What search engine does Sup Forums use?

What search engine does Sup Forums use?

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i use something off the grid like bing or yahoo

DDG. Google and even StartPage make me fill in CAPTCHAs when using a VPN, fuck that.

Duckduckgo and sometimes google too, like 70/30 or so.

DDG promises to respect my privacy, Google is proven not to respect it, so I chose DDG.


Gabriel Weinberg, the founder of DuckDuckGo, used to run the Names Database.[1] This was a website that aimed to connect people who had lost contact by gathering lots and lots of e-mail addresses. Getting access could be done by either paying money, or submitting lots of e-mail addresses of other people. Since the service revolved around gathering personal information, it is very suspicious for Gabriel Weinberg to start a business that is privacy-oriented. [2]

DuckDuckGo used to set a tracking cookie, even though they claimed they didn't. This was done by a third party they cooperate with, which means that it wasn't necessarily intentional, but if it's unintentional, it shows a worrying lack of care.[3]

DuckDuckGo is based in the US. This makes it really easy for the NSA to compromise it. If it were based in the EU, for example, the NSA wouldn't have the legal power to force them to log everything without telling anyone. This wouldn't guarantee privacy, but it would make it a lot more plausible. Instead, they're based in the US, which means that the NSA can do whatever they want with them. There are secure search engines that are not based in the US.[3]

When it's a decision between something that absolutely tracks you and something that MIGHT track you (though it's unsure), it's not a very hard one.

Currently using ddg but would happily switch to an alternative once things like searx are not slow as shit.

>not just going for something that almost certainly doesn't track you instead of both of those shit options

I'd also rather google had my search data than some singular dangerous data hoarding jew. at least google will try to improve my other searches with that info.

>bing bing and wahoo

So block third-party cookies and use a VPN- what’s the problem?

> There are secure search engines that are not based in the US.[3]
Which ones?

We recommend that you don't use DuckDuckGo if you seek a search engine that values your privacy. There's no confirmed proof that DuckDuckGo is violating your privacy, but there are some very suspicious things, however, that make certain other search engines far superior in that regard.

Gabriel Weinberg, the founder of DuckDuckGo, used to run the Names Database.[1] This was a website that aimed to connect people who had lost contact by gathering lots and lots of e-mail addresses. Getting access could be done by either paying money, or submitting lots of e-mail addresses of other people. Since the service revolved around gathering personal information, it is very suspicious for Gabriel Weinberg to start a business that is privacy-oriented. [2]

DuckDuckGo used to set a tracking cookie, even though they claimed they didn't. This was done by a third party they cooperate with, which means that it wasn't necessarily intentional, but if it's unintentional, it shows a worrying lack of care.[3]

DuckDuckGo is based in the US. This makes it really easy for the NSA to compromise it. If it were based in the EU, for example, the NSA wouldn't have the legal power to force them to log everything without telling anyone. This wouldn't guarantee privacy, but it would make it a lot more plausible. Instead, they're based in the US, which means that the NSA can do whatever they want with them. There are secure search engines that are not based in the US.[3]

[1] archive.is/9wR4O
[2] archive.is/N2qe8
[3] archive.is/qntuk

What about NuckNuckNo?


Ecosia. It's the only one for me that's fast enough to return the results while not being related to Google.

how to google on tor?

What a mindset. You'd rather go with the one that's guaranteed to track you rather than with the one that someone has speculated might try to track you. Wow.

Also, what's the third option you're alluding to?

This. If you're going to use a botnet at least pick one that helps the planet.

Ixquick through their eu servers, it pulls from 100 different search engines except Google

CuckCuckGo fuck yourself

Looks comfy

Google, because i am proud cuck.



switched to duckduckgo about a week ago. haven't really noticed any difference in the quality of search results compared to google, so i'm pleasantly surprised and will continue using it. i'm trying to wane off chrome and i've been using firefox for a week as well, and while the browsing experience is generally fine, i am annoyed by how poorly twitch performs. i thought the whole quantum thing was to allow for each tab to be its own process, but having more than one twitch stream open clearly taxes the browser immensely

Startpage / ixquick

Enjoy your honey pot faggots. DDG and Tor are the first sites that put you on a red flag list for immediate search and analysis. You think those professionals haven't already cracked that code? Haha, think again. If you want to be truly invisible use Windows 10 and Google like any housewife to blend in.

good thing i have nothing to hide :^)

Which is better, ixquick or duckduckgo?

Neither, Qwant and Searx are better. But, between the two; DDG.

Google because other search engines are at best mediocre compared to it as for search quality, at worse complete unusable garbage.

Nah m8 ixquick gives me way better results every time. Usually not even different results than from Google.

Nice try, NSA.


ddg. can't live without search bangs anymore.
