/hpg/ - Headphone General

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First for $12 supermarket headsets.

>messy room

>paying 12$ for 2$ chink headsets

DaMn.... buying Audio Technica products will make me look like that?


HE500 ~= HD800(SDR) ~= LCD2 ~= > HD600

K712 or K7XX?

Pretty much looks like the state of my own apartment like 3/4 of the time. The other 1/4 is the lightning clean up session I do before a friend or family visits.

cool opinion considering how you were saying lcd-2 sounds like a speaker with a blown tweeter, and trashing the hd800


i've been thinking on buying the HE500, how's the build quality compared to modern hifiman?

>getting old stale McDonalds and eating candy anyway instead
>painting without looking while playing video games
where's the adderall bucket?

shh you werent supposed to remember. There is no consistency to my opinions
Probably pretty bad but they sound nice

>buying the he500 over the L300LE

>There is no consistency to my opinions
I respect your honesty about your shitposting user

HE500's are like $300 atm
Stax messy decay, more fragile than chifimens, $750


that’s pretty much what I had my mind set on. What are the sound differences?

>Stax messy decay, more fragile than chifimen
point on the doll where the stax owner touched you

>Stax messy decay, more fragile than chifimens, $750
don't forget to add the price for the energizer

don’t want. ugly and ridiculous waiting for drops and manufacturing turnaround and headband snapping.

K7XX probably isn’t what I’ll get but it drops like every week direct from warehouse and it seems pretty solid despite being outsourced


K712 is the better buy for an European. Cost the same as 7xx for us and we don't have to deal with massdrop customer service if something goes wrong.

They're on ebay for ~$250 new, usually.
>headband snapping
That's just shitposting.

I thought the k612 was the model to buy?

Is there any point in getting a DAP? I l've always just used my phone as a portable music player.

K612 is the AKG promoted by people who hate AKG.

better off with a portable dac/amp like a fiio or topping nx5

Looking for

>Closed over ear decent isolation
>100-400 euro
>velour or real leather pads(not pleather)
>easy to drive from pc or phone
>removable cable
>shouldn't be uncomfortable for big ears

Suggest away. Closest I found is beyer custom studio but idk if I can drive them without getting a decent amp/dac

i’m a burger but I emailed Harman/AKG and they say they honor international warranties so importing from EU is better (costs shipping but I don’t pay VAT and it’s way cheaper)

It’s like $30 more than the K7XX but I presume it’s worth it for slightly better build/sound/I like the colorway better than the options for the K7XX, all black which is just boring or red/black which is just corny

But what's the point of even doing that

>(costs shipping but I don’t pay VAT and it’s way cheaper)
You don't have customs fees in America?

no lol


Drives headphones better, and something like a es9028q2m is going to sound better than your phone unless it's an axon7 or v20/30

I think only at 2500$ or higher

No we are capitalists

I have V20, so I guess there really is no reason for me personally to buy a DAP or portable amp

There can still be an argument made that it saves power and also some people just like dedicated hardware.
If battery is an issue just carry a pocketable USB battery pack imo

One of the reasons I bought the v20 is that it has a removable battery so I just carry spare batteries.

it is


powerbear ones are wonderful

Damn I should get a v20

I only buy powerbear supported phones these days.

I want her sweaty feet on my face

speakers > open headphones
unless you got like 100$ or something in which case just get those philips

Why do you come here?

He is right though

Why is Sup Forums so obsessed over headphones?
Headphones are bland as fuck to listen to. They offer no immersion into the music, no physical experience at all, and presents the music with a abysmal soundstage.

we get it already, off topic

because they don't have money to play with speakers or live with their parents

I rent a bed room. The cost of speakers is the cost of buying a home+speakers.
Headphones are also nice to have on, I prefer wearing them to not.

nobody except middle aged divorcees have the time, space, and autism to deal with a proper speaker setup

this is why every audio advancement in the past 20 years has been about moving away from speakers. you're kidding yourself if you think your shitty entrylevel jbls are better than a high-end open headphone

they arrived. bass is better than my hd600s for sure but i'm not sure they're keepers yet.

not sure if trolling or just jealous

Why did you go with them over the 2c with the new headband? Did you guy them used?
I'm seriously considering the same headphones but I think maybe a hd600 and emu teak would be better use of the money.
Are the 600's your only other point of reference?
pls tell me more


>I think maybe a hd600 and emu teak would be better use of the money.
take the atticus + hd800/stax pill

Unless it's super dupont resonator it's not even a good headphone man. Could list 15 things that are better than it.
That's a normie headphone. You give 10 twitch.tv gamers $1k and say buy a headphone, 10/10 buy a hd800.

