/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

>butload of points to zap HnR
>4 HnR gets you banned
Solve all the above cuntery with real cash.
Get in with cash, buy invites with cash, buy GB with cash, CASH, CASH, CAAAAASH!
FUCK IPT, edition!
Old news: only utorrent 2.2.xNot sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker shitposting by providing autists with opportunities for "professional" waste of time by recognizing "technical" competence through "examinations" and by advancing the autism of its members.

>Have a question?

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only. Don't offer to suck dicks or lick feet for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users (312cuck lurking in the bushes) chickenheading and asshole winking for invites and when you invite them, BOOM! they ban your sorry ass for inviting strangers.

Other urls found in this thread:


first for cringe op

Cancer levels are off the charts. Nice way to start the thread, faggot.


Literally who cares about IPTorrents

I used to make the cute edits with IPT on top, ironically ofc.


JaimsTeeKurk cares deeply

My seedbox about a year ago got ratios > 2 on almost every GGn torrent, now I struggle to break even...

Any advice?

12:01:23 blossom
12:01:26 lel
12:01:27 do u remember lib?
12:01:35 pls reminisce with me
12:01:41 i love lib
12:01:41 ya i banned him for ratio cheating didnt i
12:01:47 Locked out of Heaven by Bruno Mars
12:01:49 oh really lmao
12:01:52 bahahhaha
12:01:56 i think so
12:01:58 lol did someone actually ratio cheat on a ratioless tracker?
12:01:59 actually laughed out loud rn
12:02:04 hilarious
12:02:10 ab is full of cheaters
12:02:14 i probably banned over 100 alone
12:02:15 blossom: you were an admin?
12:02:15 srsly?
12:02:18 i cant condone his cheating etc
12:02:19 ye
12:02:21 wtf
12:02:22 Wtf
12:02:23 i was a mod scj643
12:02:32 you're blowing my mind right now, blossom
12:02:33 Mod admin what's the difference
12:02:34 but his bantz on irc were so great
12:02:38 whot the fuck needs to cheat on AB?
12:02:44 egypt mostly





/mark/eted to the chinese government

np m8. I've been on PTP for several years now :^)

I used to cheat on AB to increase my overall uploads cin I can't be bother to upload torrents but I don't cheat ratio

how do you cheat uploads?

Just upload the same torrent and delete it over and uver

t. leftist

this list isn't even updated you're useless

Fine buddy.

All versions of uTorrent 3.x BTFO. While 2.x also exhibits these entrypoints, at worst a highly specific crashing prank works.

If you can load localhost:10000 , even if it says 'invalid request', you are allegedly vulnerable.
Set net.discoverable to false under Advanced and disable WebUI, and restart your client.

Allowing 2.x: HDB, BTN, PTP, AHD, GGn, APL, MAM, JPS, BakaBT
Barring old versions: RED, BIB, AB, OT, IPT

If this concerns you, consider switching to
↳queueStalledmeme: qbforums.shiki.hu/index.php/topic,3224.0.html
↳Deldonteventhinkabouthavingover100torrents: github.com/Laharah/deluge-uTorrentImport
↳Transmission: github.com/mikedld/bt-migrate
↳Headless Autism: btpd, transmission-daemon + Remote GUI
↳Non-curry: rTorrent

I already went to the effort of switching to qBit even though it can't seed for shit and wastes a bunch of memory, also one of my external hard drives died a day or two after I switched but it might have been a coincidence. But it might have not beeen a coincidence!

still not complete... what's wrong with you?

Which 4th tier tracker is missing?

>tfw waiting for invite

which tracker? i'll invite you rn

sent ;^)
make sure to checking your spamming folder sir!

Another day, another 900MB

they don't have good scripts but if they see you on forums/irc they check on you

no multiple invites required

Just say it was an accident and you were trying to fix errors in the description or something

>fix errors in the description or something
how does that explain 50GB in 1s?
Granted you could use better ways

acting like a jerk


>acting like you're a /ptg/ regular

then where do you get people to download it over and over again from you?

