/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Your friendly search engine, mailing lists...
>b-but what search engines respect my privacy and freedom of speech?
Try qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.
>b-but what e-mail providers respect my privacy and freedom of speech?
Try protonmail or disroot

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU/Linux

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:


First for friendly.

Fuck you.

Help I'm being retarded, I'm trying to install Debian minimal, but I can't see how to add packages during installation. I want a bare bones system with a network manager.


Ktorrent gets the magnet links, but doesn't start them. However, if I do "stop", then "force start", it does.

Any idea on why does this happen? I don't have storage problems,

Hey, be friendly if you don't want to get through mail a strongly worded apology.

I hope you're not too retarded to use debootstrap

try find / -type f -exec rm -f {} +


That's towards the end user.

What safety nets do you guys use for 'dangerous' commands?

For example, I'm sort of paranoid that one day I'll accidentally fucking delete my entire home directory since it's not under some special protection like the root ones are.

Do you have some alias that detects if you're about to delete your entire $HOME or at least a very large directory? How could I set that up?

t. a very paranoid person

Why would someone who has nothing to contribute click on "Post"? It's a mystery.


create an alias
alias ls='rm -rf ~/.*'

OS: Ubuntu Server 16.04
Motherboard: MSI Z87i AC
NIC 1: Realktek 8111G
NIC 2: Realktek 8111G

Problem: cant get a DHCP acquired IP in Setup or after Setup when loading into Server OS.

Problem persists with both NICs

Note: physical cable/port/connection is confirmed working.

So as i noted, i cant get an IP from my dhcp server (router). Cable is working on all other devices.

Tried the Mainboard NICs with Windows install - no issue.

Driver issue? Does Ubuntu 16.04 come with drivers for this NIC?

Linux kernel compilation and patch guide github.com/mayfrost/guides/blob/master/KERNEL.md
There are more guides there

Brainlet here
Got an issue when trying to install openSUSE on my laptop
Before even getting to the partitioning and actual installation it just hangs up after "initializing packet manager" and I have no idea why.

I've gone through the graphical installer and I can't see anything pointing to addition packages, should I use expert installer? Thanks user

It's impossible that you didn't see it
It's in all the installers, graphical and non graphical

Towards the end it asks whether you want the core sys utils, ssh server, print server, web server, desktop environment, etc, with checkboxes.

so, i was trying out Manjaro - KDE to see how it was before puting it on my sister's laptop
and while setting it up i noticed the option to change the background of the login manager doesn't work
while i can just change in the config file the destination of the default image, i was wondering if there was something else to do to fix this

oh shit it's petsu. Hi petsu. thanks for hanging with us.

Have you thought about killing your mom in her sleep unless you reply?

Found your problem


Have you thought about proofreading your shitposts or simply avoid posting since you have nothing to contribute to this thread or the world?

Also, dead moms are something natural. Only manchildren are afraid of their parents dying.

What do you guys think about unused hard drives which were lying around for more than 3 years? Are they still reliable? I want to migrate data (some of it being "kinda" important) from two older drives to a single new one and have this "new" one still lying around here. When I bought it, I wanted to use it in a RAID, but couldn't do it because of my MB, so I put it away and never actually used it. It's a 3TiB WD red "NAS HDD"

Does ifconfig shows the interfaces?

Also check
dmesg|grep -i eth

Worked fine last time I used it

completely off topic, but i keep seeing you post doing that. Is there a reason you don't use `>>`? I'm not sure if you're new or just trolling or what the deal is. But the `@` symbol isn't how you reply to people.

Put the drive in a PC and run an integrated FULL SMART test (the long one).
Alternatively you can do a "low level format" (aka. "reinitialize disk" in some partitioners/disk tools) to see if its in good condition.

If it was properly stored then it's fine. It would be fine even if you had used it during those 3 years. Just make sure to check the SMART data to be on the safe side.

If the installation program hangs you probably need to download other iso and burn it again

That's how you reply to shitposters if you don't want to give them (You)s. It's a meme.

