mobilefags stop what you’re doing and post your lock screen without fucking with it
Mobilefags stop what you’re doing and post your lock screen without fucking with it
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You are a disgusting degenerate and I hope you die faggot
Here you have faggot.
I'm glad I'm not you
Why is there an ad?
Here you go nigga.
>ads on lock screen
>OS in native language instead of english
absolutely disgusting
What do your normie friends say about this?
Choosing Lucoa over Tohru, you faggot
Poor fags detected.
What a fag
Normaly it ahould be French, but anything is better in OS than English for md, I am just not used to it.
How much time did you spend lining this up?
Be honest.
Yes, FBI, yeah another case
post wallpaper, she's my mommy gf
I really need to fix the Sim...
Nice wallpaper
>usando o celular em inglês
I refuse to believe this many of you carry a weeb lockscreen with you in public.
>Not using it in English.
Still struggling with some Portuguese, user.
nice potatoes
I can understand over the top lewd anime backgrounds, because i also find it cringy that people have pics of women in short clothes as lock screens and shit.
However I don't see anything wrong with simple non-lewd anime backgrounds.
Where are you from?
GO, you?
>pics of women in short clothes
Everybody I know has pics of friends/family on lockscreens. If it's your home desktop, then do whatever, but phone lockscreens are public enough you might as well be wearing a printed t shirt of it. Or at least go with something subtle like pic related.
I don't use a lockscreen so here's my homescreen.
Free black kids on your lock screen
How much did you save by paying for ads?
Charge your phone ffs
>from Brazil
>struggling with portuguese
Lived outside user.
Maybe an expat
>can't wait into you
where tho
USA, user.
Here you faggot
wall pls
so ummmm you guys have just given the op your location data embedded in your screen shot - you fucking NEWFAGS
Here you go
Note 8
Joke's on you, I chose the Dragon loli.
>subtle like pic related.
>big ass mecha in the middle
Imagine taking the effort to make this image, that is some autism.
Not him but i found it
What screen lock?
wallaper user?
>.5s glance at sunset + mecha
>.5s glance at lewd loli
I live in Detroit. If someone hates me enough to willingly come to Detroit, props to them.
Good taste. Evening Asian cities are the only correct choice.
>Having a wallpaper
Didn't Sup Forums eliminate the metadata?
Default openSUSE tumbleweed wallpaper
can you post the original