/umg/ - Unix Minimalism General

This is a general for discussing software minimalism and minimal software for Unix and Unix-like systems.

>What is software minimalism?
en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Minimalism_(computing)

>Why software minimalism?
- Fewer bugs
- Better performance
- Lower memory footprint
- Better maintainability
- Higher scalability
- Longer software lifetime
- Prompt delivery
- Smaller attack surface

>List of minimal OSes and distros

>Useful links
github.com/mayfrost/guides/blob/master/INITIATION.md (Guide to installing CRUX and Source Mage)

Alternative to Bloatware v1.2 pastebin.com/9NtiV5MB
Pure ALSA pastebin.com/yKhgKt8r

Protip: If you aren't comfortable with the terminal or aren't proficient with GNU/Linux, this thread isn't for you.

Other urls found in this thread:


Any suggestions on what kind of server? If possible I would like to implement it myself.

Don't let it 404 this time you fags.

This is my question too. For a server you don't really want rolling release so void is out and devuan is a bit unstable.

If it's for a single purpose I would recommend looking into unikernels though.

> harmful.cat-v.org/software/
Go or Limbo rather than C++ or Java.
JSON or CSV rather than YAML
mk rather than cmake
not using http rather than lighthttpd
OSS4 rather than alsa
ed rather than vim
... and a lot more

Is that some joke or are we dealing with some internet "expert" that just makes dumb ass lists of things?

That post was about the minix challenge.

>void is out and devuan
NetBSD and OpenBSD?

Why does Intel ME use Minix? Why not NetBSD for example? The license allows for cucking as well and it is much more widely used. It even is notably easy to port to whateverthefuck.

At the moment a detailed rationale is not provided for most of this, so figuring out why some things are considered more or less harmful than others is left as an exercise for the reader. Here is a hint: complexity is the bane of all software, simplicity is the most important quality.
That you don't understand this list, just shows that you don't seem to understand.

cute heterosexual pair

It's just a list of stuff old man Pike hates. Most of it justified, some tongue in cheek, some stale memes from the 80s (ed is the standard editor). The dude is a legit Internet expert as much as anyone alive is.

Whatever pajeet intern they had write ME probably was probably familiar with Minix from their system software class. It wasn't an appropriate choice of OS by any other standard.

>ITT: we do install challenges no one cares about and we pretend to know something about linux but fail miserably and our sole purpose is to feed the ego of a shota paedo apple enthusiast.
we broke the record again! This time 4 hours tops! People are realizing this meme has no use and >>/fglt/ provides a better, more focused and in-depth approach to the linux world. Here it's just kids playing with expensive toys, without a clue how to use them.


> complexity is the bane of all software
Maybe your language being too dumb to write a good structured parser to something as overall simple as YAML is an issue We're not even really doing all of most of the basics of math set theory here, it barely has a few more things than JSON.

Same problem with everything else. Seems to just fanboy the pretty average shit Ken Thompson and Rob Pike invented. Yea, some of these are viable enough solutions, but almost nothing they did is particularly objectively clever.

> That you don't understand this list, just shows that you don't seem to understand.
It's a list that mostly suggests you use useless shit, presumably because of author worship and because it saves some C / Go / Limbo coder the work of improving anything in their standard libraries or language.

The proposition is essentially to spare the programmers and maybe computers work that the end users could do. Fucking brilliant?

At least the proponents of pure FP try to eventually make their tools capable enough that this doesn't happen, while retaining a more provable program flow and more reusable code, rather than waving their hands and going "well, plan9 and its shitty tooling is simple for us, you just do all the work we didn't like to handle yourself"

Use groff.

Any tips for debloating OSX?

use launchctl to disable unnecessary services

Install GNU+Linux.

>YAML barely has a few more things than JSON
It has preprocessor directives, which is all the cancer you need. The whole point of JSON is there is exactly one way to interpret a JSON file.