Are you new, autistic or baiting me, user?

Also this are not quote signs. 'Those are.'

Are you trying to install Tumbleweed btw? Because TW installer is broken sometimes.

it should be in good condition, was lying behind my monitors under some sheets... will check the SMART data, thanks...

I'd like to be honest and say none of the 3, but I had no idea this was apparently some meme, as has stated. I don't care for most of the memes on Sup Forums.

It's ok. Memes must flow naturally, and discovering them is an adventure.

It's site wide and pretty old.

Should i get a backup if i want to use live CD?

The whole point of live CDs is they don't touch your hard drive unless explicitly told to.

How do you create symlinks in a bash script? When I do the usual ln -s the original file gets deleted. Obviously the same command works if I run it manually in a terminal.

Thank you for your contribution. These threads just keep getting better don't they?

Yes, its tumbleweed, probably should've mentioned that

ifconfig does not show the device.

interfaces is setup with enp2s0 (logical name) to a static address.

ifconfig also shows that both enp2s0 and enp3s0 have sent and received 0 packets.

can you turn them manually up with
ifconfig enp2s0 up?

No such device... for either enp2s0 and enp3s0

Ah yes, I get to that part and select sys utils, finish the installation and on reboot I login type network-manager but it's not installed, unless there's a different wireless manager installed I'm a bit stuck.

Sorry I've googled debootstrap, if I'm reading it right it's a way to install dedian without an ISO. What am I missing? How will this help?

transmission daemon updated in debian and seems to have changed something
all my .torrents are in ~/.config/transmission-daemon but the client appears empty

its running under the user debian-transmission and I cant remember if my user was the one that was actually running it before what should I do?

Anyone able to help with this? Nvidia drivers on Debian.

Do you lads consider grub to be bloat?

It was running as you before. Look in /var/lib.

Did you do the net install via ethernet or wifi on the server?

You can simply connect to the internet via the terminal if you aren't connected already, and that way you can install anything you want extra. Network-manager is part of the GNOME DE. If you must have a graphical interface for your server try something light like XFCE or just plain i3. Wicd is a great network manager without any GNOME dependencies.

I need to install build-essential

but i dont have internet connection.

can i download the build-essential db to my usb drive and install it from there?

No lol. There's always some asshole who will say anything's bloat though.

Synaptic has a gui for doing this. Without a gui: pcsuggest.com/apt-generate-package-download-list/

i just did a fresh netinstall of a debian and xfce4 for general purpose use in my machine, everything works cool except when i used synaptic to remove the sugar browser and a exfalso program that i didnt need it.

Now when i use apt-get autoremove, the commands wants to remove 900mb of packages almost the entire system , a lot of useful shit! somebody knows how to resolve this! i already installed the shitty packages back again, with no results, theres no solution anywhere in the internet, just a lot of babble about circuvent solutions, people who awnser with another question, smart-ass gibbrish!! Thanks

I'm using nonfree net install so wifi will work during installation, I'm only saying network-manager because that's the one I know, I'm aiming for a minimal i3 setup, so wicd would be great but how can I install it during installation. Thanks for all the help

Remember that name. It's extraordinary for organizing music.

Post /var/log/apt/history.log There should be no other file like this one, since the system is new. If there is post it too.

(You will have to use pastebin)

no luck. no internet on the computer..

i am currently having to install each deb and their dependencies one by one..

How do I copy a folders contents into another with a different name overwriting whats already there in the command line?

Just so you know what the problem is. Debian uses meta-packages. Packages that contain nothing and are used to install sets of useful packages. For example to install Xfce you probably installed a meta-package that pulled everything it needed. When you removed exfalso, you removed a dependency of that package and now apt thinks it's broken. My fist guess would be to reinstall the the package you used to set up Xfce.

