Google employees “outraged”

>Google helps Pentagon analyze military drone footage—employees “outraged”
>"Project Maven" applies Google's image recognition tech to drone footage.

Is DuckDuckGo a good alternative to Google?

Other urls found in this thread:

the word outrage should be banned

Google employees are the definition of hypocrisy.

>please select all images with enemy combatants


>employees “outraged”
because if they aren't outraged they get sent to the gulags.


This. It's just like the whole "Don't be racist, unless it's against white or asian men" bullshit they're caught up in.

They promise that they don't track you, it's up to you to believe them or not. Better results than bing.

i knew that they are using the captcha for this

> Don't be racist (unless they are white males)
> Don't kill people (unless we can make some sweat money from that)


Don't badmouth Bing. It's excellent alternative especially for video and image search. Please keep using Bing, so we have a true alternative to Fucking GOOGLE.

>Google's image recognition tech

Is training the botnet considered patriotic now?

>why dont google employees dont wanna help pentagon?
>cuz they arent americans


Damnit I'm in class

>Some Google employees were outraged that the company would offer resources to the military for surveillance technology involved in drone operations...

They have to be fucking retarded not to have seen something like this coming.

DuckDuckGo is literally ran by a guy who made his fortune selling user information from his previous site

Would you user?

Google is the definition evil.

"security" services has always been the end-game.
It'll be google AIs and systems behind the cameras on crosswalks that ID pedestrians and catalogue their movements. Nothing evil though, no no no, it's GOOD that the faceless man knows everything about you, you consented by being born afterall.

I would legitimately shitpost more just so I could do more captchas if this was real

>Don't be evil
>live eb t'noD

Live (as in living)
e (as in ectasy)
bt (as in bittorrent)
nod (as in nods respectfully)

I hope you are using Chrome and sharing your location information with your C&C user.

Lol, just like Sup Forums.
Also, source on this?

who's in the wrong here?

i have nothing to hide ;^)

Fuck this is the most red pilled thing Google has actually done.

lmao, Google employees don't know that the company is literally part of the Military-Academic-Industrial Complex? Maybe they should do a google search, eg. and many others. There are even pictures of Eric Schmidt and co. visiting NK leaders etc.

I'd rather have no alternative than have it be microsoft

bing is purdy good for a lot of things, it's what I use for image search and le porn, but it still tracks the shit outta you so maybe it's not the best choice for every day use

keks I thought you were trolling

No, keep using google you diehard anarcho-leftist retard. If this is the final straw for you then you deserve what you've helped create.

Someone post the Dr.Zeus pasta

This ancient meme is now much more relevant than ever... kinda scary 2bh

>A mysterious startup appears out of the blue...
>A duck in a bowtie, run by a Jew.

>He promises privacy, to respect your space.
>But did you take note of the methods in place?

>A company US, your privacy sworn
>In 2010 markets Tor service (for your porn)

>Year later it's mentioned in Time Magazine
>"[it's] like early Google", the author did preen.

>"We do not track you!", the Duck says as you choose...
>Just remember: he's tracking the search terms you use,

>and the location data,
>though not your IP, (wink)

>but they get ads from Bing,
>don't you think that they see?

>Hosting their servers, guess who? Amazon!
>Do you trust their cloud, are you a moron?

>Now there's auto-suggestions.
>Think, how does that work?

>You trust that you're safe?
>I prescribe you more lurk.

>You hopped off of Google, privacy was the plan,
>but you've jumped out of the fire and into the pan.

Why is the jew wearing so much clothing? Is it freezing inside of there or what?

It's all so tiresome

>startup out of the blue
That's generally the purpose of startups. But I've been using it since 2011, it's only out of the blue for people who don't know about it finding out when it's popular

Google employees are regular software engineers who happen to get paid slightly more money than average, mostly doing mundane tasks like at any other company.

>Google helps Pentagon analyze military drone footage

What is wrong about it?

ya, and?

Watch Terminator 1 and 2 you stupid genZ

but helping them with domestic spying is okay i guess

good one

>Watch Terminator 1 and 2 you stupid genZ

schwarzenegger defense. I lose

who is that dog?

That's Malcolm X, you racist

He sold the whole site, tardstick.

>who is that dog?

Is dogecoin dog are you newfag?

>equating real life events with a movie that relies upon time travel to create an apocalyptic vision of technology

skynet will never happen, even if every appliance in the world is an IoT device the network will never have the combined processing power for actual intelligence, and the latency would be so high people will know it's trying to do something malicious before it actually happens.

also using a military computer system to directly control civilian infrastructure AND launch nukes is just fucking stupid. Those movies are great but not at all realistic.


I hope everyone realises they can falsely select signs instead of vehicles and vice versa in the captchas because of people incorrectly doing it all the time.

