ITT: Soylent technology

I'll go first...
System76 laptops

anything with 'windows' or 'apple' in the name

>soy tech: whatever you use
>non soy tech: whatever I use
deal w/it fag

What are you doing to promote FOSS then, OP? Linux's biggest drawback is that it isn't shipped on computers that people can buy and boot into from the start. Ubuntu and company are trying to be a consumer OS, but they aren't shipping with computers by default. I wouldn't purchase a System76 computer personally, but I'd rather a normie buy one than a laptop that ships with Windows and continues to prop-up Windows' (undeserved) dominance.

Soylent doesn't contain soy, so the point you're trying to make is System76 laptops are non soy tech, right? Unless you're a complete utter fucking idiot


Anything that touts itself as FOSS. Literally the veganism of the tech world

I use a System76 machine at work;m that and Pop!OS are pretty neat.

Why do you store such a disgusting things on your computer?

>"Soys bad because of estrogen"
>Continues to drink mammal milk to give self bitch tits

Any laptop or tablet

Desktop at work and a phone

>eating the flesh of enslaved and murdered sentient beings


Rules of nature boy. I used to be a vegetarian but it was limiting my testosterone levels and protein intake. My health has noticeably improved since I started eating meat 1-2 times a week.

>sentience important
sapience is all that matters and only humans (and a select few animals may) have it

I'll correct you. Anything that is Gahnoo + leenoox or bee es dee.

Why do you guys keep advertising soy products? Do you think Monsanto is some small farmer just looking to get by?

> ITT: Young, dumb cunts who have no idea what soylent is

Sounds like someone had B12 deficiency. You didn't eat much dairy, did you?

Neat, so you contribute to an industry that is the highest contributor to environmental estrogen levels instead. GG. Enjoy your estrogen enriched chicken while you're basking in your glory you dense faggot.

Like pottery.

>I've diagnosed you over the web, it wasn't my political sides fault
>claims without source

Not that guy, why are vegiatarians basically as bad as politicians? We're supposed to rise above such barbarism.

there's literally nothing wrong with cannibalism.

>I've diagnosed you over the web, it wasn't my political sides fault
Wait what the fuck
B12 is the most likely culprit, since you went on a meme bender about testosterone and protein.


just cook your brains man, don't eat them raw like a fucking savage

system76 is better than the alternatives of mac or windows. I am /tpg/ user myself but I support system76 over the faggotry of mac and windows.

>just cook your brains man
> "It is now widely accepted that kuru was transmitted among members of the Fore tribe of Papua New Guinea via funerary cannibalism. Deceased family members were traditionally cooked and eaten,"
> cooked

Don't let us stop you though..

>t. soylent expert

What's a computer?

I was supplementing at the time actually, and drank quite a lot of normal milk. I unironically had low test levels for a variety of reasons, including a lack of red meat in my diet. Protein wise I simply wasn’t getting enough for the amount of calories I was eating.

In milk? Sure, that was one of the problems as well. Never heard of oestrogen in chicken though, although I primarily eat Beef anyway as it’s more efficient in terms of how many animals have to die for my meal. I buy organic too, and I intend to actually visit the farm I buy from once I move.

Hey, 5 years of support is what sold me. I’m not replacing my phone bi-yearly.

>Unless you're a complete utter fucking idiot
He is a Sup Forumsnigger for starters...
