What sound cards would Sup Forums recommend today?
inb4 hurr durr muh onboard audio plebs. No one cares about your peasantry.
What sound cards would Sup Forums recommend today?
inb4 hurr durr muh onboard audio plebs. No one cares about your peasantry.
Nobody needs dedicated sound cards these days, user. It's just placebo-tier audiophoolery
Asus Xonar DG /X with the Uni driver
I just went back to Creative Labs (SB Z) after Auzentech died. rip in peace.
> calls out on board
> Praises sound cards
The 90s called they want your sound blaster back. There are no difference between the two anymore and if you were serious you'd get d/a box
None. Sound cards are placebo
USB dac
External optical or USB DAC+amp
correct answer.
You seem like exactly the kind of person who would buy a sound card for their PC. Make sure to get the one with the most RGB LEDs on it for maximum sound quality!
This, except you're a musician and want to record stuff in your home studio.
back to 2001
I'd recommend a external dac
My old entry tier 5.1 Sony does fine only thing I dislike is the lack of a proper graphic equaliser
>This, except you're a musician and want to record stuff in your home studio.
Truth, which gets to my point: Only. Buy DACs aimed at musicians. Everything else is just memes.
Sennheiser GSX-1000
Paired with your headphone amp of choice.
What's with this external DAC meme? You think your shitty USB cable is going to be less noisy than your computer?
I use digital toslink you absolute faggot
>digital toslink
It's still probably powered by USB power you ignoramus. Or even worse, a cheap switcher connected to your wall socket.
Nope it's direct from my monitor to amp and or HDMI my audio crippled friend
Analogue is aids for PC anyway since the interference is fucked even on the best soundcards.
Still have a audigy 2 zs and auzentech xfi but I never use them
today? Uhh dunno
If you've got a legacy PCI on board then good, old and CHEAP AS FUCK(second hand though) SB Audigy 2 or X-Fi (Gamer/Music) still does the job.
"DACs" aimed at musicians aren't all good either.
That cheap Focurite shit is literally noisier than some onboards.
External DAC for best sound quality, any sort of onboard, whether it be motherboard or PCI based will still have the potential for EMI.
Currently, I have a Sound Blaster Z because I like the SPD/IF in and it sounds better than onboard. It's broken in Linux by default, but over the past months I've reverse engineered the Windows driver to make it work. Fun stuff.
the card in the picture does not work on linux
I fixed it. It hasn't been submitted to the kernel, but it will once I've finalized it.
>Windows XP 64-Bit Edition for Itanium systems, Version 2002 – Based on Windows XP codebase, was released simultaneously alongside the 32-Bit version of Windows XP on October 25, 2001
>Windows NT 3.1 supports multiple platforms: Aside from the x86 architecture, it runs on computers with DEC Alpha or MIPS (R4000 and R4400) processors.[116]
>Alpha, originally known as Alpha AXP, is a 64-bit reduced instruction set computing (RISC) instruction set architecture (ISA) developed by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), designed to replace their 32-bit VAX complex instruction set computer (CISC) ISA.
>The R4000 is a microprocessor developed by MIPS Computer Systems that implemented the MIPS III instruction set architecture (ISA). Officially announced on 1 October 1991, it was one of the first 64-bit microprocessors and the first MIPS III implementation.
Proper ones have separate power supply, also USB dac has more advantages than just noise, for example you can connect it to a laptop.
USB is digital, retard.
>based will still have the potential for EMI
Can't they you know just shield it?
The Sound Blaster Z is shielded, but it's still hard to reduce. If I place my card above my graphics card, I get noise during games. if I put it below, it goes away. Just being near anything switching at high frequencies makes it hard to protect against.
some laptop support digital with adapters that you plug in the headphone port.
maybe i should put it back in the computer then.
Did you duct tape it because of the red LED?
wouldn't most people say videocard not onboard? who doesn't hdmi to tv or receiver?