If you could only back up one file, what would it be?
If you could only back up one file, what would it be?
I'd use dump to spit out my whole 16-TB filesystem into a file and then back that file up
I don't think you thought this through.
well, everything is a file..
The text file containing my passwords. Everything else I can afford to lose.
Please don't tell me you don't already back that up.
An image of my hard drive ofc
It's not even that good if you play it like OP was thinking (a personal project or something else of personal value that has no guarantee of a permanent backup or near equivalent replacement) since 99.9% of Sup Forums does nothing with their computers and they have plebeian tastes. That Nickelback song you so cherish isn't going anywhere, and if it did it can really be replaced by another Nickelback song.
*no guarantee of a permanent backup or near equivalent replacement ELSEWHERE
I have an encrypted disk container that has my keepass database and a folder with saved one-time-use backup codes for 2factor auth shit. Probably that.
my 3TB veracrypt container
What is this image?
It seems vaguely sinister.
No such thing as too many backups.
>he hasn't heard
i was under the impression everybody knew about the bird
So what is it?
Boss of This Gym died a few days ago
close second emacss config.
Tori Black Lisa Ann.mp4
tar zcvf dotfiles.tar.gz ~/.config/i3/compton.conf ~/.bash_aliases ~/.dircolors ~/.inputrc ~/.rhistory ~/.toprc ~/.vimrc ~/.Xdefaults whatever
my zipped camwhore recordings
Nothing of value on my computer so nothing.
dd if=/dev/sda of=backup.bin
save backup.bin