Hey I was curious Sup Forums did I just meme out buying this?

Hey I was curious Sup Forums did I just meme out buying this?

what r those whit thing

They're part of the static discharge that helps ensure the item gets shocked thus damaged upon delivery.

>not a t series
>not an x series
no one shills these, so no, and yet, yes


Oops, made a mistake!

Legitimately nothing wrong with non-meme Thinkpads. Very few people here have the need for a "business" computer anyway.

Congrats on your new PC user.

Except worse durability, harder to take apart, harder to find replacement parts, locked-down bootloader, intel-ME botnet, built-in Lenovo malware, and a shitty keyboard.


These ones have an astoundingly high failure rate of the trackpad buttons and the recycled plastic tends to be more brittle and crack a few times more often than regular T430 new plastic when dropped. ESPECIALLY around the backside hinges.
t. I refurb these and observe how they died.
Also no expresscard on the L models so you can't do eGPU unless yuou rip and tear guts.

Also more of a pain to open up.
I changed the CPU on my T530 in under 7 minutes.

Just letting you know what you got into if you're still in warranty return period.

>worse durability
in a warzone, maybe you would need this. Thinkpad is fine
>harder to take apart
who cares
>harder to find replacement parts
if it ain't broke / with how inexpensive they are who cares
>locked down bootloader
botnets and malware
Welcome to the current year, my friend
Nyet, Thinkpad is fine.

>who cares

Okay, you do, but you're a tripfag on the Sup Forums technology board.

Also, nice argument.

you should eat those peanuts

dubs demands it

oh shit

You better deliver, OP.

>who cares is an argument
Why not just buy a Macbook if you dont care about anything?

The argument is that said features are not important to daily use, or the use case outlined by someone who can be assumed to perform internet browsing for most of their computer use time. "Who cares" is asserting that nobody within this use case, the most popular and likely use case, would gain benefit from the feature.


>>Worse durability
>In a warzone, maybe you would need this
Or maybe I want to be able to drop my laptop and not have it shatter
>>Harder to take apart
>Who cares
I do because I want to be able to fix my shit
>>Harder to find replacement parts
>If it ain't broke / with how inexpensive they are who cares
I want to be able to buy my shit from at least 3 different retailers.
>>Locked down bootloader
>>Botnets and malware
>Welcome to the current year, my friend
I'm not just gonna be a cuck and take it in the ass
>Nyet, Thinkpad is fine
Time to go to bed Ivan, you have a big day in the shill patrol later


I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to exhibit your autism on the internet.

>nu-Sup Forums

Thank you

looks like a normal Thinkpad keyboard to me. FRUs?


That's for a T420.

i thought buying my SL500 was bad
thats turbobad

What's wrong with SL500s? You mean the car, right?

Had to do work on one once at work. t430 is better but if its cheaper why not. My only problem is the fucking bezels. They are retartedly huge. And thicc bezzles are okay some times but this really does take this fucking cake on it.