Why haven't you started learning Ruby yet, Sup Forums?

Why haven't you started learning Ruby yet, Sup Forums?

Largely because the syntax looks fucking retarded and Ruby offers nothing that other languages don't do better.

Except programmer satisfaction.

It's a worse version of Python

It's gay

Started learning it recently. It's fun.

>it's like python but has native OOP

Ruby is my favorite languaje.

Becuase python and django is a thing

Yes, python and django are things.

Slower and uglier things.

It's really not relevant anymore

Rails is better

Ruby is a language for cucks with shitty oversimplified syntax

Its actually a better version of python. It doesn't have braces but at least it still does blocking with "end" keyword

It's a tad bit better version of Python with better implementations, but unfortunately I don't have a use case for neither.

Everyone has moved on to python.

Ruby CAN look really nice, but what ruby programmers call "idiomatic ruby" looks like fucking mangled garbage.

I don't use Ruby because it's almost on life support, and because the ruby community acts as if only Rails exists, letting the general purpose capabilities and libraries rot away.

this, rails is the cancer that killed Ruby

Poor people

Learn Crystal instead. Basically the same as Ruby with better performance

>no metasploit
>no rails

Whats the point?

Crystal is a compiled language not a scripting language

>Learn Crystal instead.
It's not even ready.
t. Crystal user

I know a bit of Ruby. It's a comfy language, but ultimately I went where the jobs are (chode.js).

Because I hate open classes

having a nightmare learning this fucking abstract non sensical language I dont understand waht half the god damn fucking magic words do its fucking impossible to learn and no one needs to fucking use it.

im so fucked

As someone who usually hates OO, I absolutely love how Ruby does Smalltalk-like OO. All parts of Ruby fit together in a cohesive design where classes act more like modules and objects act more like classes. Even all the function names are so perfect and intuitive that it just puts a smile on my face using Ruby. I like Julia a lot too, but Julia is non-OO. There are times I want to make a program in an OO way and would prefer Ruby.

Ruby is not like Python where you can just read the docs and start making stuff and learn as you go along. You have to understand the overall design of Ruby and then you are set, you will know all Ruby. Get the book "The Well Grounded Rubyist", its the first book everyone should start when they first learn Ruby. Once you have read that book you are an expert and will never be lost in the language.


forgot to add a few years ago when i was in school i spent the summer in some programming club/ project group thing we had industry people come in and one of the people made a fuck tonne of money converting ruby to php and said ruby is terrible

>we had industry people come in and one of the people made a fuck tonne of money converting ruby to php and said ruby is terrible
language wars suck on Sup Forums, its like the retards and shills dont even try

ok thanks I will get this

nah i'm serious desu this was when i was 16 and just getting into programming me and my friend started learning ruby in the week we had to get our project together as all our school taught us was small basic. I'm not biased since i'm not good at programming so i don't know whats good and bad this is just what i was told by a professional talker bought into a workshop

I am working on a website should I not get a Rails book instead? can you recommend me one please?

I never developed for web, but it feels like a few years ago everyone was all about Ruby, now no one gives a shit. Was it a meme language?

Crystal is superior.

No. Rails is a meme, though.

Node. Js, react, angular, Javascript, jquery,Django, typescript

Because I can't code anything. I taught myself how to use a computer at an early age but I am a fucking brainlet that has tried and failed to learn to code with several different languages. My brain just doesn't work with them. It's like the knowledge goes through me like water through a sieve.

How complex is the website? The Sinatra framework is pleasant and easy to use for small sites, and integrates well with the Ruby language if you're into that.

I honestly havent found a really good Rails book. And dont get suckered into using the Hartl book, that book is shit. The only fairly good Rails book Ive found is the one by Daniel Kehoe and even that is not enough to fully understand how Rails works under the hood.

Agreed, it's hipster python.

Dealing with type errors and having shit for tooling support does not make me satisfied, nor does every imported library having some sort of metaprogramming nonsense and running slow as shit.

