Business idea: square AA batteries that more effectively use up space
Business idea: square AA batteries that more effectively use up space
batteries can't be square you dumbass
Oh sorry I meant "cuboid"
How the fuck would you even make them square? Beside 3.7v Lithiums ones already do this...
In fact adding to this: multiple lithium batteries stacked together can be used to increase amperage without generating much heat
4 packs of 2,000 mAh @ 0.5C = 7.4W safe draw for 2 hours
8 packs of 2,000 mAh @ 1C = 14.8 safe draw for 2 hours
and so on and so on
>increase amperage
... or voltage if they're in series ...
Amperage increase would increase heat. Cells in series has ways and will always be a good way to reduce heat inside batteries. Why do you think you never see 10.8V single cell battery in a laptop?
Keep it simple stupid.
>a cuboid shaped enclosed mass is a more efficient use of space and materials them a cylindrical shaped mass
You are some kind of retard OP. Not sure quite what kind. Probably the faggot kind.
Ok, get this: Non-euclidean office chairs to improve OP's blood flow to his brain
Why is everybody calling op a retard? WIth square (or cuboid for the nitpicky retards) batteries you'd be able to stack them with less wasted space.
Cylinder is structurally stronger reason number 6 of 45
They'd end up taking a lot more material because the volume to surface area ratio is worse, and you'd also have to reinforce the edges. Same reason you don't see many square cans.
not worth the additional manufacturing costs, along with lesser detriments.
Yeah okay these are good reasons, but nothing worth calling OP a retard over, it's a legit question to ask oneself
Obvious samefag
Not even, but you won't believe me no matter what.
AA Square or rectangle would not be compatible with 99.999% existing devices that use AA. Also gear that use hese kind of batteries are usually low end and dont care about saving space and probably break before the batteries can even discharge
How about triangular prisms. Then you can fit more in the same space.
>not using hexagonal batteries
>most efficient storage method
Business idea: laptop batteries with user changeable 18650s
I'd back this.
But no device would be compatible with your standart
German retard detected
Ever crack one of those open? There are 6 regular old AAAA batteries inside. Good source for those occasions when you need them.
tfw no triangular prism batteries
Why not just make all devices that use batteries cylindrical?
Spheres have the least surface area, so you can pack more stuff inside it.
squares are just as efficient, hexagons would just add more structural weaknesses and probably cost more to produce
Cylinders do waste some space, but it's not that much when you pack them in a "haxagonal" way.
Not him but I think hexagons would actually be stronger.
And they would probably be cheaper to produce as well, because they need less external material for the same internal volume.
geodesic dome shaped batteries when
go back to india
there's already square disposable batteries for digital cameras and some small mp3 players, a few different sizes too. another one is more gumstick shaped but smaller
Lemme tell you why you're a retard
Your square AA batteries have to fit in the same round AA hole