Do you use "natural" scrolling?
Do you use "natural" scrolling?
I disabled my touchpad. My powerbook doesn't do gestures.
Of course, it's industry standard for trackpads
Natural scrolling trackpoint master race
No, immediately switched it to normal mode on my Surface.
Adds functionality when you're lying in bed with a laptop.
I prefer scroll wheels but I ain't gunna use the arrow keys and bullshit instead.
no and I also use look inversion when playing with a controller
I'm not sure when trackpad switched over but I definitely remember N64 being "inverted" to today's standard.
I use Chiral motion scrolling, because it only needs one finger and doesn't require me lift my finger from the trackpad to continue scrolling.
Lol maybe I'm win babyduck, but it feels unnatural to me. Fuck touchpads though, they're disabled 90% of the time, thanks vimium and shortcuts.
Yes. It makes the touchpad analogous to how a touchscreen works on your phone. It makes much more sense.
get some Vimium or Tridactyl or some equivalent Vim-style browser navigation.
But you're not touching the screen. It doesn't feel like you're scrolling the content.
I think it does.
No, I simply cannot get used to it. It just does not feel right. I know all the arguments in favour of it, and I can accept the logic behind it, but I can only use trackpad scrolling in the old-fashioned “unnatural” way.
No because when I scroll with the touchpad, I feel like I'm grabbing the scrollbar and moving that, not the page.
Natural feel so un-natural to me.
No, it's unnatural. I prefer scrolling like I would do on a smartphone
>If you're not as retarded as I am you're a fucking shill
I hate Sup Forums
>I prefer scrolling like I would do on a smartphone
That's called "natural scrolling", when you scroll up on a smooth surface using your fingers to scroll down on the displayed content. Only thing is that natural scrolling on trackpads is two finger whereas it's one finger on phones.
>normal scrolling
two fingers up = mouse wheel up
>natural scrolling
two fingers up = mouse wheel down (scrolling the content up)
There is never a time when I need to use the trackpad. At my room I have a PC and I carry a wireless mouse with me when I go somewhere with my laptop
>my opinion is absolute fact
>anyone with a different opinion is paid to have that opinion
>t. mactoddler shill
Fuck no.
>No, it's unnatural. I prefer scrolling like I would do on a smartphone
That is exactly how natural scrolling works
No, it really doesn’t.
I want to move/scroll the page not move the viewpoint itself.
Pulling my fingers down should pull the page down with them, bringing the focal point towards the top.
NA im going to counter your shitty poofag copypasta meme with a real image i just took.
presenting for your consideration
- macbook air 2011 256gb debian
- dell xps 13 2015
- dell lattitude d830 2007
i know my shit, i put them all to the test, can use any at any time i want and i picked the mac everytime
can you poorfags fuck the fuck off now ?
That's your opinion, faggot. Maybe your trackpad is shit.
>owns macshit
>calls someone else poorfag
I use a mouse, which is indeed absolutely objectively superior. I just find it funny how Sup Forums always asserts their opinion as fact.
no, never
I can afford a $5 wireless micro mouse
Natural scrolling with trackpad and synclient (fuck that gay libinput)
Traditional scrolling with mouse scroll wheel (fuck apple's gay mouse without a scroll wheel)
A keyboards shortcut to quickly turn on and off the trackpad
Xfce master race
My main computer is a laptop —I have to travel very often and keep everything with me, so I chose to get a laptop instead of a desktop—, so there are two cases:
-either I am at home, with my computer connected to its second screen, trackball, keyboard and other stuff, in which case I don’t use it; I prefer to use my computer as if it were a desktop computer in this case
-or I am off somewhere and I am using my laptop as one, in which case I use the trackpad and natural scrolling.
You can't afford a mac.
I use a scroll wheel like a normal person
yassss :)
I can afford six Macs, they're fucking trash.
but I scroll with one finger on phones.
"unnatural" scolling has the advantage of being the same as scroll wheels or edge scrolling.
it's intuitive, move your fingers down to go down.
the greatest disadvantage however is the invariable zoom instead of scroll you suffer through either way.
Same, also why I can't into any wayland wms 'cause everyone wants to use libinput which doesn't have support for spiral gestures
Only with trackpads, because it's really natural. It's the same fucking thing you do when you use a tablet. However I'm done with macOS (been shitting the bed for me) and my X220 has one of the worst trackpads ever designed so I don't use it anymore.