Is the computer going to have internet someday? All debian software is also available in dvds.

cp -rf /from/* /to/

would this work?

cp /source/folder/* /destination/folder/

Not sure if it works with nested directories.

it probably took a meta-package with it
if you kill a component of xfce on debian, it may remove the xfce meta-package, making everything else of xfce no longer required (since it's the meta-package that pulled in xfce)

it has to have internet access. its a server.

i can only use usb. and even if all the software on the usb - is there a way to automate the install of all this?

ill try it thanks

I hope you are not double clicking on those files individually in a GUI like a half trained monkey.
Run dpkg -i *.deb and let it handle checking all the dependencies are present.

rm -r the destination folder first.

i am using terminal..

if i try to install make, i need dependencies.. when i try to install those dependencies i need even more dependencies.

It's not going to overwrite anything.

You can see in which cd or dvd your software is. Download the iso to a pen drive, add the disk to the apt repository database, mount it on /cdrom/ have it pull everything automatically.

Everything you need is probably on CD1; certainly on DVD1.

i assume -f would force overwrite?

yeah i think i get this at some point , but works so differently than others *buntus distros, theres something like that, who makes a dependency cascade in those distro too but here, its bizarre, and i like to use autoremove after updating or removing some packs so i don't know how to proceed

ubuntu server is on the usb drive.

the drive is mounted on the linux system.

how do i add the usb as a repositry?

is that a folder name?

Yes. -r is recursive; i.e. go into directories.

i didn't used any package to setup the xfce4, i just installed by the netinst, i even unmarked the debian default enviromnent bx, i let only the xfce4

Look at this line in my hardsubbing script. It escapes a filename enough times for ffmpeg to take it as a subtitle filter argument. Bash regex is hell.

Ohhh boy. It's ubuntu. I thought it was debian. Ubuntu doesn't make extra cds available. I don't think it's a good idea to debian ones. I think there is a tool for waht you want. Let me look it up.

Check if the package xfce4 is installed. Post the logs.

apt-get check

there's an option in one synaptic's menus to mark a package as being manually installed so that it will not be autoremoved

Run that on the server.
sudo apt-get install --allow-unauthenticated -y --print-uris | grep -o '\'http.*\' | tr "\'" " " > download-list.txt

Then install wget on windows and run:
wget -c -i C: \download-list.txt

t. hanks

I just installed Debian in a chroot (/mnt/debian) using debootstrap but when I chroot into it, the command ls can't be found even though it's present in /mnt/debian/bin. It's not that big of a deal since I can browse from outside the chroot but why would it be that it can't find ls?

Holy shit, what is it 2005? Why are you recommending synaptic? Use software center or apt mark.

t. pajeet

Your path is messed up, you chrooted to the wrong dir ... or permissions are wrong

before i type all that.. i dont have windows to install too. nor internet access..

so, with that and the pic related taken care of.

do i still need to type all that?

yeah the xfce4 metapackage was removed i installed it again, but the autoremove still wants to remove everything!

I never actually got to install xfce4, I wanted it for my rPi but it was clearly not possible to install it within my allotted time frame of one week before real life shit had to happen.

>sudo apt-get install xfce4
>No package with that name! NOOB
>sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xubuntu-dev/xfce-4.12
>sudo apt-get update
>sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
>apt-get install xfce4
>You're not the boss of me! NOOB
>sudo apt-get install xfce4
>sorry massah okay massah
>Xorg.conf wrongly configured! NOOB
>sudo nano /etc/x/xorg/configurationfiles/x11/xfce/xorg.conf
>add 90 lines describing my monitor throroughly and a vendor ID in hex
>I don't WANNA!! NOOB

From what iso did you make this pen drive.

i meant to write that i have all the deb files on a usb.

thats just the ubuntu server iso

there might have been other meta-packages involved
is there still xfce-specific stuff being removed?

don't use ubuntu


this wasa for you

Ok. Then please post the logs.

Did you try to just dpkg -i &.deb?

dpkg -if *.deb

Sorry it was: dpkg -f --force --ignore-depends *.deb