What went right?
What went right?
The IDE helps retards program
devs actually care about the project and are constantly implementing useful features that people want
other than that, not much
This fucking thing has given me a fetish for putting question marks behind everything?
Consistency and ease of use. As high level as it is, C# is a beautiful language, you are an utter brainlet if you disagree.
Powershell is pretty sweet,
It'd be easier to list what didn't go right
>classes are not sealed by default
>variables are not immutable by default (and local variables can't be marked as immutable in first place)
I'd also argue that exceptions suck dick but that's hardly unique to C# and can be alleviated with good use of /// comments
GUI bindings, ok performance, IDE, just single goto language for winblows without fragmentation
Link is cancer, though. That's one of the features I won't use.
NET Core is great desu
It's Java except it actually does a good job at what it's trying to do, and because of that I respect it
Yeah just like don't be *truly* cross-plataform
Microsoft stealing Java
worth it considering how better it is as a language
its your fault for not using windows
>tfw J# failed at the court
everything is mutable, you cant even const a local variable in some scope
equality is generally referential, i wanna use array as dictionary keys etc
inheriting anything other than an interface is retarded
every reference can be null IN TWENTY EIGHTEEN YEAR OF OUR LORD
no tagged unions without 200 lines of class hierarchy
no higher kinded polymorphism
c# is for brainlets
If you're talking about the query syntax I absolutely agree, but I couldn't live without the extension methods.
and lets talk about how shit linq and entity framework is in practise. it cant even work out simple queries without resorting to loading half the table into memory to do a local join. you cant even use null coalescing operator in linq to sql but apparently ternary operator is ok !??
Microsoft hiring the Delphi guy to steal Java.
>mfw iterating over a NameValueCollection
muh walled garden language
literally the language for brainlets.
That picture is heaven
Would bendgate between those milkers
>Webclient throws an exception on 404.
Absolutely nothing.
It's literally just Java with added layers of pajeet.
Well why didn't you catch it? :^)
>world class ide
>7 versions of useful feature adds
>os agnostic runtime.
I love c#
>world class IDE
That's a weird way of saying it takes everything I don't like about IDEs and magnifies them by 1000
>30GB for an IDE
Dropped. The UI is a cluttered mess too.
Decent enough language, but apart from that everything went wrong.
It sits on the Microsoft ecosystem & not even companies usually want that over the free JVM ecosystem.
And the better JVM languages like scala or kotlin obsoleted this completely before it was ever useful to hack anything but mssql trash. Sad waste of effort.
It’s undoubtedly The de facto enterprise sw dev language after improving upon and delivering the Java promise.
What went wrong?
It’s Java without the layers or stale pajeet.
I love how the Angular community has adopted it and the C#/Angular is great combination.
>without the layers or stale pajeet
Wrong. In fact it's the complete opposite.
Slower than c++
ill pass.
everything, its a great programming language. its associations with Microsoft make autists mad. but there is literally nothing wrong with it. it shouldn't be the only language a developer knows. but it is good for desktop windows developers. the only people who hate it are people who know nothing about it and have cargo cult mentalities. which is something that a good developer should never have.
ITT: people who have never had a job in the software industry.
C# is awesome. The only people who claim it's bad are assmad Java pajeets, JavaScript kids who don't understand it, and freetards who don't know Microsoft is making the whole fucking platform open source.
Fuctional autists should see F# instead, which is second fiddle to C#, but still has excellent tooling and a great community.
>os agnostic runtime.
The majority of libraries break this.
With other languages, the majority of libraries can be compiled to any OS.
Java is usually able to run on any OS.
C and C++ is usually built for the relevant operating systems.
C# is not as portable as java.
C# is not even as portable as C++.
I bet I couldn't live with your extension methods.
It's a work in progress m8
this is not at all a problem with linq and entirely a problem with how flawed the implementation of IQueryable EF is using is. When working with in-memory collections linq does exactly what it's supposed to.
For $400
This cross platform target framework is interoperable with dotnet core and most libraries can be compiled to it with no or minimal changes.
>What is dotnet standard
That is correct!
>b-but muh open source!
and yet they still have always refused to comply with standards. do you really think they have any intention of doing this for the benefit of the community? the only people falling for this are gullible as fuck. they're desperately trying to get as many people on their side as they can to kill linux and other projects later on, playing on the same field. the scary thing is that they have the money to make it happen and are attracting more people everyday.
>she is still using webclient for things other than file downloading
>she doesn't want to know whether the download succeeded or not
Yeah, I mean what the fuck is up with that? Who thought that was a good idea?
>Microsoft makes Roslyn free as in freedom and beer
>The dotnet spec too.
>The C# language too.
>Visual Studio Code too.