Ruby is a meme.

> implying there could be anything worse than python

>It's a better version of Python
That doesn't make it much better, though.

>Ruby is a meme.
people who call X programming languages meme are C++, Python or PHP programmers, these are meme languages and the people who use them are memers who constantly shill their old deprecated languages so they dont lose their jobs or have to learn a new language.

Ruby is fast as of v1.9+, it has outstanding metaprogramming support making it a perfect DSL language, its not like a meme-language like Python where you constantly have to look up the 'pythonic' way of doing something on stackoverflow because its such a hacky slapped together design

This, they better introduce a strict mode, so they get on the same level as Perl, JS and VB.

unlike python it also didn't split into two versions where everyone clings to the old one like a pack of fucking windows users


I use Ruby for scripts. Basically perl6 done right

Because its on death bed

Unless you need rails don't learn this meme language. And if you don't need to learn rails don't learn rails. There are better frameworks out there.

>I don't use Ruby because it's almost on life support

Ruby 3x3 can't come soon enough
The only reason why this language started stagnating is because of the perception that it's slow as fuck

It is, though. Exactly as Python. Not sure what people expect from languages that dynamic that even the best JIT compilers struggle with an 8x improvement on average.


Because I already know it

ruby? is this 2012?

The proposed Guild concurrency model sounds pretty cool/crazy. I'm curious to see it in action (and to see the Rail community fuck up and blame the language).

The only useful think ruby has going for it is rake. That's literally all we use it for and all I want to use it for. I'll take Python, Go and Java anytime for actual work.

I knew a guy who coded in Ruby, fucking asshole.

Ruby/rails beauty is that you can slap shit together quick for clients, it's downfall is that if the client wants to scale it or modify it (which they inevitably will) It's a motherfucking nightmare on wheels - you need an army of pajeets to cull through every line of code in the gems to change stuff.

Rails killed Ruby, Python won by default.

Both good enough at what they do but I'm not a fan of the lack of what the Ruby/Python faggots call "code noise" Sorry, those braces & brackets make code readable to me & suggested a fresh noob to start with either of these languages will only fuck them in the long run if they want to be a code-monkey. Devs can't avoid JS/C++/Java/C# or basically every other programming language - all of which use (),{} & ;

Learn a real language that has demand, if you have to or just want to know it then fuck about with the little retarded brother languages like Ruby or Python.

Unless you need to write scripts or tests & your job calls for it.

>Sorry, those braces & brackets make code readable to me
>t. legasthenic

I did Ruby professionally for 5 months and I don't intend to ever again

>t. legasthenic
Tee-hee.. Yeah, I'm a card carrying autist, too bad you normie brainlets can't grock a real language.
If it was up to you sheep-like millennials we'd all be programming in scratch with tone neutral ides so as to not offend anyone.

Nice strawman. I write go swift and c++ and occasionally JavaScript. I guess Ruby is slightly better than J's while being an order of magnitude slower

Because I read on some website that it's dying. No use learning a dying language.

if you learn it you'll double the user base

I love it but I hate how the only place that cares about it is Japan
Lack of recent western support harms it

Someone please (you) me
What's interesting about open classes?

>python with an @ symbol
Literally why?

Because you can't learn ruby without learning something about rails
I tried using ruby and realized that if you want a general purpose scripting language
you should just do everything in Python.

At least they haven't forsaken their non-webdev community.

I mean I may be a Pythonista, but seriously have you not heard of Matlab?

It's cute

Just saw a job posting from a major hospital in my area for a ruby position.

>le rails killed ruby meme
without rails, ruby would still only be a thing among a few japanese neets. show some respect.

because doing ruby stuff basically means doing rails stuff.
i used to do ruby programming, but today i mostly use python.

>you normie
Because the world is separated in reading cripples and normies.

>ruby job in a non-startup company

You just know they have a fucking MIT hacker heading up their dev team.