Year of the GNU/Linux desktop!

Nice one frogo


RMS ima hump your big fat pig ass until the sweat from your back runs down your buttcrack thereby lubricating you're butthole so I can slowly penetrate your anus with my small beaner and fuck your ass until I cum thereby satisfying my sexual urges

That's what you guys said about 2017.



That's what we said about 2012








When will My Linux focus on desktop gaming machines instead of command line server gunk?

is apu, dare I say it, the best meme of all time

Yep. And 2016, 2015, 2014 etc...
Nobody wants your broke dick, fringe OS shills.

Less jpg.



Idk and Idc, I'm not a gaymer.


>Gnome shit

Gnome isn't the only DE.

this is now an apu thred
pos your bes apus
or esle

But is main DE, literally a standard. Majority of distros use Gnome as default. (Ubunut, Fedora, RHEL...)

May the freedom be with you my friends.

But I just got linux running on my server?

If you don't game then your obviously an aspie faggot. Everyone games now and only defective contrarian fucks ain't into it

t. Sent from nix on my switch


this is correct