Hey Sup Forums
Mexican user here.
You guys migth help me out.
I have this laptop for work only and is slow as fuck!
For some reason the memory almost always is at full capacity i dont know what to do.
Other urls found in this thread:
Clock on the processes tab , and sort by memory by clicking on memory
If i open facebook or a few tabs like youtube, twitter, even google search this shit cant hablde it.
Process tab here
have you tried calling your local MS-13 servicecenter?
Firefox is taking up a lot of memory friend
4gb of RAM is not sufficient for the memory eater pieces of shit that are firefox and chrome. Download at least another 4gb of RAM.
Unnecessary shit. Uninstall that piece of spyware.
Use bitdefender free (it's lighter on resources) if you're that much of a retard that still gets malware in 2018
You should just download more ram, 4GB of ram is not sufficient in this day and age
post speccy, there's something else going on here.
>4gb of RAM is not sufficient for the memory eater pieces of shit that are firefox and chrome. Download at least another 4gb of RAM.
maybe on the bloat that is windose
Mexican user here, learn for yourself and stop being retarded
>year 2018
>mexicans can't figure anything out other than jumping over fences
>drinking mexican water can kill you
>dragin ball z is all that they live for
we got a great dub way before burgers got that horrible dub
same with Sailor Moon
start talking shit about the cartels on facebook, i am sure it will work.
Aslong as your pc doesnt use the page file the memmory isnt a problem. Its probably just a slow as fuck old HDD or an old CPU
Why don't you just recommend him Norton while you're at it? I'd rather use Avast than that POS.
>using third party AV
>laptop for work only
>If i open facebook or a few tabs like youtube, twitter
I wonder what kind of "job" you have...
please elaborate, is bitdefender shit?
use Opera and stop using 3rd party AVs
*White* Knighting.
install linux
>usando un AV en 2018
>4 gb de RAM
ok crío
You deserve
what's a good salsa recipe?
instalar gentoo
>windows 7
Use win10. My 4gb laptop runs perfectly, better than arch
>that taskbar
For the love of God, stop.
Windows 7 uses less RAM.
Chinga tu Madre OP
>current state of Sup Forums
That doesn't mean it works better.
Your PC is a potato. Replace it once you're done paying for the wall.
Have you ever used options in your life?
Este no es foro Juan. A la verga.
Can someone translate this beanspeak pls?
I think it says "15-year-old kills himself over an imaginary gf"
What an hero, truly an example for us to follow.
>4gb of RAM is not sufficient for the memory eater pieces of shit that are firefox and chrome.
What? I have a 4GB machine and using Chrome with no problems.
I too only have 4 and Chrome works great.
On the other side, Firefox keeps eating ram like kids eat candy.
At some point in Chrome you close all tabs and the ram goes down by like 90% while Firefox only releases like 40...
Give the laptop back Pedro
Some virgin poor fag hang himself to be with his Waifu in the afterlife. Mother suspect the character ikaros to be the devil in disguise.
I can have 14 tabs open in firefox and use ~750MB
Nobody can be that retarded and post here, either you are baiting mexianons's (you)s or you are seriously and dangerously fucking stupid.
>one liter of gasoline more expensive than 1 usd in Mexico
Disregard any doubt, you are fucking stupid.
why ypu faggots are so racist with spic people.
kekeke desu ^_^
Google Translate is actually pretty good now.