For what good solid reasons why are you still not running a BSD distribution as your daily driver and desktop operating system Sup Forums?
For what good solid reasons why are you still not running a BSD distribution as your daily driver and desktop operating...
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Cuck licensed garbage raped by Apple.
Tried it and it's complete fucking garbage.
Why do you keep shilling such utter garbage?
Who's paying you to shill this garbage?
I don't like soy in my OS.
but i do
The BSD's may have a couple of inovative features like Bhyve or whatever, but in general, the experience is a lot like running a shitty Linux distro from 15 years ago. I don't wanna relive that era, desu. Linux has improved drastically and is finally getting to be pretty comfortable.
Linux is a kernel, not an operating system.
And we all know full well, what is implied when people use the term Linux.I'm not here to defend/attack Stallman's autism.
>inovative features like Bhyve or whatever
Not innovative, systemd-nspawnd is innovative. KVM has been around forever.
Linus fucks bitches and doesn't give a shit. That's why I don't use BSD.
Because the OpenBSD hypervisor isn't mature enough yet to reliably run a windows vm for school stuff, and the other bsds are not worth installing on a laptop.
Linux will have to do for now.
Ok, I'll give you that. Perhaps I was simply impressed by it because the rest of the system sucks balls.
Just say GNU, it's the correct name, shorter and less confusing.
FFS, people barely know what Linux is. I'm not going to confuse things even more with this nonsense. It's not like Stallman is getting royalties everytime someone mentions GNU.
>No Nvidia support
Niggers. All of them.
I actually like BSD, but you're asking about the Desktop. My answer is productivity.
It makes people aware of the intentions of the OS, which again can teach them to care about freedom. Linux doesn't leave a message and the original intentions of GNU get lost.
Stallman doesn't really care about credit.
Politics really aren't my thing. On the rare occasion that a person may ask me about Linux, I typically will tell them about it's nice features, rather than alienating them right off the bat with insults about their preferred OS. It's pretty difficult to not sound condescending and a tiny bit fanatical when pushing the whole "Free Software" deal. I like to think Linux has more going for it than just the Stallman angle.
Wrong. Nobody uses FreeBSD.
someone post it already
>No Negrovidia support
I don't see a problem here, are you a manchild gaymer?
I like muh big screens and picture quality.
Because BSD is ancient garbage.
Nvidia supports FreeBSD.
Lack of drivers, CoCk, appel
but freebsd is shit, so shit that even the developers of it would rather use something else. also it has a cucked code of conduct
I never said FreeBSD was good, I said it has Nvidia support
FreeBSD is decent but lacks focus and polish. It's similar to using Debian back in the early 2000's before Ubuntu came along, took Debian software and gave it focus and polish, along with dumping the fuckass politics.
OpenBSD is a much more coherent system and I've used it alongside Ubuntu in production environments. Both have dictators, regular releases, polish and focus.
OpenBSD is a really good system, but realistically it's years behind on everything except maybe for exploit mitigation techniques.
Its kernel is still not SMP, it does not support TRIM, its file system is quite ancient, etc.
No hugs, virtual or otherwise. Can't be bothered, brah.
>took Debian software and gave it focus and polish
Not really, apt still sucks.
I was wanting to use FreeBSD, but all the recent Sup Forums memes about their code of conduct has made me re-think it.
I'm not retarded
>daily driver
you mean that two working drivers from 1998?
>why wont you intentionally try to enter an environment of crazy sjw politics that will do nothing but give you trouble
really jogins the noggins
FreeBSD is good it's just not the easiest to use on laptops. At some point only in late 2016 FreeBSD added video drivers that were relevant to newer Intel laptops at the time.
FreeBSD has a stable ZFS implementation which Linux is only recently beginning to somewhat have (but it's still not as stable as FreeBSD's) and Jails are great.
I really don't get the appeal of using BSD as your daily driver. It seems like something people do to show off now that GNU/Linux is becoming more accessible.
CoC aside, is FreeBSD any good?
I have never tried it, but Linux sucks, and I can't imagine BSD being any better.
I use FreeBSD on my desktop because of the proprietary nvidia support.
I like OpenBSD more, but only really feasible with integrated graphics or AMD. Definitely prefer any BSD to Linux... Though Gentoo and Slackware come close.
>Definitely prefer any BSD to Linux...
Since you have tried both Linux and FreeBSD, could you give a short explanation on why you prefer BSD, and how they compare? Also I would like to know how the Nvidia drivers compare to Windows.
The CoC caused me to delete FreeBSD off my machine. It's kind of tragic, I really found it comfy.
FreeBSD tended to be faster for the same bit of hardware, the documentation was well written, the code is clean and you really feel in control with the init system unlike systemdick.
It's decent. But I think DragonFly has a better future. FreeBSD is pretty much developed by corporations at this point, each sponsoring their pet feature. It doesn't make for a very coherent system.
On the other hand, DragonFly has one architect, and the guy is incredibly brilliant. All the system lacks is enough users and developers to add the polishing. Right now the documentation is all over the place, it's still a bit unstable, etc. I'm playing with the system right now, and at some point I might contribute a bit.
I do embedded systems, so the architecture of an operating system is very important to me. The cliche is definitely true: BSDs are much more "Unix-like".
The architecture is simpler. The core utilities are almost comically smaller and simpler than their GNU counterparts.
