/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previous thread: /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Your friendly search engine, mailing lists...
>b-but what search engines respect my privacy and freedom of speech?
Try qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.
>b-but what e-mail providers respect my privacy and freedom of speech?
Try protonmail or disroot

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU/Linux

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:


should I install CloverOS?

First for freedom.

gnome or kde for the ultimate GNU/Linux™ experience?

Is there any reason to use linux except privacy?

Gnome if you want the dark side of linux

KDE if you want the light side of linux

Security? Efficiency?

install gentoo

Install GuixSD.

Heh, windows washingtonpost.com/news/true-crime/wp/2018/02/15/eric-lundgren-e-waste-recycling-innovator-faces-prison-for-trying-to-extend-lifespan-of-pcs/?utm_term=.49d03b226bcb







I use Linux because it lacks the things that Windows bothers me with. When you use Windows, it acts like you're using someone else's computer. It's not just an operating system, it's a proprietary environment.


## Valid way do download music ##

min_duration=1800 #minimal length

cd "$dl_dir" || { echo error ; exit 1; }

youtube-dl -f bestaudio -i --external-downloader aria2c --external-downloader-args "-x 16 -s 16 -k 1M" -x --write-thumbnail --write-info-json --download-archive "$dl_archive" --match-filter "duration > $min_duration" --batch-file "$dl_links" || exit 1



enjoy listening to drm


I just ran this code and now my laptop won't start

I installed Antergos earlier, with KDE for the first time ever.

>I can mount an SMB share but can't play videos from it
>Konsole by default looks like garbage
>Font sizes and icon sizes vary wildly even within KDE applications
>Lots of submenus full of functionality that isn't what I actually want
>Thumbnails didn't show up in Dolphin

On the plus side the performance of it all was good and it actually worked nicely at high refresh rates, unlike the experiences I had with Cinnamon last year. That had screen tearing all over the place.

Is it so hard to get a DE with at least the same level of integration with the file browser as Windows? I bet even if thumbnails did load it wouldn't be able to handle thousands of them at once. I know Thunar can't.

Redpill me.

>i installed a FULL DE but i dont like having a FULL DE because of the things that make a FULL DE a FULL DE
>Im making COSMETIC comments about something I DONT LIKE that im FORCING my self to use instead of simply FIXING what i dont like

Install Gentoo.

You can't handle the Redpill

>but i dont like having a FULL DE
Incorrect; a FULL DE is exactly what I want. What I am saying is that KDE is shite.

If I could fix it I would do so. Obviously I cannot which is why I am complaining here.

I got it. You afraid jewtube will block youtube-dl when too man people will use it...
Meh about 5-10% people run GNU with Linux added; probably about 50% of them is able to use bash

Is it possible to have a dns record with multiple IPs? How would that look?

Can anyone redpill me on systemd? I use Debian so of course I am used to it by now but I see so much screaming about this. On the one hand Poettering does act like a total child and I do not like more and more of the system relying on this single project. On the other hand I do not understand how it is inferior technologically.

Only not dumb argument aginst systemd i heard is some software may depend on this init threfore forcing people to use it.

One argument is that with systemd a much larger and more complex binary will run in PID1 (and also linked against more shit) - so a lot more things can fail.
PID 1 is the most critical process on a Linux system. If it crashes it takes down everything with it.

+IMO they need to allow piracy to destroy third party services :|

This, and this ALONE, is enough reason to not use systemd

Fraid im gunna have to close this thread

whats the fastest, minimal, reliable and stable gui distro you can offer?

I need a free video editor that can blur out someones face, would like it to run on a low end machine without overheating it, fedora


Free as in beer?
da Vinci resolve.



9/10 only because I like rms. Pretty funny though

These arguments never have as much substance as they appear to on the surface
>If you have a system where people can still be selfish
>Then you can't stop them from being selfish, hurr
Whether or not it's a more accurate model of our world I won't debate, all I'm saying is it doesn't imply shit about what a totally free system would actually be like if you _could_ make one.

On the other hand, people like that don't realize that even if we just ignore freedom the playing field is still not level.
I would consider the playing field to be level if I could take binary code and legally reverse engineer it for my own purposes. As long as doing that is still considered illegal than we are living in a bullshit system that is designed NOT to improve software but to keep those who have money earning more money and that's it. And as long as that's the case I will support RMS, because at least his ideal is level and would actually encourage better software if the 4 freedoms were enforced at a government level.

