>proprietary software is bad, mmmmmkay?
Proprietary software is bad, mmmmmkay?
Other urls found in this thread:
bad for what
I know. Thanks for the reminder.
Get a Mac, faggot.
Free software means software that respects the user's freedom.
There are four essential freedoms that the user of software should always have:
Freedom 0 is the freedom to run the program however you wish.
Freedom 1 is the freedom to study the source code of the program and change it to make the program do as you wish.
Freedom 2 is the freedom to distribute copies of the program to others when you wish. This includes republication of the program.
Freedom 3 is the freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others when you wish. This includes republication.
If you have all four of these essential freedoms, then the program is free software, which means that the social system of the distribution of the program is an ethical system that respects the freedom and community of the users.
If one of these freedoms is missing, then the program is proprietary software, meaning that it keeps the users divided and helpless, and gives the developer power over the users. This is an injustice. Proprietary software should not exist and should not be used.
If you want to have freedom, the only way you can have it while using computers is by rejecting proprietary software.
MacOS is not proprietary. Thanks again.
This except unironically
I don't care about autism politics in software dev but open source software is generally higher quality than proprietary
god stallman loooks freakin hot op
>MacOS is not proprietary
Umm... except it isn't? LibreOffice is always playing catch-up with Microsoft Office, GIMP is dogshit, Evince can't even do encrypted PDFs, Xorg still has no support for Direct3D, and that is not to mention those softwares for which there even isn't any open source alternative to begin with, like Visio, Project, Exchange, Dynamics, Sharepoint, Active Directory, QuickBooks, InDesign, Corel DRAW, FrameMaker, Shockwave Flash, QuarkXpress or literally ANY video or audio editing software or CAD software. Also, if open source is so good, then where are all the open source games?
LibreOffice isn't playing catchup to anyone and most of those proprietary formats like flash are completely dead
>the number one software in the animation industry
>completely dead
This is your brain on open sores.
>le private property is theft meme
Fuck off, commie.
It's also a form of animation that has no respect and only used when they're either on a tight budget or really fucking cheap to use better animation software.
>relevant past 2007
k e k
Software is just a tool. Freedom isn't a function of what you can do to the tools you have, but rather of what you can do WITH the tools you have. Hence, Linux is less free than Windows, because Windows can accomplish more than Linux can.
Only reason to use windows is to play waste of time video games
>Xorg still has no support for Direct3D
It started as an average b8, but gone full retard pretty quickly. Bravo.
>better animation software
All of which are proprietary.
You'd be surprised how many of the cartoons you watch were made on fucking Flash, you brainlet.
Must be why every single office in the world is 100% Windows dominated.
here's some software you can use as long as you pay me $120 per year.
Sup Forums BTFO
>watching cartoons
holy shit what the fuck is wrong with you?
you use propietary software
purport that deprecated shit is still hot new tech
and now you watch cartoons
>point out it's been almost 30 years and you still don't have even the most basic support to the de facto industry standard graphics framework
>get called bait
This is what maximum damage control looks like.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
So many companies switch to flash because it's cheap and very quick to make with tweening shit. Animation for TV has always been fucked over by execs who want it to be made as cheap and quick as possible no matter how shitty it looks. Professionals would never touch flash with a 10 foot pole.
Outsourced to Canada as well
save those dollarydoos for proprietary software licensing
I have seen linux in my previous job (not tech related).
Also flash isn't maintained anymore. Get a renderman. Faggot.
Another idiot.
So on top of everything, you also don't know the meaning of the word "you". Pathetic.
Still waiting for you to show me the hot ubiquitous open source alternatives for animation that everybody else is using.
PROTIP: there aren't any. Everybody uses Autodesk Animator, or Apple Motion, or Toonz, or SWiSH Max, or etc. etc. etc. None of those are open sores.
Cry harder, faggot.
>thinks projecting = facts
l m a o
>flash isn't maintained anymore
Wow, you're dumb. It just changed names, idiot. It's now Adobe Animate. It still is one of the most used softwares in the animation industry. The latest version just came out 3 months ago. Stop being dumb.
>being this retard
>most of the people use windows, it must be the best os in the world
>so good m$ had to import half of ubuntu to include bash to allow people to develop stuff on their shitty os
>so good azure runs off linux servers
>so good nokia almost failed for choosing them over the linux based alternative
>it's not that they use facist campaign policy and spread like a cancer only thanks to money and politics rather than quality
>skype update major flaw reported to m$ last month, they cannot fix it because they have to rebuild the full client to do so (google it)
>not realizing m$ is the pinnacle of proprietary software and how every tech company would be if open source did not exist.
neo/g/ is such trash
Daily reminder that Linux is only free if your time is worthless.
Toonz is open source and was used for multiple studio ghibli films and futurama if you want a western example
actually, the legal notation intellectual property by definition necessitates a working court system and law enforcement, which is paid through taxes
considering most tech giants like Microsoft and Intel are heavily subsidized through government contracts, their businesses are already supported largely through government deals (taxpayer money)
proprietary software is robbing taxpayers to keep corporate executives rich (and the tools they create broken and insecure), plain and simple
wtf i love flash now
They use the proprietary premium version. The open source version is just for trial.
Neo Sup Forums sucks indeed.
>intellectual property by definition necessitates a working court system and law enforcement
So does every kind of property, you moron. What'd stop me from stealing your bike if not for law enforcement?
>backpedalling this hard
OpenToonz is the Studio Ghibli version
>Proprietaryfags are proud of using flash
>They're proud of using the jewiest and cheapest way to make animation that looks like ass because who the fuck cares about it looking good as long as shekels are made
Law enforcement doesn't stop you from stealing a bike either, idiot. Police are not preventative, you only go to them AFTER something has happened.
