Sup Forums humor thread
Sup Forums humor thread
me on the left
is this the bane of Sup Forums?
Look at this dude
Lmao what a fag
Does anyone have one of those "apple design" pictures
It clearly means figure out your keyboard issues, THEN pres F1 to continue.
This is perpetually my life at work. Like it's hard to even do anything
Same idea
The ABSOLUTE state of Apple users.
Don't do that the the inventor of linux.
Fuck that. What is the command symbol?
What did you expect? Gnus live in herds.
He needs to discover eGPUs. His benchmarks won't be high at all with that laptop's integrated GPU.
Who the fuck drew that? The perspective is all wrong, must be done on a macshit.
We have this thread once every year
How'd you guess?
That's no good.
The electrons will fall down.
not necessarily Sup Forums related but made me chuckle when i seen it
>no adblovker/hosts file
This is a legit Xbox 360 prototype. They developed the hardware by modifying a PPC based Mac Pro, since it was already a PPC based computer in a case that makes it easy to mess with.
How will iToddlers ever recover?
that filename
kill me
Well then don't poke it with a stylus while it's getting everything ready for you.
this but instead of one person there are millions working on the car design and build, many extremely talented engineers. and hundreds of different popular designs and builds. and if you ever want any one of them you can have it.
What would qualify as finessing through my problems?
>including fap material in the book
Very thoughtful of the author.
To be honest that frequency is not dropping by much.
hwat about t530??
>give Indians loos
iirc, fake reviews. amazon? apple store? can't remember
this shit triggers me
raid 5, or even raid 10 if you dont mind 4 of your drives being redundant
Same shit.
Don't put in unsupported wifi cards or unsuitable batteries, and don't swap the keyboard unless you know what you're doing, and it'll be fine.
As for the battery, better and cheaper to break open the one it came with and replace the cells inside when it comes time for a new one. Those cheapass ones on ebay are dogshit.
>advise friend not to buy cheap chinkshit battery
>buys one anyway
>3 months later, complaining about 15 minute battery life again
started with lua, then learned C & python, thought about(but never used) perl, learned php and then never used it. What is the other language in enthusiast tier?
i ran command and everything just got faster. weird.
We should totally benchmark dick pics over erection sustainability with 'lubricant variable' optimizations.