Javafags, what is your excuse for using pic related?

Javafags, what is your excuse for using pic related?

I switch between intellij and eclipse.
Depend on what I need.

It works without problems. I know this might be hard for the typical Sup Forums user that switches distros more often than his underwear to understand, but i don't need to change something that already works. Just because there might be a "new exiting feature" you should not waste your time. I bet most of you guys buy a new smartphones every 1-3 years too...

My PC can't handle intellij
I am used to it

I don't. I use Netbeans

It's fine but I prefer IntelliJ.

This. Another plus side is that it has more natural keybindings than IDEA.
IDEA is pretty great though.

What's wrong with it?

If we don't use it, our prof shits us over.

yea that's cuz it's written in java

What's the excuse to use Java either?

My client's systems run Java so I got no choice. It's their funeral.

This. Also, I hate the Pajeet-ness level of that piece of shit UI with the power of a thousand suns.

i hate eclipse
the debuger is shit
and it doesnt format javascript properly

The project I contribute to was started about 20 years ago and it would be pretty annoying to setup it in idea. That's basically the only thing I use eclipse for.

completely the opposite for me, it was too slow and buggy. I guess it's arch's fault, this is not the first time I'm having issues with a package
netbeans worked much better, it was pretty much at least useable

Is it still the only Java IDE able to handle files with different encodings?

I don't need an IDE. I learned Java by using a text editor and a CLI compiler. I find that it's easier to focus that way without a messy UI taking up a good portion of your screen space. The compiler pretty much tells you anything that's wrong with your program anyways, and it teaches you to think about what you're writing before you write, instead of just throwing code down and hoping it works.

What does eclipse do that intellij can't?

Yes, why would you want to use cars when you can travel big distances on your horse.

Hello mr. false equivalence man, always fun discussing things with you.

I'm too used to vim workflow.

Vendors cheaping out and releasing their IDEs as eclipse plugins. These are the spawn of Satan. Otherwise eclipse itself is fine.

I use it for SAP ABAP stuff at work.

Getting paid and stuff.

I improve by little, while you stand still

The differences between Eclipse and intellij are honestly not much. It either comes down to a personal preference in aesthetic, or you're just a shitty programmer who needs some specific feature because he can't program.

Give you an aneurysm.

I started with it, so now its hard to switch over


What is this, 2006?

What's the advantage of eclipse over netbeans?

1. Runs on all hardware/OS configurations
>But so can Python!
2. Orders of magnitude faster than Python/JS/whatever interprited language
>But Kotlin or Scala also use the JVM and are much nicer to work with!
Agreed, but:
3. 90% of the workforce already knows Java so most employers will go with it
4. Android

>want to do some shit with ChibiOS
>everything relies on Eclipse
>literally no resources for any other IDE or manual building anywhere