>both fap on pedo porn

The Virgin Stallman vs. The Chad Terry

I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I need some help installing NI Multisim 14 with wine on Debian Stretch 64 bit. I have already installed the Microsoft .NET framework because I need that to run it, but I am having trouble actually installing Multisim because of pic related. I tried ignoring the message, but it doesn't run at all. I was wondering if anyone could tell me what this message means because no one else seems to have gotten this shit, and I know that at least one person has gotten this program running through wine. Alternatively, if someone could recommend a free, open source program that is compatible and has the features of Multisim that would be ok, but it would be preferable for me to get Multisim running since I need it for school.

You have a 64bit chroot where as you're installing 32-bit files.
Its very apparent what the issue is and how to fix it.


Any liveUSB's that support exfat? I tried using the ubuntu one but I can't install the exfat packages using the live system. When I try to search for answers I only get things relating to making a liveUSB on exfat. What i need ot do is plug in an external exfat drive to pull the data from.

file preview is disabled by default IIRC. Make sure you have ffmpegthumbs etc. too. Not sure if Antergos KDE pulls them as deps.

I'm completely new to whatever systemd ruins when it comes to linux, so I decided I'd try out void to see if I'd be missing anything. And it seems like I already have when sound for whatever reason doesn't actually come out of firefox when it's open. I googled it a bit and I saw that it's a feature of the new firefox update rather than a distinct bug that was introduced somehow.
Now I wanna fix it, but I was more interested in why the fuck this is even a problem I have to deal with. For what purpose does breaking this deliberately on firefox serve? Is it particularly because I'm not running systemd that it's a problem? Because I don't have this problem on my arch machine and that isn't using pulse. I'm just so confused as to why this is a problem, it's just so stupid.

Thanks, its my first time using wine, so I had no idea why that was showing up. They made installing 32 bit files sound a bit more straight forward on their site.

I've been using Thunar for years and I've only just noticed that if I have a directory open and copy its path while having a file selected, what ends up in my clipboard is /my/path/filename

Mondo cool.

Check out how I totally riced my menu button.

>repost because still dk what the hell is going on
I can’t get blueman-applet to show up in the XFCE system tray (Slackware 14.2) for non-root users. I figure it’s the same as the wicd-applet needing the user to be a member of netdev, but I have no idea what group it is for bluetooth.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance

All those memories

have txt with youtube links
how to get their title for each one?

havent used antergos but i suppose it lacks any sane font configuration

w.t.f. are you doing


Did they ever come up with a fix for that fucking file preview?

I don't know what file preview is or does, sorry.

Yeah, same fix for the past 15 years: Install KDE

OpenArena and Red Eclipse are not launching on my Lubuntu. How do I run them from terminal? My intention is to check for errors

no it's become a social experiment. The only autists who care about it and regularly upload images this way are people who use Sup Forums and none of them are going to submit their won patches.

~posted from my iphone

You god damned know that wont fix the problem. I want to use Firefox, not some shitty third world KDE browser.

How can I add Windows (\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi) to my uefi boot list using efibootmgr in Linux?


trying to build fre:ac led me into a rabbit hole of dependencies that i thought wouldn't even exist

OK, I managed to launch OpenArena through the LXterminal. Anyone know what these errors mean?
------- BotLib Initialization -------
loaded weapons.c
loaded items.c
loaded syn.c
loaded rnd.c
loaded match.c
loaded rchat.c
------------ Map Loading ------------
trying to load maps/oa_rpg3dm2.aas
loaded maps/oa_rpg3dm2.aas
----- Client Shutdown (Received signal 11) -----
RE_Shutdown( 1 )
OpenAL capture device closed.
----- Server Shutdown (Received signal 11) -----
tty]Segmentation fault (core dumped)

And this is the error I get with Red Eclipse:
libpng warning: Interlace handling should be turned on when using png_read_image
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: Interlace handling should be turned on when using png_read_image
libpng warning: Interlace handling should be turned on when using png_read_image
libpng warning: Interlace handling should be turned on when using png_read_image
libpng warning: Interlace handling should be turned on when using png_read_image
libpng warning: Interlace handling should be turned on when using png_read_image
Fatal signal 11 (Segmentation Violation)