If you buy into the idea that a program should do one thing well and be as small as possible you will appreciate BSD. The GNU version of sort has a RANDOMIZE functionality. The user land has become unnecessarily complex.
I've found that the simpler the system, the simpler the kernel, and so hardware support becomes an issue. Plan 9's source is a goddamn joy to read but you can only run it on extremely limited hardware.
Really, maybe Linux's problem is just that it has become too popular.
>The CoC caused me to delete FreeBSD off my machine. It's kind of tragic, I really found it comfy.
Fucking why? Like who gives a shit about the CoC? Do you develop for FreeBSD?
Linux/MacOs/Windows for desktop BSD for server. This is the basic principle.
Not him but the CoC affects end users because it affects the stability of the community that keeps the project moving forward. When you introduce that level of drama and (as much as I hate the term) toxicity to a community-reliant project, that project is going to start winding down and being left behind.
Furthermore, developer/community philosophy is one of the biggest reasons people switch to more obscure operating systems like BSD or GNU/Linux, or rather to move away from shitty Applel/Microshaft philosophy. Why should shitty freeBSD philosophy be any less motivating?
Why does Sup Forums hate anything that isn't as miserable and broken as computing was in the 80s?
FreeBSD is switching to the new cucky license where you must agree to cut your cock and balls off to use the software.
Especially considering how small that community is. Basically a death sentence to scare away all the neckbeard autismals.
>poor man's Zones
People like (You) are why this cancer persists. kys.
>The user land has become unnecessarily complex.
>Really, maybe Linux's problem is just that it has become too popular.
Truer words have never been spoken. Unfortunately, most linux anons will have no clue what you're talking about and continue about their business like everything's fine.
Relevant read:
>It is all part of their minimalist design philosophy, such as they don't need MAC either because MAC simply shifts the point of aim for hackers from simple to debug and diagnose software to a complex, pain in the ass piece of shit to use akin to SELinux, which has had exploits against it in the past. How many has OpenBSD had? At least ten-fold less, of not more.
>Security related decision I'd warrant. The worst Linux-specific compromises I've dealt with were all kernel module rootkits.
wow, what a load of nothing. Literally a non-issue.
Thanks for that. I just copypastad those URLs from someone else without actually reading the pages. Next time I'll just copypasta the other 2.
>daily driver
Neck yourself, my dude.
no GVT-g and awful GPU support in general
id give openbsd a go if you could easily install proprietary nvidia/amd drivers on it
not gonna touch freebsd with a 10ft pole with the whole coc shit going on
AMD cards should be fine, but the drivers aren't proprietary. They are enough to get basic HW acceleration. Just don't expect to play games.
Dae le ganoo + looney tunes amirite?
I'm not sure that I can fully abide by the CoC and I don't want the SJW commandos coming after me.
>Coreutils are an OS
Jails have been around forever ;)
>removing useful features is alright in the name of security
Why don't they remove multitasking while they're at it
I'll switch over to OpenBSD as a daily driver as soon as vmm is able to run applications in a vm a la qubes. I use OpenBSD for servers though.
i dont see advantages over loonix and doesn't run all software what i use but does run on loonix
my webserver is for now still on freebsd but gets switched very soon back to loonix as i honestly see no benefits in my use and im more familiar with loonix systems anyway
the more suitable question is why would anyone use this with their cucked license and their retarded policies they just applied not too long time ago?
>what are glibc, gcc, readline, gtk, gnome, bash, autoconf, gdb, dc, and all of the GNU programs that make linux useful
OpenVZ has been around forever.
No it's an os. Fuck off stallman.
Virtualization. It's the only reason why I haven't switched to OpenBSD yet.
CRUX can do BSD style init scripts and has a ports system.
It's in early stages. Right now it barely works; e.g. it doesn't work properly on Ryzen systems, and it doesn't really support much beyond OpenBSD.
Because of what Berkley did to Milo.
I mean Berkeley.
I'm not that stupid.
America was never great. You only satisfied a need when the world needed steel after ww2. You're irrelevant now. Bow down to your chink masters.
FreeBSD is run by SJWs and is the most insecure OS in the world.
OpenBSD is great but has no drivers or software.
NetBSD is shit and has no drivers or software.
OpenBSD will be a perfect OS when they polish vmm so it can run other major OSes without problems, you just cant do without using some windows/linux only stuff Im afraid, but OpenBSD is miles ahead of others regarding stability, code correctness and security
FreeBSD is cucked garbage these days, only OpenBSD is worth mentioning when you talk about BSDs
kek was just about to post this
>only OpenBSD is worth mentioning when you talk about BSDs
>no trim
>garbage full disk encryption
>no file system that can withstand the power being shut off
>performance is crap compared to sjwbsd
OpenBSD users actually run software on their systems and are productive, they don't sit around ricing their rigs and running epeen benchmarks.
Implying that because one guy does something everyone else does it.
This sums it up really nicely, Thanks user
because i am not a soy eater or a conduct coder
it's not there yet
>he can't write his own kernel drivers
Not true, OpenBSD has plenty of FREE software it just doesn't run NONFREE software any longer.
Because fuck Randi Harper and her enablers
OpenBSD has
>no hypervisors
>no modern filesystems
>shit performance in general
I wish it was usable as a server, but it's just not
Bullshit. His screeds CONSTANTLY talk about giving credit to GNU.