/hpg/ - Headphone General

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Post your setup



what are you currently listening to /hpg/?
not pictured are dt770s


best price/performance ratio setup?

here we go again


Are you enjoying your neck injury?


my setup


>headphones off
>Can't hear PC

>headphones on
>Can hear PC

Wtf is this, I can hear the like fan noise but it's not because my headphones are plugged in or anything it continues even if they're unlpugged but on my head, this is insane. The sound is like somehow magically getting into my closed headphones louder than if I didn't have anything on my head. WAT

Use open-back headphones at your PC, then

hd800 + hpa-1

>not pictured are dt770s
How much do you like them?

I'm still waiting on that one user who promised $20 sleeved braided custom cables. Or were you just full of shit?

my neck is fine. the monitors are at eye level

are you sure you don't have tinnitus?

Have these on deck while breaking in my new Stax amp

what bass are you talking about?

Nice highest fidelity headphones on the planet. Nice Audio Technicas, too.

what's that the amp is standing on? is that some audiophile wood thing? it looks really nice

Yes because if I move back a bit it goes away, it's like somehow the sound is bouncing perfectly into my headphones only when sitting at the exact position which just so happens to be when I'm sitting in front of my PC

This is so absurd wtf

Can my phone/pc drive beyer custom studios without needing a better amp/dac? Theyre 80 ohms.

How good is the stax SR-Lambda

planning on buying either

monoprice m560
akg k702/k712

I'm upgrading from a SHP9500, which I really really love, but I'm willing to make the next step now.

I'm listening to music on a fiio x3 gen2, which powered my 80ohm beyerdynamics pretty well, but* I don't want to get a separate dac/amp for my portable usage*.

If there's anything not on the list that you might recommend please let me know.

i listen to mostly shoegaze and black metal
and a lot of other shit, but I very much am interested in more trebly, wide sounding(with good separation) headphones mostly

K702 is the best of the ones you posted

>>$300 cables and power conditioners

user y

No just regular ol butcher block. On that amp I still need to add some sort of feet to raise it for cooling, just using those brass discs in the mean time.

You meant to say K712.

He believes sighted A/B are more valuable that blind tests too. All the money in the world can't buy you common sense.

Don't forget to never post your K712 that you don't own, child.

This response features unobtrusive dialog so you can fully enjoy the cuteness of Kukuru.

Funny you mention that, I just placed order for Stax silver coated 6nines copper extension cable for $200 to use with the l700 I have arriving next week.

i thought it might be a cutting board. it's a nice look anyway

did you buy some cable risers to go with it user?

No but all that cable gets out of control trying not to step on it when moving about.

you're out of control, get those cables off the floor. you're messing with the sound

I guess is I had a house cleaner I might make effort to keep things tidy.

>enough wealth to buy audio gear
>not enough to buy furniture

Yeah, bought them local for pretty cheap. Need to get another to hold both Stax amps. And I’ll be building a Bottlehead s.e.x headphone amp shorty that will need one too.



le audiophile jazz

>overpriced niggerbass
fuck off

no one asked you sennfag

first time seeing an audiophool?

no one asked you either, gen z


HAHAHA MUH m40x LOOK IT'S BROKEN UHUHUHU. How does it feel to own shit headphones that snap and break you autistic fuck?

symposium racks arent cheap user
was thinking of getting timbernation stuff tho that tiger wood finish looks ill


At least our glorious japanese overlords have gone the extra step for maximum audiophoolery.

i dont own a m40x im not poor

sure you do gen z. and sure you are.

cartoon network

i don't get this gen z meme. please explain.

>day 2
>still no $20 cable
that was one of the better funnies I've seen here. how much of a newfag do you have to be to think you can get a decent cable for $20

lsr305 + cheap interface

This is a headphones thread and you don't even own lsr305. You never even know how lsr305 or any studio monitors sound like.

Sure you can if you make one.

ok, I’m game. what would you have me listen to?