Besides, sure, macOS is a pile of shit in a few aspects. But it does excel at trackpad gestures over linux with any current DE or Windows. That is fact, doesn't mean it's better than a bunch of good keyboard shortcuts, but it's just what it is. I have not managed to find a single laptop (over $1k I mean, of course cheap shit is going to be cheap) with a trackpad as good as the apples.
However a mouse and a keyboard does all so who the fuck cares
>actually gave money to apple
You're a poorfag and a hypocrite.
Post a pic of your 6 macs with a time stamp then, kiddo
I bet you work at a PC repair store and strip them for the premium expensive parts. Spread them out, show them on your kitchen table
>6 empty MacBook shells
In witnessing my own trips I am selling my 2017 15 MacBook Pro coz it’s a piece of shit and I bought a meme desktop with 8700k and 1080 ti water cooled everything coz I no longer want to be identified as a transgender but nothing was ever trash
Why are you comparing it to a mouse wheel?
If you have a large newspaper on your table and you want to see more content at the bottom, you slide it up, not down. Just because mouse wheels have been doing their thing for ages doesn't make it any more correct.
Now go gargle some soymilk you fruitfag.
i use ur mom's scrolling
>using the trackpad at all
>I always bios disable that garbage in every laptop I buy
How will mactoddlers ever recover?
no because why use touchscreen gestures on something that isnt a touchscreen
No. "natural" scrolling is fucking retarded and I hope apple hurries it's way to killing macOS and just running ios on everything so everyone stops using mac products.
I use the correct direction 2 finger scrolling on my HP shitbook.
You're not touching a screen you dumbfuck. You're touching a pseudo-mouse.
natural scrolling is a blight on this earth and people who use it are retards
Macfags absolutely btfo without question. Recovery unlikely at this point.
>Correct direction
>"Hey man, pass that sheet of paper across the desk"
>"Hold up"
>Put 2 fingers on the sheet of paper
>Drag it towards yourself
>It somehow reaches the other guy
>Correct direction
Also I guess you don't have a smartphone, it must be horrible to have the incorrect way of scrolling everywhere
Top fucking kek
what if i exclusively use my keyboard's supernumerary nipple black-magic-cursor-manipulator-device
Then you use the default scrolling and then hope to god that the cursor doesn't drift when you release it
I do and scrolling makes sense on that, but on a touchpad, you're not touching the screen, so my laptop has a touchscreen which scrolls how you'd expect it to, the same way it does on a smartphone, but my touchpad still scrolls in the right direction, like a scroll wheel.
Your metaphor is completely inane and retarded. I'm not touching the fucking paper on the desk, I'm scrolling like a scroll wheel since the touchpad is a peripheral to the screen.
I wish we could have pray-the-gay-away style camps for people like you.
Holy fuck imagine being a macfag
how destryed are their anuses now
> have to move the mouse up
> put finger on touchpad
> slide finger to bottom
This is your logic.
When you use a touchpad you're dragging something. You're not using keys. You're not using switches, you're not using a fucking scrolling wheel. You're using your fingers to drag something. When you drag your finger down on the trackpad, you're literally dragging the cursor on the screen. What you're assuming is that when you're scrolling a website, the thing that you're dragging is the scrolling bar and not the webpage. That is unnatural.
For you basically any interface can't work the right way unless your hand is literally on top of what you want to interact with. You wouldn't do well with a graphics tablet.
No you fucking retard, that's what your logic is. My logic is
>One finger on touchpad mouse moves in same motion as my finger. Up is up, down is down
>Two fingers on touchpad, screen moves in the same direction as my fingers do. Up is up, down is down
In your braindead way of doing things
>Mouse follows your finger as normal, up is up, down is down
>Two finger on trackpad flips directions for no reason. Up is down and down is up.
Ironically, your thinking would mean that moving your single finger down would move your mouse up, since apparently you're pushing the screen away from it.
>"unnatural" scolling has the advantage of being the same as scroll wheels or edge scrolling.
I use inverted scrolling on scroll wheels too. Fight me.
No, I find it backwards of what I feel is natural.
I'm using my fingers to drag something with a scroll wheel too, the scroll wheel. I'm using my fingers to drag the mouse around, but you don't see anyone reversing the direction the cursor moves when you move your mouse.
