you're gonna need to spend 0.5 to 1 year working to get to a level when you stop hating JS and it's environment as well as yourself and you start realizing how powerful it really is. The learning curve can be pretty steep, especially since the web ecosystem is so fucking frustrating. But many people do it so you can too.

If you want I can try writing down a brief program, lets say 10 step one, on what you should master before applying anywhere.

Thanks man i saved this post im gonna also get some certs with babking money.

FUCK certs dude, the actual skills is what matters. Give me a minute, I'm writing down a list for you.

yes, all my developing is done in a VE. It as easy as running $workon myenv and boom, my environment is there up and running. Google python virtual environment, there's a few managers out there

Basic JavaScript skills you'll need before applying for a(decent paying) JS dev job:

1. JavaScript it self - this is not just the syntax, but also:
>differences between vanila(ES1), ES5 to ES7
>prototypes, defining them, changing them
2. JS in Browser - you main environemtn will be the browser, and you have to get to know it, this includes:
>shit about the DOM(Document Object Model)
>also BOM(Browser Object Model)
>browser JS event loop
>ajax requests
>dev console(all browsers have it)
>not exactly js but you'll need to learn about CSS too
3. JS libraries for use in the web, in the following order:
>jquery - it's the workhorse of the net, old but still popular
>bootstrap or alternative for style management
>underscore.js, lodash, lazy.js, or whatever else people use nowadays
4. Building tools
>grunt/gulp - for running your build process for your apop
>webpack/brunch/browserify - for compiling/translating/minifying your app code/assets
>babel - for running new JS in old JS compatible ways
5. Node.js - for running on hosts instead of web browsers
>npm/yarn - for package management
>also babel
>--inspect and chrome dev console for debugging
>express/koa or something else for web server hosting
>you'll need to play with some storage too, relational or nosql, whatever floats your boat

That's the gist of it. I'm not saying that you need to know all of these things. It's just what you will most probably encounter when trying to get a job as a JS dev.

I might add that you shouldn't learn those skills in a vacuum.

Pick a project and try implementing it with different technologies. For example:

PROJECT: Single window game of tick tack tack toe.

Step 1: Do it with vanila browser JS
Step 2: Re-do it(from scratch) with jQuery+bootstrap+lodash
Step 3: Do it again with React/Vue/Angular

Extra step: Add Node.js backend and make the game work in multiple browsers.

python is painfully slow unless you use it as a c wrapper

Sure, but it's a great scripting language for automating shit. Defintely don't write high performance backends in it, but writing a backup automation tool, or an API client CLI too, or something like that? Sure.

js is easy as fuck, get good loser

is express too much bloat compared to raw node http?

people still use this? i thought it had license issues

With me it's just the opposite.
I get used to the muck as I go along.

>is express too much bloat compared to raw node http?
Not really. The overhead should be tiny. But personally I prefer Koa because it makes proper use of async/await keywords.


I don't see anything wrong with it. I just think people sometimes overuse it.

If used rightly and sparingly, it can make things very aesthetically pleasing and provide a good experience.

Wasm doesn't have native dom bindings yet

Make a valid argument OP...seriously you are making yourself look like a whinny beginner who quits in a week.

Why I use it

1. You have the option to use standard JS or Es6 if you prefer to use Classes.

2. npm makes it convenient for get libraries and dependencies from your terminal.

3. Use it as a server-side language with node.js

4. With Johnny-Five, you can use JS for robotics. Here is the link johnny-five.io/

5. The concept of building web components and using data-attributes gives you clean reusable code which really speeds up efficiency.

Also C++ wrappers for JS runs much faster than the python ones, I have no idea why python is the prefered glue language even if indentation is part of the language looks horrible.

It will get them eventually.

When that happens, say goodbye Javascript, and hello full-stack Rust.

dude thank you so much I saved all this

Here dotnetcurry.com/


>46 stack frames are hidden

And your point is?



Comparing Koa against raw Node.js code you'll lose around ~25% of performance. Though I'd say it's worth it for clear readable code.

there is no "standard JS or ES6", everyone should always use latest stable standard which is ES8 now, you're babeling that shit anyway
also, there are no real classes in JS, I see to many epople thinking the class syntax sugar now magically enables classical inheritance in JS, but that's wrong because class syntax is just a fancy way to write prototypes

I still don't know how I feel about this.

One one hand I like how minimal the syntax is, so that's neat, but on another hand it will obscure for many people what's happening underneath and they will probably never learn how prorotypes really work. Tough call.

>implying it makes thing easier EVER
In my whole carrer I've seen maybe 2 or 3 cases when real inheritance would have been nice. For anything else just having stack of prototypes is enough as long as you can identify the parent prototype easilly.

>Not sure why this isn't the case for other languages, but essentially every tool on npm is plug-and-play
Because devlopers of other languages don't let unverifiable code access their sensitive data and crash production just because they don't want to write their own leftpad

It’s open source code. How is it unverifiable?

hey guys look at me, I'm a javavscript developer reinventing the wheel for the 50th fucking time

Haha your language has types
Haha your language doesn't have types