Where is Windows 9?

Where is Windows 9?

Why does it jump from Windows 8 to Windows 10?

Can M$ not count?

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Use Google you fucking tard

Because Windows 7 8 9 !!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!

The numbers not released are internal versions. Windows 9 was a prototype which was supposed to be an upgraded version of 7 with DX12 support but without the botnet.

sensible chuckle

because it's a winning strategy
see the iPhone© 8 -> iPhone© X© (it's 10 for you brainlets) jump

Well played, user. Well played.

People might think it's windows 6 in case the case is upside down, or the Chinese or Indians think 9 is an unlucky number or something.

cirnofags will take over Sup Forums

where is 4-6?

>but without the botnet.
Windows has been botnet since XP at least.

If we are going by internal versions, all of them between WinXP and 10 are Windows 6. Actually we'd be better off if it was only one external version with incremental updates.

where the fuck is 98 and Me in this list???

only official versions are in the list

I've heard that for compatibility purposes, a lot of old software checks for your OS. If the OS string begins with "Windows 9" then it will think your OS is Windows 95 or Windows 98.

Naming it Windows 9 would cause this check to fail.

then wont anything named windows 11-19 fail since 10 has a 1 in it?

can't wait

if (startsWith(OS.version) == '9') { /*microshite quality code*/

new software has better checking methods so no such thing would happen
also 10 is the last windows

there is no proof of that or that its even possible.

Windows 8.1 = Windows 9

thats it, im done with g

it is true. windows is becoming a service instead of a product. soon it will just be named Windows

i kinda like the idea. i never had a problem with windows 10 or a problem with the idea of software as a service. i cant write a fuckin operating system so im happy to pay for it.

Are you retarded?

>soon it will just be named Windows
It will become a subscription based model and its development will stagnate due to that model.

What happened to versions 3.1 through 95?

Code might think windows 9 is windows 95 etc.

>Where is Windows 9?

9 exists. Linus even did one of his better videos on it.



I don't get it



huh the windows logo kinda came around full circle

I miss the old logo

Why nowadays everything has to be stylized and "cool"? You can see it at things like the FF logo too...

whats an FF logo you mean ferrari?


>9 exists
>post video of Linus talking about how someone modified embedded 8.1 to be named 9.

Windows naming is just fucked, get over it. Windows 7 would be Windows 6.1 if it was named after kernel versions.

if your so smart then how does MS come up with names then? You cant answer because your too stupid to know since you dont work at MS.

>windows NT 4
>windows NT 5 (windows 2000)
>Windows NT5.1 (windows XP)
>Windows NT 6.0 (Vista)
>Windows NT 6.1 (Windows 7)
>Windows NT 6.2 (windows 8)
>Windows NT 6.3 (windows 8.1)

Windows 7 8 (sounds like ate) 9

>if your so smart then how does MS come up with names then? You cant answer because your too stupid to know since you dont work at MS.

You realise the documentation for naming and development is pretty open especially after release right? You also know you can see your kernel versions. Right? >NT 3 >NT 3.11 > NT 4 >2000 > XP > Vista > 7 > 8 > 8.1 > 10 not to mention failed versions like Cairo, Neptune, and Longhorn..

>plan 9

nine is truly cursed

>when you release an update as a whole new os and charge another 100 for it

its to do with the occult
windows 9 would produce numbers that aren't compatible with scorched earth

Windows 1-3, 95, 98, and ME aren't based on Windows NT. Windows NT started at 3.1 to match the consumer version of windows. The post Windows 7 naming scheme is based on major version of NT and ignores the 9.x line.

Windows NT 3.1
Windows NT 3.5
Windows NT 4.0
Windows NT 5.0 (Windows 2000)
Windows NT 5.1 (Windows XP)
Windows NT 6.0 (Windows Vista)
Windows NT 6.1 (Windows 7)
Windows NT 6.2 (Windows 8)
Windows NT 6.3 (Windows 8.1)
Windows NT 10.0 (Windows 10)

all that does is prove im smarter since everyone who works at MS is smarter than any normal person.

so they just arbitarily chose 10? what happened to kernel versions 7, 8, 9?

NT is also anti humanity in occult maths

>i never had a problem with windows 10 or a problem with the idea of software as a service.
>software as a service
pls go


9 isn't cursed, it is just not used due to its power to undo evil

>9 isn't cursed, it is just not used due to its power to undo evil

Does that mean if we go to Israel and put 9's everywhere their stolen land and culture will collapse?

israeli people aren't that bad, most of them actually want to do good

you can tell israelis aren't bad because rich jews dont go to live there, even though it is 'their land'

israeli inhabitants will probably be wiped out in a false flag

perro caca

No, it means Palestinians will no longer be able to enter.

read isis unveiled by blavatsky if you want to know how occult numerology influences these people

also look for patterns in numerology of marketing, wont take long before you recognize repetition and what is conveniently omitted

its all meme science

>israeli people aren't that bad, most of them actually want to do good
not to get off topic, but calling baby killers good is a bit of a stretch. They stole the land from the native people and continue their holocaust on them today because they are islamophobic nazis. Everyday their military gets up to go kill innocent women and children just for being born Palestinian.

they are following orders
baby raping and killing is much more prominent in europe
im not one of them, but i doubt the average civilian living there is a sadistic barbarian

i liked the 4 colour logo best

islam is fucking trash
so is judaism
and christianity has been bastardized too

baby raping and genocide in all of it

I'm still waiting for MacOS 10. Apple jumped from 9 to a letter.

