Brave Browser

I just heard of this new ad-blocking, anonymous browser called Brave
I know you anons like that sort of thing so would any of you recommend it or should I not bother?

obvious shill is obvious

Sure, that's why you make threads about it every day, you retarded astroturfing cocksucker. Go peddle your malware somewhere else, you worthless fuck.

Im not trying to sell anything, I just want to know if its a virus or not because ive gooten a shitting spying browser before

Don't bully Brave-chan!!

some people have reported their antivirus to mark it as a virus so I'm not too sure about it, I would not recommend.
Your welcome for wasting your time

what browsers do you guys use?

Don't try to advertise here, garbage boy.

Stop shilling Brendan.

>discussing software I don't like is advertising

Get a load of this faggot.

there's absolutely nothing solid about brave besides the fact it runs smooth on age-old computers/laptops

just use firefucks or an open-source fork

Waterfox. It may be a placebo browser, but is the best browser out there

it's just yet another chrome based fork with a shittier version of ublock built in
when chrome updates and has a bug, brave has the same fucking bug the next day due to just using the codebase without paying attention

don't bother
it's okay for mobile if you want an adblocker browser with minimal fuss, but desktop is pointless

Is brave on android a botnet?

> have a thread on Sup Forums on auto update
> leave it go a bit
> it eventually 404s
> attempt to save the page
> Brave can't save because instead of saving the content it already has loaded it makes another request
> no user feedback that it's encountered a 404 and can't save, just doesn't respond
> attempt to view source, also does a request instead of showing source of the content that's right in front of me already in memory
> try to switch to work offline, but Brave lacks this feature
> finally have to use inspector and copy content as HTML into notepad to save the page
Nice fucking browser

>Get a load of this faggot.
>damage control
GTFO with your shit browser

ill take brave over sjw mozilla any day. niggerfox is becoming more full of shit per update.

Go back.

brave on the desktop isn't production ready yet. it's intended to be used on mobile for now, that's where it shines.

Good for porn

Fake shilling for anti brave SJWs shills to attack.
Install Vivaldi!

Keep calm and reeee on.

>private browser
Are you twelve, or you just don't know shit about anything?
There's no privacy online, all you can do is mitigation. As that, brave is only a few degrees better than just running a vanilla browser, if you don't know how to manage proper addons to do better than that. If anyone is stupid enough to be running Chrome, then yeah, change to this shit and you'd be better off. Otherwise, just do some research and in a few hours you get much better solutions if privacy is a concern.


a-anything for you Yan Zhu...

Buy a Sup Forums ad or something, you pointless shit.