Post vrms scores.
Point and shame users of non-free software.
Post vrms scores.
Point and shame users of non-free software.
Other urls found in this thread:
How do I install vrms on windows?
Pretty bad. Only way I know how to get the 1060 nvidia working. Any alternative? w/out it i think im good.
forgot pic
>forgot to blank out username in one of them
stih reee
its fine
>shaming anyone
that vrms screenshot says
>I dont do anything productive with my life
>only for debian-based systems
Install gentoo, the lot of you.
>Problem: Versions prior to 0.6.1+dfsg-1 contain a non-free clause
They have to be trolling to list something like this...
>tfw have non-free firmware installed and feel dirty
>not naming your thinkpad properly
Get out.
>non-free software
>implying I paid for any windows products
fuck off cunt
Your wallpaper is disgusting.
T. Homosexual
We got it OP, you like this slut's silhouette. You've posted this shit enough last days. Now fuck off.
Only a homosexual can identify another homosexual.
Well done
Is that your go to chat up like?
Well I'm not incorrect.
Are there lots of weeaboos with this wallpaper or is it the same nonce posting in every thread?
can you stop posting your garbage setup?
>ugly af wallpaper
>noobuntu fork
>no producitivity shown, yet more than 1k packages
>slow af xfce4-terminal
>bad af xfwm
only good thing there is xfce as the best available de (until kde), but the development is pretty dead and if you want more functional while staying low on resources i3 provides more, if you want more ease to use and slightly more resources consumed kde is a better alternative. So stop spamming your noob, ugly as fuck setup, you just embarass yourself. Start reading the Sup Forumsentoo handbook and a C manual, so maybe you will learn something about computers.
Probably the same guy since the DE and the theme is the same.
Dear God...
>Having opinions this bad
Troll or genuine retarded?
>Sold his soul for video games
Son I am ashamed
You're the one that's genuinely retarded.
If you're going to use an anime wallpaper don't use a gay as in homosexual flat anime wallpaper.
>Having taste this bad
Dropped on your head at birth or extra chromosome?
they're all FOSS, it just doesn't recognize the licenses
>no non-free
>using windows
Go die, you're why people think Sup Forums is full of "weeaboo l33t h4xorz".
>He attacks others to try and make up for his bad taste
How's that working out for you?
Everyone gotta agree with you? Okay, I might've insulted and attacked you, but you were the one that started it. Can you please live with the idea that some people don't like the wallpaper that you use?
There are lots of retarded clauses that make an open source program nonfree. For example a program where commercial distribution is forbidden restricts your freedom to share. (Freedom 2). Those things are usually easily solved by joining a related mailing list and explaining the problem.
but Sup Forums told me gnu is communism
>Going off on a overly verbose tangent
I'm starting to think your problem might not be bad taste, but the 'tism. Am I right?
Well I do actually have autism, but that has nothing to do with the discussion.
VRMS actually is a botnet. It gathers info about as much as it can and sends everything encrypted to a specific server...
No, Sup Forums larping told you that.
Your mom is communism!
Look for yourself!
>Shit taste
Are the two linked?
WHAT did you just say to *points finger at my chest* me?
>Shit taste
Depends on how you look at it :^)
Your i3 needs some ricing, user.
That you suck at naming Thinkpads..?
[joe@kek ~]$ vrms-rpm
1871 free packages
21 non-free packages
- atmel-firmware
- fedora-logos
- ipw2100-firmware
- ipw2200-firmware
- iwl1000-firmware
- iwl100-firmware
- iwl105-firmware
- iwl135-firmware
- iwl2000-firmware
- iwl2030-firmware
- iwl3160-firmware
- iwl3945-firmware
- iwl4965-firmware
- iwl5000-firmware
- iwl5150-firmware
- iwl6000-firmware
- iwl6000g2a-firmware
- iwl6000g2b-firmware
- iwl6050-firmware
- iwl7260-firmware
- libertas-usb8388-firmware
[joe@kek ~]$
Oh no
Is it safe to uninstall all these?
>being this much of an unemployed dweller
explain me why opinions are that bad, prove me they are wrong like I did with your shitty teenage nerd level setup. You're as much in dispair you need to spam that shitty setup everywhere in search for appreciation, ending up shaming yourself even more, you utter retard and incompetent. Entry level computer illiterates like you might aswell stick to windows, cause there is no difference whatsoever in your everyday experience anyway.
>explain me why opinions are that bad, prove me they are wrong like I did with your
The fuck does that even mean Pajeet?
>not understanding how a basic discussion beetween two people should function
>calling the other one pajeet
good luck finding a job with those brain cells.
What is that pretty application bar? I want it
am i a good boy Sup Forums?
also this package is free software as well, it's only that i got it through AUR
>so many proprietards
Neo/g/ was a mistake.
whats the package name for this on gentoo?
adobe-flashplugin Adobe Flash Player plugin
mac Monkey's Audio Codec - command line tool
nemo-dropbox Dropbox integration for Nemo
p7zip-rar non-free rar module for p7zip
unrar Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)
>Greyed out options on soundconverter gui trigger my ocd.
>non-free rar module because 7z e paint_shop_pro_brushes.exe
Flash is the one I need to be ashamed of.
install GNU in a virtual machine
it's a really popular option on Sup Forums
I can't install it, livecd doesn't load for me.
Who is that anime girl meant to be?
That semen demon is Elizabeth from Seven Deadly Sins.
Edit /etc/i3status.conf so that wifi will show nothing when it's not connected and also remove ipv6 detection.
You can't make this shit up
Would breed