Why aren't you using superior Mint user?

>Easy to install
>Cinnamon Master Race
>Hella package support
Don't fall for the memes user.

Other urls found in this thread:





>sudo apt-get upgrade

because I use xubuntu

if it aint an official flavor, say "see ya later"

Sorry, I don't use Frankenbotnets user

wow just wow. neckbeard autist gentoo compiler / 10

>add to that they do not care about copyright and licence issues and just ship their isos with preinstalled oracle java and adobe flash packages and several multimedia media packages.

Yeah dickweed thats why i fucking like it. It just works.

Ever found yourself out in the desert or in another country without broadband internet ? that shit is usefull is fuck in the real world .... something something it just werks.

If debian is secure enough for your needs mint is just fine and i Think Clem is one of the most professional devs out there.

because the linux mint developres are too "professional".

Works wonderfully. Fuck the bleeding edge regressions and DE drama in the neckbeard distros.

Sucking cocks for money also work and you do it too? Hell man.

>trusting an OS that has had its website download links infected multiple times in a year
it's basically just an unofficial ubuntu flavor with a hackjob on top anyway


I'm running Mint at the moment but already finding annoying flaws. This has pushed me to change. Should I use Morpheus?

What are the flaws that you found?
I've tried OpenSUSE, Manjaro, Fedora and all of them have the following flaws:
OpenSUSE is hard to set up initially that I gave up
Manjaro is very nice to use, until an update broke something and I couldn't boot the OS
Fedora is very nice but the packages are limited because of their policy, but at least it doesn't break with every kernel update like Manjaro

I'm using Mint right now and if the security risks are as bad as people say, is there no usable daily drive linux except Ubuntu/Debian?

>OpenSUSE is hard to setup
i kek'd hard
seriously though, try solus sometime mate. and no, i'm not kevin, he's a faggot who uses macOS.

Always found it runs like shit compared to vanilla Ubuntu (which I used to prefer because Unity) so fuck it with a brick.

The biggest selling point of a linux distro is software access for me. Manjaro was my favorite out of the three because it has access to AUR. With mint/ubuntu I can add ppa for easy up to date software. I don't think other distros have this convenience.

always worked for me been using two installs of it for 2 years now

Should this impress me?

nah that should wipe your eyes from the Sup Forums bullshit

Which in turn runs like shit compared to Debian. Come home, user.

It's not bullshit, apt-get upgrade rendered a year old install unbootable. Kindly fuck off.

>not using babby mode arch called Manjaro

Something That Didn't Happen: The Post

Try it.

Literally did it an hour ago. Still fine.

Because I chose freedom, I chose Fedora.

Mint is just bloat.

What's ram use on idle with Xfce? I use Xubuntu (the superior 'just werks' distro), and idle at 285mb.

>Manjaro is very nice to use, until an update broke something and I couldn't boot the OS

Glad I'm not the only one. Crash during Pacman -Syu, left for half an hour and still unresponsive, when I hard reset it it turned out that it had fucked my grub and I couldn't boot into it.

In the end I just installed Xubuntu

Lacks some basic stuff I'd rather not go through
the process of getting myself. plus games

>Canonical dev criticizes linux mint.

No shit.

Because it's not gentoo

Enjoy your nonfree blobs.


Canonical dev shitting on linux mint is like hilary clunton shitting on trump.

>not using manjaro

I am curious if they have significantly altered their practices since these things were written. I can't imagine they would liketo carry on with no security advisories or other vulnerabilities and issues discussed.

They do.
Actually all this shit from
is no longer true.

it’s still true. they hold back critical updates like meltdown and spectre because reasons. They have zero idea what they’re doing and it shows. Also, you’re using a derivative based on a derivative. Just go with debian or ubuntu at the least.

So they're hosting all their packages in their own repository now, and compiling them?

Mint only withholds certain updates if you select an update profile that clearly explains it does that. With the "update everything" profile, you get all the same updates as Ubuntu.

This is some random Canonical spreading FUD about a competitor, reported by a random blog that thrives on clickbait. Sup Forums keeps reposting it because half the board is tech illiterate nowadays.

>Mint holding back spectre and meltdkwn updates.
They Literally made article about meltdown and spectre on mint official page.

Retard. Mint ships the latest Ubuntu kernel, which includes the Meltdown and Spectre fixes.

