>Alright now I know what you are thinking.
>Forth is the most minimal and cool system, >even cooler than arch linux, I'm sure you are aware.
>But here is what you might not know.
>The odds that you are smart enough to code forth is very low.
>Most of you javascript programmer could not implement an array without making an array of arrays, and you'd have to use arrays to track it.
In forth there are no arrays.
>Only pointers.
>But what it creates
>Is a micro lisp
>it's like a super small super efficient version of haskell
>only completely mutable like c
Alright now I know what you are thinking
Other urls found in this thread:
It's just the poor man's Factor.
forth can do everything factor can do
ASM can also do everything Forth can do if you'r good enough, fuck off
but BASIC is still better
picrelated mistake was kill the forth
If they had just had it in color it would have been ok
What’s better forth or lisp?
>turing tarpit
LOng live
we not need forth anymore
we have HolyC
>we not need forth anymore
>we have HolyC
Praise Terry.
I like forth, even made a small forth OS that ran on an actual x220.
The only hard thing is untwisting your mind to get it, for example there are no arrays but that is not to say one cant make a word to make arrays IE I had something like this:
: a+ 4 * + ;
: a- 4 * - ;
: addra >r I 1+ cells alloc dup r> swap ! 1 a+ ; { no name array allocation }
: array addra [comp] const ; { array with length at [-1] }
: [[ ;
: ]] a+ @ ;
which allowed me to allocate arrays with length.
Anyways, I stopped because implementing USB drivers on real hardware was a complete pain in the ass.
Been thinking of getting the GA144 since its completely parallel and runs super fucking fast.
I'm actually in the process of implementing my own forth, but in ARM64 assembly. I'm not a genius so I'm using the Jonesforth as a tutorial, but the dissimilarity between x86 and ARM64 is serving as a good enough barrier to make me learn.
After that, gonna implement a LISP.
I did that same thing but on plain x86, pretty easy considering it was my first implementation of forth and learning asm at the same time- IMO thats the best thing about forth that one doesn't need to be a genius to implement it and Jonesforth is pretty brilliant.
Godspeed user.
Also, I forgot but maybe you'd like to check out pijforth for the RPI, its a semi JonesForth implementation it has a lot of C but it also has some ARM64 asm, mostly in the forth parts.
Looks neat, what books/resources are suggested for learning it?
Since the OP hasn't answered this yet, I'll answer this for him.
If you have any questions feel free to head on over to our discord server: discord.gg
(we're much more active than OP's server)
To allow decompile, it distinguished usual Forth definer and compiler words creation, replacing the CREATE .. DOES>,[14] creation pair with:
DEFINER .... DOES> : Create new Defining words, usually used to define and build data structures. Similar to CREATE..DOES usage in standard FORTH.[15] ( Example: Adding Data Structures as Arrays, Records, ... ).
COMPILER .. RUNS> : Create new Compiling words, less frequently used to extend the language with compiler words where CREATE..DOES> is FORTH implementation dependent.[16] ( Example: New Compiler Control Structures as Case, Infinite Loop, ... ).
These 2 defining pairs, instead of one alone, allowed the ACE to decompile its programs, unlike usual Forth systems. This decompiling ability was a solution to the absence of the more flexible disk system used by Forth. Not storing the source of a Forth program, but compiling the code after editing, it avoided completely the emulation of a disk/tape drive on RAM saving computer memory. It also saved time in reading and writing programs from cassette tape. This tape-friendly and RAM-saving solution was unique to the Jupiter ACE Forth.
How can I start using forth. It seems too hard. I don't even know how to program or use a code window
not a memelord:
why factor over forth or joy?
how do i call external functions? like if I wanted to do graphics with it?
just use forth's built in pointet type
Let me say this real carefully.
One of the discords is run by a great swell guy and the other one is run by a great swell guy who also wants to ban the use of the n word. T hey are both great guys. So choose whichever channel you think is best for you.
Here is the other thing.
Forth is great. First of all, forth is made entirely out of pointers. Pointers are in fact all that is necessary to call something a forth at all.
Second of all, I think that we should all try to encourage Matrix so that we can get off of this terrible discord platform. Discord feels like reddit. Yuck.
Anyway about forth. Lets say you are a s*yb*y webdev who uses javascript and their smallest application is 600 mb.
You might say to yourself "How do I use forth inside of windows in time to get to the football game."
Well I'll tell you, it's go to repl.it/languages/forth
Thanks and good luck. May forth be the king of meme languages
What's the non-censorship discord link?
Sometimes I feel like retards here use obscure and esoteric OS's and languages just for the sake of feeling like they're an outsider while everyone else is a sheep.
Kinda, however it serves a purpose to bring these obscure languages to the light, of course if some or most of these retards used them for something relevant and not just another cp scrapper or whatever.
gforth compiles to C and has a great way to access C functions.
I defined a few wrapper functions in gforth for ncurses and it has worked great.
Well yeah, part of the fun of forth is the fact that it's so out there and completely different from what you're forced to use at work or whatever.
But you need to remember that up until the late to mid 80's, forth was a well known language with a clear place in the industry. It's definitely fallen off simply because the industry cares less and less about memory efficiency and simplicity, but it's still used in niche applications.