I don't understand the similarities to a graphics tablet, when you're drawing on it, I'd expect the mouse to move in the same way it normally does, so drawing would be the same as if it were on paper.
Does the magic mouse also scroll in the "natural" way when using it's touch scrolling thing? Because that's definitely just a replacement scroll wheel
It doesn't invert. The logic is that your flick the page upward by moving your finger up. Like something in real life works behave if you apply pressure to it and move your fingers upward.
that's exactly how it works whenever you aren't scrolling, which is (only part of) what makes 'natural' scolling so counterintuitive.
this isn't a touch screen or a physical piece of paper, it's an interface device and it need to work in a consistent way for accomplishing the same tasks.
Right, so why not reverse the direction of your mouse? So moving left moves the cursor left? You're applying pressure and pushing it, so logically the cursor should move in the opposite direction, the same way your scrolling works.
I'll keep my way where I'm not touching a piece of paper, I'm touching a computer peripheral and down means down and up means up.
If you wanna flip it and make everything inverted, go ahead, video games often allow you to play with inverted controls, but your way is backwards to what it should be.
But it IS consistent.
Suppose you're viewing a canvas that is larger than your screen that you can move by clicking and dragging. Let's say Google maps for example. If you want to view a lower part of the canvas, do you click and move the mouse up, or click and move the mouse down?
Because that is not how pointing to something works in real life. Is this really that hard to understand?
I guess you think makes no sense either?
Say you're looking at a computer screen for example and you want to view a lower part of the document or canvas or whatever, do you roll the scroll wheel down or roll the scroll wheel up?
incidentally, take the mouse wheel example. Put the scrolling wheel on top of a sheet of paper. When you scroll down, the bottom part of that wheel drags the page up. That physically makes sense as well. The wheel doesn't behave well with "natural scrolling" precisely because it would be unnatural that way. Physics. Cars, nigga.
Now with timestamp.
Setting aside the fact that in my example the scroll wheel would probably zoom, I do actually use inverted scrolling on my mouse. It makes it feel like the page is attached to the scroll wheel.
How will mactoddlers EVER recover?
I use mouse with my laptop.
Well, whatever works for you. That's weird though.
Does "natural" scrolling on macOS invert mouse scrolling as well? Or can you pick the direction separately for each input method?
Scrolling direction doesn't matter. You get used to any weird input in, like, 5 minutes. For inverted y axis on mouse for example. It's not even a matter of taste - it literally doesn't matter.
Holy shit. This much BTFO in such little time.
Not sure. I haven't used a Mac in years.
>water based white board markers so you dont damage macs that arent yours
I didn't know macfags could get more anally pained after pulling the apple schlong out of their anuses, but this has thoroughly destroyed and prolapsed the shit out of them.
Bravo user, hope you can recoup your lost money somehow.
It does invert mouse scrolling, and it's turned on by default. Whenever I switch to a new desk at work, it's one of the first things I switch.
>calls people poorfags
>using the cheapest macbook available from 7 years ago
I made a comfortable living off them from my small production company, so it wasn't a total loss. But I could've saved a lot of money and problems if I didn't get suckered by my new hires into converting our setup to Macs. I fired all those morons after the 1st year. We're back to all PCs and no longer have to deal with overheating and defective apple trash every other week. I keeps these pieces of shit around now to warn people from making the same mistake I did and letting brainless fruitfags scam people into joining their gay cult.
> 256gb SSD core i5
> 7 years ago
> cheap
(You) are a special type of retard fucker
>insecure faggot lurking his post 4 hours later
This reply didn't help your cause. If you weren't poor your macbook wouldn't be 7 years old you fucking poorfag loser.
This DESU.
This. Fucking nu/g/ won't agree though, since it's 99% shills nowadays.
It's so retarded that they call it 'natural' anyway, it's infinitely less accurate and harder to use, especially in conjunction with clicks. Worse still is how no touchpad has any feedback for buttons now, it's all single-click with position detection, so you get a 90% miss rate if you don't fucking look at the thing.
Back in the days I could literally play competitive online FPS with a touchpad. Nowadays I can't even use a touchpad for normal operations. We went backward so bad even the first touchpad was infinitely more usable.
No I use a trackpoint
>still not having enough of the perpetual irrevocable BTFOing