>i doubt the average civilian living there is a sadistic barbarian
actually they are, they all grow up and then have to serve to kill children in Palestine, its like that is the only reason they live to steal land and kill babies.

I thought they used words like Black Lion and Appalacia?

you're not bitching about the same happening in south africa ?
or soros forced immigration displacing wh*tes in the eu ?

>implying they're not using NT versions to check which version is running

Colors will come back soon, screencap this.

>you're not bitching about the same happening in south africa ?
The whites gave South Africa back because their noble unlike the people in Israel who stole the land from the natives and wake up everyday to kill more Palestinian children since their genociding an entire race.

what if someone makes a new OS though?

Speaking of, why doesnt anyone do that? what about that Terry guy he made that shitty templeOS all on his own. Not saying its good but why doesnt anyone just sit down and script out a OS?

all abrahamic tribes are trash desu
they all worship the same nihilistic narcissistic god who advocates baby rape
they are always going to rip eachother apart until they have access to better education
and you know who is responsible for this vicious cycle
it isn't people who are born into that programming, it is the people who design their programming

what about windows 2? windows 4? windows 94? they have a track record of skipping numbers.

>British enforce civilization on the Palestinians
>Jews move into empty space
>British leave, Palestinians instantly try to Holocaust 2, and have been trying nonstop ever since.
>Jews do nothing but fend them off.
The Israelis creating a First World country in the desert and having more power then the Palestinians does not mean they now have to give the Palestinians "gimme" murders to balance things out.
>Palestinians: "WAAAAH, we still really really really want to kill you and you won't let us! THIS IS SO UNFAIR!"
Maximum kek.

Israelis committing genocide? If they wanted to wipe the Palestinians out, there would be no Palestinians.

meh i say kill em all starting with Israel to be fair since its a concentrated there before they holocaust more people just for being a different religion than they are.

they stole their land and would have nothing without the natives who they robbed of their culture and technology. Israel literally invented nothing, even einstein was an inbred like they are who like all of them loved incest so much he married his first cousin like the sick fuck he is.

didnt they use years like 95 and 98 for win 4 etc? why the hell was it called win xp anyways? why not something cool like they did with vista and give it a cool name like Windows Utopia or something?

Bro their not first world, their internet sucks there and their power plants suck too. You must not know anything about how backwards it is there and why no rich person would want to live there since its a country for rats who are slaves but too stupid to know it.

>Palestinian culture and technology
Fucking and herding camels doesn't count as culture and technology.
The Palestinians have land. They're living on it. Why don't they create culture and technology on it? Instead they lob rockets at Israel and then blame their sorry state on Israel bombing them back.

>first world
no highways
no subways
its a shitty hell hole.

>The Palestinians have land. They're living on it. Why don't they create culture and technology on it?
they did the Jewish people went in and robbed them of their land and technology to become who they are today. Israel is so weak and poor they wouldnt even exist if the US didnt bail them out their economy every year. This year we had to raise how much money we send to bail out Israel since their spending themselves into oblivion holocausting palestinian children and babies in their cribs.

Why do you think not one smart jewish person lives in Israel, well now you know why. Noone would support them stealing the land of the local natives and robbing them of their cultural heritage due to the holocaust which is what they do to Palestine everyday.

The Israelis only took Israel. So why are the West Bank and Gaza shitholes? Where's the "culture and technology"?
Why do Palestinians live in shacks while the Jews can build real houses right next door? The US doesn't send them our Mexican homebuilders.

dont go full retard user. The palestinians had whole houses, apartment buildings, streets and cars etc that they were kicked out of by the jewish people who stole their land and strangled babies in their cribs to take their homes. All this is known just look it up or ask any palestinian because Israel protects those war criminals today who are child murderers because Israel will kill anyone who isnt in their religion.

Palestine would be thriving just Africa if the jews had not taken their people to sell as slaves because the jewish people hate blacks. Look at how many black women and children die at the walls to Israel who deserve to live in Israel since their refugees.


>Because Windows 7 8 9 !!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!
would it really surprise anyone if people at M$ actually chose the naming based on this?


isnt it illegal for them to support hyperthreading since intel said only windows is allowed too?

>not a single serious answer
its because software would detect Windows 9* as windows 95 or 98 and not install.

blame shitty third party devs.

4.0/4.1 (98)
6.2/6.3 (8.1)

>Can M$ not count?
you tell me

What if there is no windows OS in the future just a subscription to microsoft for a generic OS.

Or maybe a Free OS and the updates will be sold as DLC like video games if they were smart at M$.

Gee, I wonder who can be behind this post...


>What if there is no windows OS in the future just a subscription to microsoft for a generic OS.
You just described Windows 10

>Or maybe a Free OS and the updates will be sold as DLC like video games if they were smart at M$.
No one would buy them. Better just keep releasing telemetry shit and updates to Windows Store.

>No one would buy them.
they would have no choice. Only way they could have a working computer is with a windows OS since Intel wont work with anyone else with making drivers.

They would just pirate as usual. At least they can get money off pirates with their current business model.


>Microsoft is retarded
What did you expect?

>They would just pirate as usual.
thats illegal and if windows includes denuvo requiring online the os would never work offline.

That's fucking retarded

well that is what game companies do, valve did that with Half Life 2 when it came out because Gaben vowed to end piracy and people modding games without the devs consent.

Still waiting for windows 9/11