Gentoo or Debian? "
Gentoo or Debian? "
Gentoo if you have too much free time and want to learn Linux. Debian, if you want shit to just werk.
CloverOS, so gentoo
>just werk
That is mint not Debian.
pape please
also your desktop is looking bredy ncie desu
>also your desktop is looking bredy ncie desu
Gentoo you pleb.
didn't know EFF also lurks 4channel
crux > salix/slackware > sourcemage/gentoo > void >>>>>>>>>> systemd-ebian
Looks comfy.
So comfy I've been using the same installation for almost 3 years now.
Being a Momijifag must have been painful in 2016.
The only part I hated was having a mainstream waifu. Fortunately, I don't see that kind of posting at all anymore.
Windows 7
Enjoy your backdoors
..ware (libre)
..ers (libre)
you might as well grab a chisel and start carving letters in stone tables
gentoo if you arent a brainlet.
Windows 7
>shilling this hard
What? I'm not. It just is the superior choice.
Don't use apt shit if you want a usable system
7 is superior, not Windows.
oh, then ok, I agree :3 lets fucc
No, I'm not banned.
Be nice to her
I've heard a lot about the openbox wm recently, how good is it?
>>/soc/ in the trash the russian attention whore goes.
>Ya sure
Get a trip code so I could filter you more easily
idk I am too busy sucking microsoft's dick for food money.
Gentoo, but Debian is great as well.
Prefer Devuan. No systemd clusterfuckery and less maintenance.
This has absolutely nothing to do with gentoo.
WM != Distro
Yo, what's that music browser/player? If it's cmus how'd you get it to look like that?
>knows that winblows is bloated crap
>still keeps shilling just to lose anons' time and then ashamed deletes ((her)) posts
post dotfiles pls
that's ncmpcpp no matter how you look at it
and the browser is always firefox if you have to ask
what panel
Windows 7
lmao, good luck updating that frankenbuntu to 18.04
Its hunterb from the 3ds scene :o
It. Werks.
I don't see why I would have any issues, it went just fine last time
Devuan JWM.
how do install cloveros? I can't find the thread. someone link me the pastebin
Fucking this! Install Crux, OP!
It's a super minimal "Windows-like" window manager. Everything is theme-able, and I've never had issues with it ever. Worth a try if you think it looks like something you'd use.
Older version of LXPanel.