What's everyone listening to?




Sure, list them if you want.
I've tried the Focal Utopias as well. They were somewhat better than the hd800, but not as comfortable.

i got them used, they look barely touched.
i wanted these over the classics because of the fazor elements.
hd600 are the only one's i've used extensively before and there's nothing i miss from those when i'm listening to the lcd's but they are still a great bang for your buck. really don't understand why people complained about the comfort either, these are very nice.



Does it sound like a speaker with a blown tweeter?

God she's me 10 years ago.


How do we have yet to run out of headphones + feet pictures lads?

What difference does it make?

even if you live in a small apartment all u have to do is position it correctly and not put listen to loud shit
headphones are for lazy faggots

Idol trash here.
What's your setup like, user?
Nice OP. Great black hair. Nice feet. My only complaint is she isn't grabbing that cable with her toes. That'd be nice.

Is that a gen z? Because I'm pretty sure she's a gen z.

Your mom is a gen z too, cunt.

>calling anime girls gen z
what is wrong with you

>7 month wait time for that new massdrop THX amp
>480 unit limit total
>1/4 sold within the first hour
Guess I'll wait for the Cavalli.

why not both?

>getting old stale McDonalds and eating candy anyway instead
first thing I thought too, wtf, how did the artist think this made sense?
I guess the painting/reading/gaming thing is supposed to relate to more people?

>not just buying the glorious topping dx7 or dx7s

Unnecessary redundancy, at least in my situation. I want either a new DAC/Headphone Amp combo or a good DAC paired with some headphone amp that has the features I need. So, Topping D30/50/SDAC paired with something is what I'm interested in. I was going to pair this THX amp with my E10k until I got a replacement for the Fiio, but that wait time means that wouldn't happen any time soon.
If they fix the headphone amp I will.

The zout isnt a huge deal and if it ever causes a problem (literally just super low efficient stuff) then you can run it through a magni 3 or o2 or something
I'm buying one lol

>If they fix the headphone amp I will.
there's nothing to fix

Well, this is a headphone thread.
Also, good speakers offer a nice, different, but not necessarily better experience than good headphones.
Headphones offer also more bang for you're buck: 300$ headphones are better than 300$ speakers, and you are delusional if you think otherwise, just like a 10,000$ motorbike is better than a 10,000$ car.

how about the Cute Beyond - Headphone Amplifier

Welcome to the club

I really want to do it over staying in midfi hell but fuck I could buy the most insane monitor for that much money.
If I find a good condition one for $600 should i go for it?
Currently have a he500, dt990, and m50.
Options are:
1) LCD2
2) HD800 (many people say it's strikingly similar to he500)
3) dt1990 + hd600
4) teak + hd600
hd600 shills pls no


10 ohm OI isn't even acceptable in $70 bottom of the barrel monoprice garbage
You're paying $400 for a fucking DAC. This is beyond retarded.

LCD2 if you don't mind the comfort issues and like dark sound
he500 if you have a great amp
HD800 if you're willing to mod them
dt1990 if you're not sensitive to highs (as a sidenote, these are fucking amazing out of the liquid carbon mk2, if you think of buying the LCX at any point just buy the dt1990)
teak is great but can get uncomfortable and changing pads change the sound, also if you live in a dry area the wood will shrink and also fuck the sound

10 is perfectly fine and if you have an issue with 10ohm it's because you don't understand output impedance

>Poopoomean fag

You should buy HD600, the best headphones in the world.

No, it's because I have standards. 10 ohm is fine for a tube amp. Maybe. With solid state, it's just garbage. Also, the TPA6120 is also bottom of the barrel trash.

Which non-Sennheiser headphones are the closest to HD600 clones? Figured I'd rather have contrarian cans.

Hennheiser SD600

Lacking pretty much all the features I'm interested in.

Fuck she's a goddess.

I need to change my headphones cable, any recommendations?
Athena ad 700x

>no bass
>no treble
>muddy mids
>shit channel matching
>suspicious build quality
>similar sensitivity
>bass distortion
>dynamic drivers
>removable cables (not proprietary though)

>similar sensitivity
>dynamic drivers
These are the only things true of HD600 on that list.