>Sure you can if you make one.
no, this was an user that was claiming you could buy litz cables for $20. also no, each audeze minixlr connection is like $10. you're looking at $20 alone for the headphone connector. hd800 are also $10-15 a piece. even the hd600 connector is $5-10 a piece

also I listed the prices for dirt cheap chinese trash connectors not decent looking ones

Also I’ve only got this here crate full of jazz so might not be able to play along

My God even your disk collection is just stored in a crate. Do you also also on the floor?

*sleep on the floor

do you not have any furniture because you spend the money on $300+ cables instead?


Sometimes, why?

Open headphones are used in the same environment as speakers so I suggested speakers. Yes I do know how they sound like.

-both- of you two who are having this constant warfare in this thread every day need to fucking post your setups, right now. Put up or shut up. I haven't seen anything from either of you beyond words.

Most retarded picture I've ever seen on this general.
The cables you pay for cost more than the gear used to record and master the music you listen to.

Welp, change of plans as these were just delivered.

i'll even include some le audiophile jazz music you might enjoy

cecile mclorin savant - dreams and daggers
aimee man - lost in space
dire straits - love over gold
eric clapton - unplugged
sam cooke - live at harlem square club
joni mitchell - both sides now
rush - moving pictures

these are all good albums to test the true capabilities of your cans

Oh shit I didn't even notice the retarded snek

what cable is that?

He has his entire setup lying on the ground on top of wood planks and his CD collection in a crate (very convenient to retrieve stuff deep in the pile). Clearly the cables were that important to him.

new aimee album is very nice

That's garbage. Spending thousands of dollars to listen to such music makes me sick.

why are you guys so buttblastered about a headphone enthusiast in the headphone general?

I'm glad I'm not alone to strongly dislike jazz.

because they own 0(zero) headphones. why else

wait wtf why does my HD6XX/O2 sound better out of the UMC204 than out of the OL DAC
that makes no sense
did I become a DAC whisperer

jazz is such a huge genre that it's almost impossible to dislike it. you probably dislike certain subgenres of jazz
because he buys audiophile power cables. is this too difficult to understand?

amir seems to think 115dB is the audible dynamic range of the ear. that would mean you should be able to tell the difference but the issue here is that it's too easy to be biased to make a definitive claim. also for what it's worth I'm experiencing the same thing as you with the behringer.

Not with auditory masking. The background noise is far too high for you to perceive 115dB.

What could be happening is the behringer putting out slightly more voltage than the OL DAC. Louder always sounds better, even if it's louder by only a barely perceptible 1dB.

>What could be happening is the behringer putting out slightly more voltage than the OL DAC. Louder always sounds better, even if it's louder by only a barely perceptible 1dB.

it's not this. bass response is tighter and it sounds clearer. not louder. I'm aware of what you are talking about.

my guess is the OL DAC having filters that are impossible to disable which might be inducing some unwanted distortion in my case
the behringer should output around 1vrms which is lower than most DACs at ~2vrms, so I don't think it's bias due to the volume
frequency response also is measurably flat, I get around -0.2 at 20khz and amir has a similar measurement I think.
good DAC I tell you

Louder also sounds clearer and tighter. The louder it gets, the more your hearing perceives frequencies as having equal loudness from bass to treble. If I blast a HD650 loud enough I could actually start to believe it has bass.

Unless you do serious volume matching it's nigh impossible for you to actually ascertain if it got louder or not by yourself. Our auditory memory isn't that good that we can compare how loud two listening sessions were.

>Our auditory memory isn't that good that we can compare how loud two listening sessions were.
that's exactly what I said here don't try to lecture me on what I think I'm hearing when I'm clearly saying it's subjective and not verified
>Louder also sounds clearer and tighter.

too lazy to look it up but apparently there are a few filters to play around with for the ol dac

My Sennheiser HD 280 Pros are finally dying on me. They served me well for many years. What should I buy as a replacement? I've got a lot more money now compared to when I bought them, so I can upgrade within reason.

Would Brainwavz sheepskin pads change the sound of msr7 for the worse?

Why are all headphones stands so shitty?

Which pads will be less hot in the summer: velour, pleather or real leather (sheepskin or something)

Buy a neso

buy a fumo