Anyway to enhance a picture??
Some black people just stole a lot of crap from our store and we don't have cameras in the parking lot
Would be appreciated
Our manager took this but that old man sucks at recording
Anyway to enhance a picture??
Some black people just stole a lot of crap from our store and we don't have cameras in the parking lot
Would be appreciated
Our manager took this but that old man sucks at recording
Other urls found in this thread:
They told me to come here
Just make up some bullshit about how they abused some animal or something. Sup Forums will help you.
I said it was niggers to get their attention but nope
Install Photoshop. Then shout at it to ZOOM on the license plate followed by ENHANCE if it looks too blocky.
one time I installed a pirated version of photoshop and didn't realize it was not english. I wound up yelling ENFOCAR and MEJORA at it all day
If it was a little bit higher res then maybe you could do some guess work but in your case there's nothing you can do. It's nothing but random black dots
Just follow this quick and easy guide
Here, no need to thank me.
can make out some of the letters
Not unless you have multiple shitty images you can overlay to increase the res.
I'm surprised no one converted it to a webm
best i could do
I tried my best, is this helping?
>Our manager took this but that old man sucks at recording
Upload the video retard, or hand the footage over to the police, how retarded are you?
Also, your 'manager' had the time to pull out his phone and start recording but he didn't have enough time to use his fucking eyes and brain and try to memorize the license plate? Or fucking type it in somewhere in his phone?
This smells like insurance fraud,
Did I do it?
Seriously quit namefagging
get cameras in the parking lot for the next tiome, you cant enhance whats not there in the first place.
At least you have a picture of the car.
>works near negros
That was just some reparations you whitey
Nothing seems useful here, but you're welcome.
Here you go OP, hope this helps.
simply report it to the police, as long as you know the time and date this happened they can access cameras from the nearest intersection the car went to
sharpen it i guess
I managed to enhance one of the rims
Op would you recognise them if you saw them again. Do you recognise this guy? Is he the one?
>our store
You own the place or it's typical american misuse of the word "our"?
There are also some characteristic machining marks on that rim which should narrow the suspects further down
There's nothing american or incorrect about it.
Like in "our military" despite not being at the upper part of socioeconomic scale?
You can say our shop when you work there. You can say our military when you aren't even in the military.
where I work at, of my country - our
Nah man I'm just joking.
However being euro it does sound strange to me since "our" or "my" implies ownership or direct management.
I always say where I work or company that I work for.
I'm as euro as it gets, and I have no problem with "our".
There's nothing american about it, that's right. Cucks all over the world consider their boss' property as their own.
Is it still "yours" when you're fired? If not, it was never correct to call it "our".
What retarded argument is that? As long as you are part of the workforce, it's correct to use our, if you aren't, it's not.
>Upload the video retard
What is a "video retard"?
Well, pol then
Implying you have ownership over the tools, the products or the services the business you work for sells, is a way for you to feel "a part of it". On the other hand you only receive a wage for producing these, while your "boss" gains the full profit & surplus value. It's not yours, it will never be.
It doesn't denote ownership you imbecile, it denotes belonging there.
It denotes it belongs to you, not you belonging there. You are "theirs", the produce is not "yours"
It's just bullshit sold to the poor to make them feel better.
>If you own the means of production, such as a factory, you are a member of the ruling, capitalist, wealthy class, also known as the bourgeoisie. As a worker, you are a member of a class known as the proletariat, selling your labor because it is the only way you can survive.
If you're selling labor you don't own shit and using "our" or "my" is just misuse of the word in that context.
Suck my, dick retard. :^)
Send it to the CSI police department
Saying something is "ours" is not the same as saying it is "mine". If you say that it belongs to a group that you are part of obviously does not mean that you keep control of it if you leave that group.
Could I have this in 1080x1920 for my phone's wallpaper pls
ITT: an idiot argues with a bunch of neets. nothing to see here Sup Forums lets move along
>my boss took this picture
What do you mean YOUR boss? YOU THINK YOU OWN YOUR BOSS?