Yeah I sure do miss all those wonderful windows features such as
- Telemetry
- NSA backdoors
- Built-in advertising
- Activation keys
- Forced + mandatory updates
- Lawyers suing you if you try to reverse engineer any of its proprietary code
I get what you're saying but it's a bad comparison because if GNU/Linux is a prison shiv, then Windows is a landmine that you can only buy pre-armed. Yes you can do more damage with high explosives but are you going to ignore that the manufacturer tried to kill you with it?
>stallman in the sticky of the board
>wiki is called installgentoo
>neo/g/ sucks
>proprietary shill pretends to be against google to win an argument
>insulting yourself
how you manage to tie your shoes in the morning
>originally proprietary
>they open sourced it
Why am I not surprised?
Nothing good is ever originally open source... because you need professionals to get good software, not hobbyists!
the difference here is that it is /my money (taxes) that is being used to create this intellectual property/, if I am not given a proportionate share of the gains made from this technology developed, or access via the source code of the IP itself, it is simply theft
There is no "intellectual property" law. There isn't one because "intellectual property" doesn't exist. It's a brainwashing lobby term which leads to brain damage.
How many goalposts do you need?
>security and software updates are BADDDD
Genetic predisposition towards prosocial behaviors due to millions of years of evolution
In what fucking shithole do you live? Where I live, the police patrols the cities to deter crime.
But those updates don't come till years after a bug or exploit was found
Police won't do anything until you actually commit the crime kiddo If you're acting suspicious they might stop to ask questions but won't do anything until they can prove you tried to commit a crime or actually did
>"intellectual property" doesn't exist
No property does, user. Property is theft.
>police patrols deter crime
No they don't, you dumb fuck. Police patrols to keep tabs on every citizen using ALPRs and mobile fake cell sites.
Your security is only in your mind.
>he thinks constantly updating things is actually good for security rather than sticking to a stable, well-audited and minimal base system that doesn't change often
As many as you need damage control.
>Police won't do anything until you actually commit the crime
There are crimes that needs some preparations. Announcing a school shooting is on that list.
Post rare stallmans.
Just like Linux.
>spyware is security update
Micros**t brainwashed these gen-Z idiots so bad
debian, powering 80% of the internet and your favourite company's cloud. the linux kernel, which make proprietary alternatives look like baby's work. If you stepped your foot out of your mother's based and actually applied for a job at microsoft you would know how much of a bloated mess windows kernel is, main reason why their new releases are just ui restyle and privacy intrusive updates. You are too busy toying with flash animations and too retarded to understand how an os functions and how to develop for it, hence you come up with retarded bants like this thread.
>i love NSA to surf on my PC thanks to the open smb ports
>Implying the NSA cares about you
>powering 80% of the internet
[citation needed]
>reading nixcraft
police really acted on that one, right?
Try again
The botnet failed hard.
>uses software literally made by the NSA
>buy software
>still don't own it
Why would you do this
The FBI didn't do anything because they were too busy betraying our elected president
go to reddit if you want spoonfeeding. Or enroll your ass into a cs degree, ineducated beast.
I like to own the software I use, hence I do not prefer Microsoft services. What's your issue here?
I won't use Linux until it doesn't have NSAkey and Selinux isn't mandatory.
I accept your concession.
Comparing Linux and Windows is comparing apples and oranges. Linux is simpler and not as sophisticated. When you have fewer features and capabilities, you also have smaller attack surface. Linux is also way less used than Windows, which is why less vulnerabilities are found on it - it simply isn't targeted as much. Doesn't mean it's inherently safer than Windows.
Linux is a kernel. If you have an Android phone, you're already using it.
>Linux is simple
>security based on obscurity meme, meanwhile it's heavily used everywhere except desktop
>It is larger and more bloated therefore it is more sophisticated
Typical amerifat, if this were true then your mother would be the most sophisticated person in the world
>Linux is simpler and not as sophisticated.
Considering how many platforms Linux can run on, I don't think it's any less "sophisticated" than a (practically) desktop only OS.
>Linux is also way less used than Windows
On the contrary, Linux is THE most used kernel in the world. I don't know if you are living in a cave or not.
My droid is too old for that.
How can a shitpost thread go so far?
>it's heavily used everywhere except desktop
It's not used anywhere except for a significant but non-majority portion of web servers, almost all supercomputers (which doesn't mean much because supercomputers are by definition rare) and affordable smartphones (Angry Birds OS).
>Linux is THE most used kernel in the world
If you count Angry Birds OS, you're automatically disqualified.
>it doesnt count cuz i said so!!!
>If you count Angry Birds OS, you're automatically disqualified
Why is it that every wincuck I talk to on Sup Forums is tech illiterate. I know it's just a shitposting board but your type likes to LARP so hard it's embarrassing. Get real.
Come back when windows runs on the fraction of the platforms and devices Linux can run on, Sup Forumsbabby.
>Linux is simpler and not as sophisticated.
please please please stop talking out of your ass.
Stop tripfagging, this isn't reddit.
It strokes my ego.
You can turn each one of these things off you fucking minge.
>lawyers sewing you
only if you're an idiot
>y-you can turn it off until the next update turns it back on
android tier
>flash isn't maintained anymore
Only the plug-in, the animation software is still soaring. Just because it's not called "flash" anymore doesn't mean it's not the same.
>now android counts
>now android doesn't count
Freetard cognitive dissonance, everyone!
>>now android doesn't count
Said who, brainlet?
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Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my part to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
>anonymous image-board culture!
Sup Forums is not anonymous.