I deliberately press the wrong shit in every captcha until it passes me. Sometimes hit 4 retries, but it accepts the wrong answer frequently from the machine learning aspect where everyone gets it wrong.

They're keeping America safe, nignog. How much more "not evil" can you be?


this incessant questioning about what search engines do with your data after you give it to them is maddening
DDG is objectively better than google because you can use it through tor, which means that it doesn't matter what they do with the data you give them, they can keep it forever and sell it for all you care, because it's not correlated to you and your sessions aren't correlated tyo each other
google blocks tor so you can only really use it through your home IP, which is correlated to you, and thus all of your searches are also correlated together (unless you do each one on a separate address)
that's it, there's nothing else to discuss, all this FUD about DDG selling your data to kikes or not is absolutely meaningless in the face of the fact that you get a choice about whether to give them personally identifying information (ip address, correlation between searches) at all

go back to Sup Forums

Wow, that escalated quickly!

Suck a dick, faggot. Google wants to prevent people from running algorithms that are racist. Your argument is invalid. They are now picking easy targets to set their new bar... "We won't help anyone who is allowing discrimination!" Shouts the World Economic Forum, and IBM, Intel, Google, Microsoft, and 20 different Universities join in... Do you wonder about anything outside of your tiny realm of "consciousness?"

>Is DuckDuckGo a good alternative to Google?

>Don't be Google

>Go on Sup Forums, say google sucks
>immediately backtraced via google captcha
>google scans my emails to confirm my dissident status
>They use google maps to track my usual walking patterns and send a google drone to strike my current coordinates when I'm outside and alone
>Google search results are altered to suggest any involvement by google in my death is a conspiracy theory

That's a great slogan if you ask me.
It brings the reader to a full stop and is fuel for thought.
I might steal that.

lol I actually see this feasible in 15 years...

Shouldn't this be a good thing? If AI helps improve drones, they should be more accurate and thus cause less unintended casualties. By helping make drones smarter they're saving innocent people

>Is DuckDuckGo a good alternative to Google?

I am more interested in what is a good alternative to gmail, other than hosting your own servers, which I am not going to.

I'm irritated enough to make my own bot-less search engine at this point senpai.
How hard is it really? just DNS lookup and shit right?

>By helping make drones smarter they're saving innocent people

Holy fuck user, you naive piece of shit... do you really believe that the military gives a single fuck about causalities??

They are not trying to make them more "precise", they just want to make them more autonomous so they can scale up drone operations. That's why Google will help the DOD: they have tons of training data and TensorFlow specialist.

It's not that difficult, you can try this for instance:

>anything Microsoft
I'd rather not

I don't expect it to be difficult, it's just one more think I would have to worry about maintaining. And a pretty critical thing, too.


help the government that at every step of the way has either wanted me dead by its policies or actively fucks my life over? yea... why would I want to help them.

He's right you know.

They're going to use the drones anyway. They'll scale up use anyway.


>remove "don't be evil" from company motto
>constant moral highgrounding unsurprisingly results in moral puritanism and censorship
>gets surprised when it does something blatantly evil


hahaha at least I don't work for a company that makes hardware in China like Apple
>t. Google Employee
>Posted from my iPhone

I tried to fool the piece of shit for 8 minutes straight. Don't lie, user.

>Select all squares with gooks

more like sandalcamp desu

Can I send non-encrypted messages as well? I.e. use it as regular email?

I don't care if Google drones some arabs.

I care if they censor YouTube.

>>don't use Windows 10 its a botnet.
>>use Bing because it's a better alternative to google.
The state of Sup Forums....

Spicy post

If you don't care about results, just use startpage

>the latency would be so high people will know it's trying to do something malicious before it actually happens

IR is an entire field of computer science. So if you have to ask, fuck off.


Silly anons, everyone know that microaggressions and unintentional misgendering are the most important problems we should fight against.
The people we help to blow are most likely men anyway. Women would never participate in those silly wars and conflicts.
Let's make the world a better place.
Kill all men.

>caps to express urgency
Go back to plebbit.


>same images in muslim countries come with the instruction to select all allied combatants


>doesn't allow whites and asians inside
>no one bats an eye

>helps your country with some software you made
>everyone mad

You're the one lying user I just tried it and it works

>the only way americans could win was to bomb everyone, including their own allies and civilians who now fucking hate white peoples' guts over the war

How do Americans consider Vietnam a virtual "win"? The point was to stop communism and promote western democracy and they basically did the fucking opposite.

>enemy killed in action

Oh, NOW they're outraged? Are they fucking serious?

>google introduces video captcha
>"click the enemy armored vehicle"
>it suspiciously explodes after you do


>shitposting all day long to protect our great nation

wtf I love Google now