VanillaJS then meme frameworks, now this???

So I have spent a really really long time to learn Angular, then React came then I learnt that shit. Then folks at StackOverflow said I gotta have working knowledge of Node.js+Express for backend, I learnt that too. After a while, folks at reddit said I can only become professional with all the JS tools like Gulp, Webpack, etc so I learnt that shits too. Now I just learned about WebAssembly and apparently this will cause a paradigm shift that will render JS obsolete. My GODD, I appreciate new technology, but can't we not have new revolutionary tech after every weekend. That would be nice

Just use whatever makes sense to you that won't turn into a gigantic clusterfuck and you'll be okay

Worse thing is after WebAssembly became the norm, another hot shit will come in just few days and all my learning effort will be nothing

Can somebody recommend me whether to carry on with Javascript or start learning C++ for the WebAssembly future

You aren't really supposed to use WASM to manipulate DOM. There's no performance benefit to this. It's meant to offload resource intensive tasks instead of using a web worker.

I have a feeling that WebAssembly will be like Java , more uses in corporate world, and Javascript will still remain as it is, building websites and lightweight stuffs

WebAssembly won't mean that JavaScript is going to disappear. It's still going to be a huge driving force for the web for years and years to come

Javascript makes the most sense to me, but I'm still young so I can afford to learn WASM but I don't want to put all chips into one thing that not guaranteed to last just like Angular now being replaced by React

I read a lots about history of languages and WASM sounds just like JS in the early days which starts off very rudimentary but just a couple years later starts to permeates in all areas like webs, games, IoT, mobile, etc

You have a point

Yeah lol get out

For sure, when it starts having access to the JS heap allowing people to convert over their JS to WASM. Right now it's great for resource intensive tasks that will otherwise block the DOM or other things from running.

I go where I want

I have a feeling that it won't be too long until C++ starts to reign over all. C++ for web, C++ for game, C++ for embedded, etc

WASM is still in development. Even once it's ready, it will have to be implemented by all of the different browsers across all platforms. Considering how long it took HTML5 to get as far as it is today, and that the implementation isn't consistent enough to use without libraries to guarantee its various features, you're better off learning JavaScript for now

I think speed won't be an issue today as company behind browsers are really ahead of the situation and the base of WASM is already implemented in all browsers. Just to illustrate the increasing adopting pace of the industry, Jquery took around 10 years to overtake the industry while React took only 4 years to overtake Jquery.

Should have learned Haskell.

Shit will get replaced whether you need to relearn or not. Part of the business.

Maybe you want to try for one of those COBOL jobs.

kek, learn that and live in my mom's basement?

I don't want to learn something from dinosaur age like COBOL and fix broken mainframe all day nor to hold on sinking ship like Angular. I want to get into a leaping language that promise longevity and good pay too, especially that.

You do know web assembly has been around fucking forever, and vanillajs came way after the fact right?

I have no clue about that, please enlighten me

As far as I know, you don't "learn Wasm", you just compile your C/C++ to wasm using a compiler. That becomes a wasm module which can run in the browser.

There might be more nuts and bolts in there, but it's basically using compiled languages for web development. Which can have its advantages and drawbacks.

Obviously nobody is going to start writing basic websites in C/C++ and compile them. It would be a waste of time.

But someone building very complex applications, might consider the investment worth their resources. Say, Adobe wants to port Photoshop to the browser. Or some company wants to build a complex browser game.

In such cases, using wasm would be worth the long development time and huge resources invested in it. For one-man development teams or small startups building websites with web assembly would be overkill and a huge expense just to make something run in the browser.

Wasm will not replace JS.