>Makes dotnet standard and core for true cross platform development.
>Starts contributing to open source projects.
>Offers Linux as a first class citizen on Azure.
>But they're still the bad guy
Microsoft hate was hip in '09. Google is the shithead company right now and Microsoft seems content to work on their cloud offerings and survive off of Office and SQL Server licensing.
t. neet who doesnt live with it every day
t. someone who would find programming a chore regardless of what language they were using
microsoft dogfooded c# which has made it become a much better language over the years
Microsoft is pretty comfy sometimes. This is one of those times.
All of them is irrelevant and .net core is barely a gate drug for a shitty EEE. They are still the same shit behind the mask.
>Java is usually able to run on any OS
Oracle support very few OS, but openjdk solved that in a way. I wonder if it can work with spring.
Corporate backing of the language was a big plus
Is there an option yet not to use windows at all?
I mean, C# is a great language and I'd like to abandon Java, but it still feels like a long way to go. At least in my location every single job offering implies usage of one particular OS. The only resemblance of choice that I remember was some legacy mono project a few months ago.
Nobody uses that shit.
>implying it isn't a good thing?
Can you please elaborate?
That's what we use
you're welcome to apply
ITT : never coded for a huge company
C# is where big goys and big shekels is at
PHP,node,java,phyton is for no money hobby tier websites/programs
>PHP,node,java,phyton is for no money hobby tier websites/programs
Keep telling yourself that bud.
I loved when voat tried to convert to it, so they could use aws or self hosting, rather than overpriced azure. I doubt they achieved anything on that. It's a bit too late against java and also gimped. Why the fuck would anyone use that rather a fully supported framework?
I work at Microsoft and my team uses that for our backend. We even have our CI/CD building on Linux to make Docker images.
surely you do senpai
C# 8.0
- Non-Nullable & Nullable Reference Types
- New Lightweight Classes
- Default Interface Implementations
t. I will need to check everything from the documentation
Everything Anders Hejlsberg touches (except J++ which was cursed to begin with) becomes gold
A borland fanboi.
I have been programming in C# for the same company for the last 10 years.
Not really. Borland C++ was a mess.
Literally who
Why should I use Interfaces in C#? Can someone explain
Decent enough language. A lot saner than Java, but I wish it was more popular and that .NET developers are more savvy with computers outside their IDE. Culturally, .NET devs seem to be the most normie (just a job/career for them). This is just fine for them, but what happens when you need them to do some DevOps or at least understand path to production isn't just clicking a button in Visual Studio?
ASP.Net Core is nice. They're really trying to go for the NodeJS experience, but it reminds me of DropWizard.
Fucking awful ORM or lack thereof. Entity Framework is a horrible, incomplete implementation of persistence layer for someone coming from superior web languages and ecosystems like Flask, Django or even Sinatra/Rails.
I have yet to meet another language using this syntax.
>that .NET developers are more savvy with computers outside their IDE
One of my coworkers bitches about a lot of things not a part of the Windows/Visual Studio/.NET ecosystem.
NodeJS is retarded because javascript is slow and shouldn't be used for anything. Git is retarded because it doesn't natively have a GUI and Visual Studio's Git GUI apparently doesn't have as many features as TFS - also, command line is retarded. One of the services we use are retarded because they don't have a C# API and .NET is the center of the world and so he had to write his own. He pisses me off.
can you recommend any good orm besides ef? i'm considering to use dapper. must be free of course.
A fetish for putting question marks behind everything?
Yeah, the Micro$oft ecosystem and culture is really insular. This is because their strategy has always been to keep devs very dependent on them so that they can sell certifications, licensing and consultations. A lot of ordinary concepts in programming and computer science will have it's own jargon in M$ world, just to be different.
I enjoyed Dapper far more than EF. It's much simpler and just werks. I think PetaPoco might be cool too: github.com
> much simpler and just werks
that's what i thought too.
> PetaPoco
thanks i'll take a look at it
This but i mean it
t. retard
return refs
It's not java and someone in microsoft with at least half brain had the brilliant idea of helping mono be a thing instead of just burning it to the ground with c&ds.
reified generics
A great language and what Java really should have been.
Unfortunate it's only for windog. (Apart from fuckery with mono, which actually works pretty well)
Isn't that any IDE?
Interfaces are a contract that indicates what methods an object requires. They allow you to swap between different implementations of the interface without having to change any code.
They come in handy when you have something like a repository that you want to mock during testing because you can just create a mock database class that implements the interface and use that for your tests and the code that you're testing will treat it exactly the same as the real repository
You should use them all the time and for everything.
I really love it when different versions actually bring in something useful!
> Non-Nullable & Nullable Reference Types
I'm fapping right now.