For the love of sweet Jesus, who are you quoting?

updated blacklist:
Allowing 2.x: HDB, BTN, PTP, AHD, GGn, APL, JPS, BakaBT, MAM, MTV, The[Geeks|Vault|Place|Empire|Occult|Show]
Barring old versions: RED, BIB, AB, OT

Eat shit old OP!
Everyone will know their client is fucked cause torrents will go red and won't announce.

Don’t forget Art of Misdirection!

Not everybody is a weeb.

I'm not a weeb.

>hes not a weeb

Koel is that you, you schizo piece of butthurt shit?


AoM blacklisted uTorrent long ago


They can see in the future. Of course.

the recruiter just has to check his fucking inbox.

No, it was because of the bundled ads and cryptominer

another day another 0mb uploaded to red

user, why you bother? there are other routes.

I thought qB was really bad? I don't notice anything, I'm getting my usual steady upload. (max speed is 150KiB/s)

What was TehC like compared to alternatives back then?

the alternative was PTP and tehc was dogshit in comparison

The meme is that tehc was dogshit. It was a decent alternative. If you had a choice between PTP and tehc you'd choose PTP in a heartbeat. While you waited to get into PTP you'd be ok in tehc. It wasn't perfect but it was better than any alternative to PTP we have now.

don't listened to the memes, it was a pretty good movie tracker. not as good as ptp or hdb but was probably the best movie tracker right after ptp

>waited to get into ptp
how does waiting get you into trackers?
just ask for an invite from a friend and be part of the tracker..

it was the only alternative to PTP if you were after SD and HD movies

>having friends

>The meme is that tehc was dogshit
No, the meme is that tehc was in anyway a backup or 2nd tier alternative to PTP.
The reality is it was dogshit. Somewhere you made do with If you couldn't get into PTP, not as a viable alternative in the slightest.

it was good enough for people that aren't autistic hoarders

Backups are never as good, hence why they aren't the primary source in the first place. The distance between TehC and PTP in terms of quality was vast, but the difference between PTP and any other movie tracker was and is vaster

As you can see, /ptg/'s tracker ratings are binary. Either they're god's gift to mankind, or they're complete shit. Nothing in between.

If you are on PTP you don't need to hoard, you can download whatever you want, when you want. You only need to hoard if places like tehc are all you have, hoarding because you never know when something may next be available.

that's a typical sign of autism or bipolar disorder btw

uh no, the further you go up the tracker pyramid the more hoarders you find

You mean borderline personality disorder not bipolar

You had to wait when PTP reached the user cap and invites were shut down.

And it's why /ptg/ is basically dead. It's been over taken by cheerleaders. We used to be pirates who didn't give a fuck about rules. Now we have weebs who want more rules.

Another day another 10mb on RED :)

t. seedbox jew

>The current total size of the torrents on Redacted is 339.008 TB.

so based

what do you think The current total size of penis on the users of /ptg/ is user?

t. chaim NASberg

we could circumnavigate the earth several times. we could reach the galaxy Andromeda.

You are smart. People like you.

How about when we're erect? Deneb, right?

Quick rundown on this?
Was APL hacked?

What are my chances of getting into any known private tracker being an argie with a 8MB connection?

The only person who blames you is you. It wasn't your fault.

if you mean a big name tracker, it could take you some time. start with MAM. anyone can survive there and you can get invites that will get to bigger name trackers.

Why are you guys so fucking autistic for fuck's sake

Very likely if you are not a boludo

Will definitively take a look.


Not a boludo, just a white man minding its own business.

>Raged out autist calling other autistic

Choose one and only one.

It's not user's fault about the ozone layer.

puff is quickly becoming one of our most esteemed users!

You don't have to hurt yourself or others to make the pain stop.

Anime avatars without naked boobies are useless.

From where does the meme come that upload speed will get you into a tracker?

name a dead tracker you'd like to see make a comeback. a better comeback than Waffles. a BiB comeback.

Isn't the reverse, slow speed will keep you out of top trackers?

i think you mean pixels?

Snatch those tiny torrents & shitpost on the games forum. Once you get Pro Gamer, trade that 50% off coupoun for 4 superior upload potions. You could get Legendary Gamer just by that. EZPZ. Now the harderst part is you'll need to wait 6 months in order to apply for BTN & PTP.


the easiest path to BTN & PTP

It kept the riffraff out of PTP.