What does Samsung need to do to reach the level of prestige of apple?
What does Samsung need to do to reach the level of prestige of apple?
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Maybe an ad campaign feat lesbos & beard farmers in plaid shirts with some minimalist upbeat 'hip' music.
Oh wait.. That is exactly why Apple is not on Samsungs level.
Samsung is developing graphene batteries while apple is pushing an app that turns you into an actual talking poop emoji.
Samsung are making big bucks on manufacturing screens for Apple
>prestige of apple
Apple is a poverty brand.
They need a notch.
It's already surpassed it, as far as actual usefulness (ignoring shitty gimmicks) goes.
They need better software
Make their own elegant and functional operating systems instead of using the absolutely disgusting currycode that is windows and android.
>lagOS soyshit
>elegant or functional
They need to stop with the touchwizz shit.
Also release the fucking foldable phone already.
Asian brand are not prestigious.
It’s like asking what Hyundai can do to get Mercedes status.
>implying no one can see that ios is on low batt
>fruitshit povvo trash
>mercedes status
They tried that with Tizen and it turned out to be a hacker's wetdream - it was so insecure and beyond unsafe to use. Hopefully they've given up on that garbage OS and focus on making Touchwiz more tolerable and optimized. Or get rid of it altogether.
>its own ecosystem of products and services
>making its own OS for its own hardware
Everyone can't even catch up, Apple started from the fucking 90s, retards like Microsoft ramped up effort in vain just a few years ago.
It’s the closest thing to it. Wealthy people simply do not use android.
preinstalled advertisements
Yea, they do. They also probably often use the same toilet paper you might use.
Some things work fine and aren't worth giving a shit about even if you want to impress your friends.
> Some things work fine and aren't worth giving a shit about even if you want to impress your friends.
Exactly, like iPhones and Mercedeses. You get something reliable and pleasant and go about your day.
what's a computer?
>What does Samsung need to do to reach the level of prestige of apple?
Release their laptops in the west in such a way that any consumer could pick one up without looking too hard for one, combine with a nice advertising campaign.
Outside of laptops, Samsung *IS* already in the top tier for most goods...
Takes an iToddler to think the only reliable thing would be an iPhone.
Rich old grandpa/grandma has the idea that they should be able to easily copy that email attachment they downloaded on their phone to their Windows desktop or such by USB, and the iPhone is gone.
Or you tell them that they cannot backup their phone to that time capsule thing and even cannot exclude shit from backups on their desktop. iToys gone again. Gone forever if richfag had his lawyer look at Apple's policies surrounding backups (and general privacy policies and such).
There's an endless number of such reasons, apart from rich people simply picking up higher-end Android phones and being completely fine with these.
Wow 2 milliseconds saved. I'm sure you will make productive use of that time
Nice damage control, iSoyBoys
Samsung does need to nor is it critical to them to be have the same consumer image as apple.
It doesn't matter much because Samsung is so diversified across different electronics markets that you can't beat them by cornering a single market. Hell, chances are if you corner them in one market, like phones, you still buy their ICs to build your phone.
They're apparently pouring resources into security to make it useable. It's still a pile of code with no architecture whatsoever, but it has potential to improve with every garbage gook chunk of code rewritten.
I think the aesthetics would improve significantly if they rebranded their flagships under a new premium brand with a cooler logo. I mean, you can hate apple but you can't deny the prestige that they've built. When I see an Apple logo I think of expensive premium electronics, but when I see a Samsung logo I think of reasonably priced microwaves.
aplel only makes phones, tablets and laptops. Samsung on the other hand does everything from construction to nand flash manufacturing. Samsung has been around longer than aplel and they will be around far past aplel's inevitable death. The only reason aplel can claim they make more profit than Samsung is because aplel doesn't invest in anything useful to the future of the human race while Samsung invests more than aplel can ever imagine to have in revenue.
More white people.
Apple's ability to create a superior OS and processor are purely the result of having/buying the best engineers ... and the best engineers live in the United States and Europe.
If Samsung can't develop a processor, OS and mapping software equal to Apple completely in-house then they will never have the same prestige.
>implying no one can see that ios is on low batt
So, now babby's iToys don't automatically throttle when the battery is old and worn, but also when it's at low charge. Marvelous.
suck cock. like miles and miles of cock, beyond the horizon...
The Note 8 is the only modern flagship that matters and actually innovates for improved functionality instead of pure gimmicks. Apple is trash and aren't even top tier like they used to be despite it's bullshit ecosystem of garbage.
Even samsung's joke tier exynos CPUs absolutely destroy iShit CPUs.
offer better customer service.
Sell only high end products, for one.
But that may well not be the most profitable course of action. Samsung low-end products sell like hotcake.