What did FreeBSD mean by this?

What did FreeBSD mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:



Remember, Comrade, the Kommisar hears everything you say.

They mean fuck off to Sup Forums, Not technology.

>We want money open source


Of course, Comrade. No counter revolutionary propaganda will be tolerated here!

hey fellow can i hug you?

wtf a fucking hug, even a virtual hug, what level of autism. kek burgers

>code of conduct in a private enterpriae is commie shit
The absolute state of Sup Forums kiddies.

internal drama in an open source OS community is Sup Forums related not Sup Forums related

The part where they are using donated funds for thought policing and censorship is the sore point.

So how does this affect FreeBSD? Will the people who do the actual work leave?

stupid but utterly irrelevant in the grand scheme of things

code of conduct actually is commie shit to attack and destroy private enterprises


there is still cucks trying to hide this shit when the majority admit being obvious about this?

>working for google
>still dare to call them commies

>gay communist
is like a parody account, these mental ill people are fucking real

Stalin would kill them all in a blink.

In case Randi Harper comes back full scale they need the instruments in place to guarantee her immunity.
Also it's a way to funnel money to Feminist scammers.

It will probably only affect them in the long run.
You will soon see some more core-like positions being created for people similar Ashley Williams,
and more decisions no one will be allowed to criticize.

They don't have that much money to burn.

In absolute values it of course won't be as much as Mozilla and others burn on that stuff.
But I have no doubt the percentage will go up.

Not having that much money also did not stop Gnome from almost bankrupting itself by throwing money at their "women outreach" program.

Mail archives here:

>hurr let's just be patient until the damage has been done and it is irrecoverable
>it's not a problem it was agreed in complete secrecy, shame on the neutral kin who leaked the document

I refuse to believe anyone can be that obtuse, so I will just assume malice here without knowing anything about freebsd.

I'm so glad I'm not the one who has to deal with this shit.

I have to agree. As much as I dislike SJW interference in what should be purely technical matters these Sup Forumssters posting the same "reeee FreeBSD is SJW" are getting so wearisome.


>As much as I dislike SJW...but
there is still retards pushing this?, i hope this is a joke