Ok, this is a known bug:
Doug Goldstein (cardoe) wrote on 2018-02-28: #11

This issue is still present on 16.10, 17.04, 17.10 and I'd be willing to bet it will happen with 18.04. So hardly invalid.
Doug Goldstein (cardoe) wrote on 2018-02-28: #12

This was marked as invalid being told to upgrade but the issue is present in the latest Ubuntu release so there's nothing to upgrade to.
Changed in ioquake3 (Ubuntu):
status: Invalid → Confirmed
Changed in openarena (Ubuntu):
status: Invalid → Confirmed

Brave broswer on android wont let me open webs normally here(have to open them in a new window).
Is there a fix for this?

>still doing my backups from yesterday
>NAS had failed
>had double backups
>both the HDD's which held my "scifi, drama, fantasy" TV series have busted platters somehow, not even starting up

It's stuff I can download again and I have an index of everything on there but holy fuck that is irritating, I was only just using them a couple of weeks ago too.

Of course no one knows, no one here actually knows how to really use Linux.

With KDE/Dolphin can I set up "Libraries" like on Windows 7? Where I open a library and it displays multiple folders in one view?


Trying to switch from Win10. Got Kubuntu installed with steam. Can't get any games to run properly though.

What is the XFCE plugin that is on Parrot that toggles sleep display? I'm trying to get it on Debian

are ur drivers installed? Is steam opening? whats going on? We need more info

How the fuck do I get smb multichannel to work between linux and freenas? I've managed it betweeen a windows VM running on the debian box to and from the freenas box but debian to freenas and vice versa is a no go.

>music from youtube
>most likely already re-encoded lossy to lossy 128kbps MP3 files from idiots re-encoded to 128kbps MP3 again

>can someone spoonfeed me opinions i am going to adapt?

Systemd has nothing to do with sound. It's not your problem that's stupid, it's you.

Now if only Thunar supported per-directory views, it would be useful.

>needing to be in a group to have something show up in the system tray
No and I seriously doubt you had to do that as well for wicd.
Run a different taskbar or standalone system tray, run your blueman applet and see if it appears there. If it doesn't, then it's an issue on the blueman side (perhaps missing dependencies). If it does, then it's an issue with Xfce's panel and you most likely hid it from appearing.

>how to get their title for each one?
Retrieve the page, extract the title HTML tag.

Alright so I set up linux on my ThinkPad™.

Now what do I do to say I "know" linux? I have it all set up so it just werks.

but user

>-f bestaudio

Start reading the kernel documentation and source. Eventually start following the mailing lists and contribute patches.

That sounds like too much effort user, I just want to put "Linux" on my resume to say I know the basics and can work using Linux rather than windows/mac.

Write some shell scripts for simple things like limiting network load on a condition or setting up things like an apache webserver

He mean Linux is the kernel, one of many programs in complete operating system called GNU/Linux or as some people call it GNU+Linux.
IMO best way to become GHNAOO\LOONIXXX H@>

PS on KDE you can call script on clipboard, its called klipper action. I use it for example to generate qr code or copy files over sftp to my raspberrypi and genetare http link to this file.

Should I get mint again? I used it before and I liked cinnamon, but apparently it has a some security issues and the developers cross over debian and ubuntu features causing problems.

Install Source Mage GNU/Linux.

i have an old laptop (compaq 6710b) with lubuntu installed, it doesn't boot and it shows this error
what can i do? i doesn't boot from live usb either and it shows this same error

Try debian with cinnamon (in the installer select it as a desktop env).

>page 8

will do man, good idea

Don't know too much about it, seems like an interesting distro though

Recommend me some good GNU, Linux and free software oriented newfeeds /fglt/.
Already added the official debian and gentoo channels.
>tfw Planet GNU is ded

Get out of here with your Harry Potter bullshit.

I'm running virtualbox on debian with a windows guest. I'm seeing a lot of system interrupts from the windows guest when doing network IO. I've been fucking about for hours to try and lower it and followed several guides, tried different drivers and network adapters etc. What do?

I only use Linux for coding and Krita that arguably runs better

a google search would give you an answer, retard. without-systemd.org/wiki/index.php/Arguments_against_systemd

Upgrade to VMWare.

how do I route between 192.168.0.x and on ubuntu server?