why bother with anything else?
Why bother with anything else?
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Agreed but lets face it- its heavy.
I don't want my editor to page out
because javascript does not belong on the desktop
I like having my 400mb SQL dumps open up before the heat death of the universe.
Vscode is just better
Its not though, just uninstall all packages you don't need
Who cares it just woks
> Latency on a text editor
> A whole fucking webbrowser to edit text
> JS+HTML to edit plain text
Yeah this used to be an issue when I only had 8GB of RAM. Upgrade to 16 and Atom is your best option.
lol no.
Yes that is what the a in atom stands for
fuck you reeeeeeee
vim exists
battery life.
VSCode is infinitely better
because atom can't do both of the following:
Properly format html, javascript, css, and php in the same file
Refactor php
Surprisingly the only editor I could find that can do both is actually netbeans. It's a shame netbeans was written in java so it looks like horse shit and has some bugs
>1GB for a text editor
so does vim
Please someone write an GPL IDE in c++, QT powered and with the atom plugin API.
Because VSCode barely qualifies and that was made by way better devs. [spoiler]Not good enough to implement it on an OpenGL custom GUI like even Sublime meme devs managed to, though.[/spoiler]
I'm curios how XRay plays out, though. Hope they carve out Electron in the process.
So it mines bitcoins?
stop it with these numale editors, god fuck these piss me off so much for some reason
why do all the text editors rn have to be shitty webapps? vim/emacs do everything these can do, and then some
It's not that they weren't good enough it's that the project literally evolved from an online web project into what it currently is, which is why the made the electron choice rather than like any other microsoft (major) project being relatively native to the platform.
Makes sense. I retract my statement.
Take the dive and learn emacs to ascend to greatness, brother
it's getting nicer, i'll give it that much.
adapted to evil and emacs though, so it's gonna be tough to give it up.
is InteleJ the best IDE for java programming?
i prefer use Geany
light and simple
>loading a gui to do anything other than browser the web
when i'm coding on a 2013 macbook pro i can't afford to waste resources on Atom. I used it for a while and have switched to VSCode. VSCode seems much more performant.
*uses 1gb of RAM to edit plain text*
Heh, nothing personnel kid
it's intellij, and yes, it is. Install Vim plugin and you are good to go.
>blog.atom. io/2018/01/10/the-state-of-atoms-performance.html
Because sublimetext exists. Atom, along with all the other electron desktop """apps""", can rot in hell for all I care
>these piss me off so much for some reason
Because you're a brainlet.
Same with Netenis
>had to show a code to my mate
>atom chokes
Still love it though.
Sublime text just works though
>only had 8GB of RAM. Upgrade to 16 and Atom is your best option.
I hope you're joking or trying to make Atom look ridiculous with that comment. Can someone actually explain to me with a straight face, why a text editor would consume a billion letters worth of memory? It's embarrassing.
The real question is, why bother with Atom?
Vim is the best editor. If you're bothered learning to program computers, it's worth the time&effort to start learning vim.
Vim/Emacs don't have intellisense. No NEET-made autocomplete can match one made by Microsoft.
>it's worth the time&effort to start learning vim.
>keyboard controls CLI shit
Nah i'm good
>his text editor takes more than 1 second to open
Vim/Emacs can't even open text files as big as VS Code can. Even minimal sperg editors like Vis or joes editor beat emacs/vim.
that's where i stopped reading
having plain text file >10M is retarded
I bet you put the first 1000000000000000 prime numbers in a variable
>people being dumb enough to install VS
vim can theoretically open files up to 8 exabyte
> A whole fucking webbrowser to edit text
This. How can this be acceptable ?
In reality:
>system hangs
>having SQL files is retarded
>having log files is retarded
>having type setting files is retarded
What's next, will you do the mental gymnastics and shift the goalpost to using traditionally crappy command line tools that might crash as well or might not even support Unicode correctly, just so you don't need to admit that Bram is a retard?
It's basically a requirement if you're doing MS development. C# and VC++ are useless outside of it because MUH SOLUTION FILES
retard probably didn't disable backup
Unlikely, because Vim is otherwise a trainwreck as well, but
>you have to disable a feature manually in order to not crash
How about you fix that bug, Bram?
Oh no, a safety feature is enabled by default which fucks with the common use case of opening 3GB files.
Vim exists and some of us are allergic to JavaScript.
>t. Bram "the guy that wasn't satisfied with creating one bad scripting language" Mole
>t. VS "I need to rape your battery to blink the cursor" Code user
>no NEET made OS can match one done by microshaft
Spoken like a true fag
90% of the time Microsoft's intellisense fucks my shit up more than it helps me, it takes fucking forever to tweak it just right. It's best to not bother with autocomplete unless you have it working 100% the way you want it to
I didn't *only* mean emacs/vim, my point is basically that anything else seems more efficient and lightweight
also unrelated but why the fuck do people keep confusing Visual Studio with Visual Studio Code, completely different software people
>implying I use homOSeX
Friendo, there is no way how you can distract from your garbage tier text editor with a sloppy implementation of a naive gap buffer, a shit tier extension system, cancerous theming and a retarded dev that make GvR look like a genius by pointing on a somewhat slow and botnettish but overall solid editor made by a team of professionals.
>but overall a glorified web app by a bunch of pajeets that only know javascript
Nice cherry picking retard, VSCode couldn't open the file as well, uses 40-60x memory, and is one of the slowest in opening the smaller test files
All vim faggots have the same condescending tone.
80% of the time spent on resolving issues I'm not writing any code, so what am I to benefit from it?
It isn't any faster for SC navigation either.
seems like they want to rewrite it
I don't want to launch an instance of chromium every time I wanna edit a text file
>writes php
>complains about non shit tier languages
pick one
Why it consumes so much memory? Simple: You're running an extra copy of google chrome and nodejs.
>implying php is a shit tier lang
it's basically nigger tier. php is the first web dev language, made by web dev the programmer itself.
To be fair I also have Firefox and iTunes open at the same time. And macOS takes up more than 1GB just sitting idle so yeah
I use Notepad++ instead of Atom because I like the search (and replace) function better.
Perf. Font rendering.
Because Emacs exists
Because VSCode is a thing
I use it. Its easy, I like its git GUI, I have huge reserves of RAM, and I program for a hobby.
>muh numale software
blow it out your ass
>writing html, css, javascript in one file
pajeet GET OUT
>Vim/Emacs don't have intellisense
there are vim plugins for the typescript language server or ternjs if that is suitable enough.