I generally dislike sites because modern webpages all look like bootstrap clones, so I was quite surprised at how fresh this one looks.
any other sites with cool / fresh designs?
I generally dislike sites because modern webpages all look like bootstrap clones, so I was quite surprised at how fresh this one looks.
any other sites with cool / fresh designs?
thats pretty fresh thx
Literally threw up.
what the literal fuck is this about?
Kill yourself, shit stick.
I like that site it feels so comfy & vaporwave nostalgic
There’s a nifty little website run by the remnants of a suicide cult, it hasn’t changed since 1997.
Haha this one is pretty fresh! Upvoted!
I can make a clone of this in
BS you can make a clone in 45mins, maybe the css that's it.
it's the world's worst chan, that was previously run by some tryhard but got taken over by ledditors and spammers before it actually found a core community
How do I make sites like these? Best way to learn webdev?
It's still developing, but over the two years I've been using it, it really progressed and it has a neat little community
Simple webradio animesradio.moe
Otherwise, you can try this search engine: wiby.me
>What kind of pages get indexed?
>Pages must be simple in design. HTML 1.0, non-commerical sites are preferred.
>Not even typing the link right
I'm a fucking Brainlet
neocities dot org yuor welcome
that's what they meant. they're saying it's not hard to copy the look. dummkopf.
Can confirm.
what camellia song is this?
GOD DAMN WTF. The site would be alright if it didn't have that shitty scrolling effect on it. Who doesn't want raw data to be reflected on your computer? I don't want to move my finger a bit and then the whole page keeps fucking moving. Please help this is my weakness.
Https://w0bm.com is basically a continuation of Z0r.de by a fan
This is fucking horrible.
It's like an all-in-flash website but with much worse performance.
gave me an intersing link:
its exactly as it sounds. Coupld be a shoe in for /pol should this place get nuked.
This is a compfy thread, OP. have a you.
>cool websites
>posts chinkshit geocities tier
not even worth enlightening you tbqfh
>Coupld be a shoe in for /pol
"Jew" has exactly zero results.
This is Alex Jones tier.
Yeah, by CTRL-Sing it maybe
I can't stop stroking this menu with my cursor.
flying in the flow of deep-sea
Why don't you check the page source and find out?
fuck off
Every section has a different design, some off them with really nice music.
Worst browser info website is so slow,even don't use https...
That's what I'm fucking talking about
The internet's dead isn't it? Most of it seems to be corporate-owned. The end of Net Neutrality was another nail in the coffin.
Ameriniggers once again falling for the most disorganized and pathetic psyops ever. Shame their stupidity will end up destroying the only country with a constitution that isn't shit.
>net neutrality
net neutrality had nothing to do with it. the fate of the worthwhile internet was sealed once search indexing was monetized.
Before monetization, sure, there were ads that kinda sucked, but websites couldn't dump cash on search engines in order to improve their position, and smaller websites that actually produced valuable content could at least stand a chance of popping up.
Now the web has consolidated into about a dozen shit-tier content mills, and then the rest of the world that doesn't show up first in google.
The worst part about this is that because sites paying for better rankings from major search engines will get higher traffic, any "honest" search engine will also be tainted.
Sure, smartphones have brought an influx of illiterate retards into the internet, but nobody was going to be able to sustain the web once Google figured out that search indexing could be monetized