Sup Forums is botnet
This triggers the mods
Just use uB0
>not adnaeuseum
ok homo
also tits or gtfo attention whore
It's bad for your privacy.
yeah, let all the trackers run in the background but it's totally ok because you don't see ads!
go back to pol brainlet
What addon is that?
Mining Blocker.
>allowing Sup Forums to execute javascript on your computer
Fuck off reddit
But then the site won't work
Wtf is
lel, guess he was right about you after all.
OP is using UBO,"fem"user.
I know, but uB0 alone is enough. no need for other extensions. Only exception being uMatrix.
4 chan's content distribution network (cnd)
How do you get 4chanx to work with these settings? I'd love to disable all scripting on Sup Forums but it breaks 4chanx too.
>HDD going noticeably insane today when waterfox was open
>install mining blocker
>back to normal
You need to enable "JSON Index" in settings
>also tits or gtfo attention whore
what? what does that have to do with his post whatsoever you massive newfag?
Юля, пoшлa нaхyй
Am I OK Sup Forums?
Adblock or not my router already blocks cryptocurrency miners.