What's the Thinkpad of smartphones?

What's the Thinkpad of smartphones?

>the Thinkpad
You meant pure garbage?
Well, it's LG then.

Nexus 5 for t420 and op5t for t480s

putting a SIm card into your TthinkPad

>what is the undersize laptop of smartphones?
>an oversize smartphone

On every IT pros desk is a Thinkpad and an iPhone.



Neglect-rape is a real and horrible thing shitlord, do you know how it feels to not have some man want to sit with you? Fucking misogynist.

>if you hit on a woman you're a rapist
>if you don't hit on a woman you're a misogynist

No wonder so many boys are turning gay, this generation of women are absolutely intolerable.

>too retarded to understand sarcasm
>must be the women who are the bad ones...
try leaving the house

>business grade consumer products
>excellent keyboards
Blackberry + thinkpad = God tier productivity

literally rape

LG is the HP of phones

This is the correct answer
Nokia N900 closest runner-up

>only stupid bitches become teachers
>school systematically assassinates the male character
Cool story, faggot. Reddit is where you worship females.

I don't think there is a single smartphone left on the market with replaceable batteries, microSD slot, headphone jack, a current processor, and is clearly not just a small tablet.

Why would a company market towards people who have half a brain when they can sell a new unit to an idiot normie who will throw it away and buy another one in a year and a half? Normies know fuck all, and they are contributing to global instability, resource depletion, a flood of Africans into Europe (Congolese running from coltan-funded warlords make up a large percentage of the "rapefugees" pol loves to hate), and ever more blatant planned obsolescence.

>and an iPhone.
kill yourself, my man

You've clearly forgotten Alcatel and Wileyfox, my dude.

third post best post

Windows Phone.

Probably the Motorola Droid series.