(Of course, we're still waiting for Intel's microcode updates to be fully protected against Spectre V2, but the same goes for every other OS.)

>Xfce 285mb idle


That would arguably be less secure. Repackaging and testing every package in the Ubuntu repos would take time and manpower away from testing Mint-specific packages. Why duplicate that work when Canonical already does it for them?

Both. Mint uses both repositories.
Packages used by ubuntu part of mint packages are from ubuntu repos and mint specific packages are from mint repos.

> >Stable
I have yet to see a "stable" system which is fine with doing this.

Choose second option and update updates not imemented automatically one by one, and reset between. So you can quickly detect update not working well with your system.

First and third option are for lazy people.

Linux Mint Xfce 18.2 reporting in

>t. CIA Nigger

> Choose second option
> So you can quickly detect update not working well
This is not what user should expect from a stable system.

Fine with giving illiterate normies an informed choice, you mean?

Anyone who knows their salt will select the third option. That's literally Ubuntu's LTS update policy, which is generally considered very stable.

If your goal is to be a distro for non-technical users who can't be expected to know what a CVE is or what this or that kernel version fixes, essentially your only secure choice is to tell them "you get security updates, like it or not, deal with it" There's a reason MS did it, because otherwise the non-technical user will never patch anything.

of course this also means you have a responsibility to ship updates that work in a timely fashion, which Mint also seems to have trouble doing. They really shouldn't be a distro at all, they should just be a DE project.

No lie


What's your ram usage when idle?


I didn't fall for the memes friendo. I understood maybe I want a stable system out of the box and not have to configure a bunch of shit, yet still have the ability to configure shit if I wanna.

>Use linux mint
>install oracle vm to run windows programs like Adobe Suite.
>Do kernel update
>It kills my vm on boot. Computer freezes after VM is opened.
>Revert to old kernel

Wifi issue:
>Go onsite to fix a company wifi.
>Client complaining that wifi is slow.
>Update firmware... its still slow on my linux mint testing machine
>turns out Linux Mint has an issue with my wifi card and receives signals at about half the speed of other devices.

Needless to say... I love Mint. It's nice... easy to use... pretty... minimalist... runs anything I need... lots of support... all around a good work computer. I am replacing my wifi card as I do believe it is getting very old.

>>Easy to install
You don't install it, it installs itself for you.
Like all distros it depends how it is used.
Not really more than any other distro. It does leave you the task of uninstalling all of its unnecessary base files, though.
>>Cinnamon Master Race
DEs are cancer.
>>Hella package support

because im using superior Qubes

I use Solus with Budgie. It's comf

Shut ut pleb. I use mint with xfce and it consumes the same amount of ram.

I've used mint xfce for like 5+ years with no issues.

>Easy to install
You mean like ubuntu?
You mean like ubuntu?
You mean like ubuntu?
>Cinnamon Master Race
Why would you want that?
>Hella package support
Ubuntu is better

I want to and did for a few years, but I'm lazy and Ubuntu is ever so slightly quicker and easier to install. Not by much I'll grant you.

I don't like it. Stop shilling you cretin.

Cinnamon best de

Ubuntu - canonical bullshit politics = linux mint

Ubuntu chewed up and regurgitated = linux mint

I'm the one that was whining about Linux distros being all buggy and unreliable, can confirm Mint works great.

Only other distro I would ever rely on is Manjaro.

t. Adrian

Just a few mistakes in "Xfce"

Its a literal botnet

I tried XFCE and I like it but the dual monitor support is shit. Shame too because thats the only thing keeping me from using it over cinnamon.

>Not using gentoo.

My MacBook Pro doesn't have this problem.

>bullshit politics
>Mint literally hates the Jew


It's ubuntu with a nicer cinnamon de.

Why wouldn't you just use Arch?

Its compositor is a huge piece of shit.

When I used mint you could change the compositor to like 8 different ones in one of the menus

Because arch is for brainlets who couldn't install gentoo.

Manjaro is the new Mint

Then what does that make mint?

People who are new to Linux

Manjaro a shit!

That's the case for Mint w/ MATE, not with Cinnamon.

yeah but it's comfy

also it's green which i have always thought of as the de facto "team color" of linux

windows is blue
mac is white
linux is green

But Arch is really easy to install, it takes like 5 minutes with archfi...

mint xfce is the comfiest linux

>not using Crux

have you taken a look at ubuntu?
i'd use neither now but i'd rather use mint
