Fingerprint scanners becoming the norm in all smartphones

>fingerprint scanners becoming the norm in all smartphones
>facial recognition entering mainstream, will be ubiquitous within 3-5 years
>always-on microphones and cameras already here

So Sup Forums, how long do we have until there's a 100% complete, unbeatable and unavoidable police state? I give it about 6 years before thoughtcrime becomes a literal crime.

Other urls found in this thread:

>before thoughtcrime becomes a literal crime
welcome to most of the five eyes, present day

I meant in burgerland, I knew that the UK and other countries like Germany regulate opinions and speech. I feel bad for them.

whenever they finally implement the sibyl system

>sibyl system
>hurr my animu will become real

>I give it about 6 years before thoughtcrime becomes a literal crime.
Nah, I give it 8 years til the technical infrastructure is fully in place and 100% operational BUT it takes more time to change peoples mind and culture about privacy and freedom of speech. I give it 25 years until thoughtcrime becomes a literal crime. If you have kids I strongly recommend you take their electronics away, they're being massively brainwashed, even if they spent time on Sup Forums they'd be exposed to it, this place just lags behind the mainstream but ultimately heads there too.

worth a watch?

>even if they spent time on Sup Forums
Fucking hell you say that like it’s a good thing

>leave phone at home
>walk to grocery store
>pass by a couple people playing on their phones
>their phones recognize and log me for not carrying my phone
>government received report of possible suspicious activity
>buy groceries with cash
>store sends gov report about everyone who purchased with cash including biometrics
>come home, fbi waiting for me

>live in the country
>metro insanity no longer a concern

Yeah, you have certain restrictions on free speech in Germany and it is insane that our constitution insists that censorship doesn't happen even if it does, but it isn't too bad. On the pro side: our government protects our privacy instead of spying on us or allowing cooperations to do it for them.

animefags go back to Sup Forums

Im going to be jailed for being a weirdo

A lot of anons believe this place is different on a fundamental level, it really isn't. There's no way, there are centuries of moulding and an untold amount of extremely subtly propaganda behind the current generation of humans. If anything I would think of the internet as the ultimate mind control tool no matter how obscure the site is.

>implying you control what you think
There's a far more insidious game afoot

Sup Forums
I think you're looking for these...

when's the last time you typed in a URL you had never visited before? you don't browse the internet, you're fed the internet

>typing URLs
bitch i fucking type IP addresses and .onion URLs. Get on my fucking level.
it doesn't change the fact that the guy I originally replied to has a zero substance argument and is just trying to be an edgelord.

It's dope as heck

I'm from a small village in the UK and haven't had any policing of my thoughts, when I go up the pub people make nigger jokes and at work they do as well, it's fairly open here desu and I haven't noticed much, maybe in the big cities it's worse but I wouldn't know

North America is probably the only country in the world which doesn't censor speach to be honest desu

>small village
Thats why desu you do that in any large city and you'll get completely fucked. The main issue with speach censoring is what people say online the police have decided that they have authority on the internet for some reason.

This was inevitable though as soon as the internet became full of normies it was only a matter of time. That and also the fact that old people decide on all the rules and regulations around the internet but barely know how to turn on a tv. It's completely foreign to them they dont belong on the internet it's not their domain yet they will happy put regulations in place for something they dont understand