You just don't get it my dude.
Simplicity is simply better. If you don't understand this, then maybe just leave the thread?
No reason for a complicated parser, when a simple one does the job.
No reason for a complicated language when a simple one is good (and prevents too much cognitive load taking resources from actually solving the problem at hand)
Maybe one day you will understand.
For now just stop replying with useless blabbering about shit I don't care about, I won't respond either way anymore.

>It's a list that mostly suggests you use useless shit
All of those suggestions are far from useless.

>detailed, competent, argumented discussion
>you don't get it. I am right and you are wrong because /minimal/
this thread should auto sage itself everytime, what a bloated waste of bytes

> Most of it justified
By what? I feel this is literally just shitty taste - whatever might make things maybe easier for programmers if you code C, Go or Limbo.

None is justified in a comp.sci / logic sense, such as being more sound or decideable.

None is justified in a market sense, where many companies and people managed to successfully adapt and use these for something productive.

What, you mean the two reserved and clearly defined directives "YAML" and "TAG" with nothing else allowed?

>What, you mean the two reserved and clearly defined directives "YAML" and "TAG" with nothing else allowed?
TAG statements are almost as powerful as evals, so yes. That's pretty bad.

>Maybe if I just keep piling shit on top of shit in a very precise manner it will eventually no longer be shit

rc probably, but installing another shell when you already have sh is bloat

>he thinks sh is a shell


Nobody runs Unix these days. In GNU, sh is a link to another shell which runs in POSIX mode. For example on Arch it's linked to bash, on Debian to dash, etc.

You just need to ensure uniqueness of the tag and associate it with the respective prefix. Where is the problem with that?

$ which sh
either way, using whatever shell it's linked to is more mml than installing another one

0. How are you posting when you are dead?
1. Why are you so mad at minimalism that you make stupid troll posts like these?
2. Computing has a function, which is it's primary purpose. Fulfilling this purpose in the most simple and easy way is the best way. Don't believe me? Then maybe just take a look at thousands of quotes by established and famous Computer Scientists saying the very same thing on cat-v.org. If you still are not convinced maybe it is really time to kill yourself.

is the Mac paedo shota banned? Let's hope so, we could make a serious thread if that degenerate pseud was gone for good.

file $(which sh)

/bin/sh: Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64

I was away teaching kids to read, sorry!

dont even try, much easier to go with more lightweight free OS if you want to go minimal

what picture did the op post this time?

It doesnt look too lewd honestly. I expected worst.

top five lightest web browsers?

TUI or GUI? Uzbl and NetSurf for GUI, elinks and lynx for TUI.

I was going to leave that up to whoever wanted to answer, glad you decided on both

same guy, thoughts on vimb? used to use it a while back but I thought I remember thinking it seemed pretty lightweight, but actually noticing somewhere it was taking up quite a bit of resources

Yeah, although some browsers can run in the frambuffer like NetSurf some people love the simplicity of pure text. By the way, support NetRunner :^)

I know is very minimal on dependencies and looks like dwb which rocks, but havent try it yet.

Most installers seem to use hard links where they can now. There is no standard way to to determine what /bin/sh is. It's supposed to be a POSIX compatible shell and nothing else.

Lynx > Links > eLinks > Firefox > Literally every WebShit browser. Sad but true.

You do know elinks code is more minimal and is less processor hungry than lynx right? And only recommending firefox in GUI is weird. I feel like you didnt test much there.

>You do know elinks code is more minimal and is less processor hungry than lynx right?
Not with images and JavaScript it isn't.
>I feel like you didnt test much there.
I feel like you haven't used a WebKit browser with more than one or two tabs open lately.

Even if the part of elinks is true, which is deceitful to say the least, are you simply ignoring your mistake of putting links as being less minimal than lynx? And what is that about ignoring firefox used webkit and worked fine with multiple tabs? You can stop pretending now.

>which is deceitful to say the least
>links as being less minimal than lynx
Because it does more.
>ignoring firefox used webkit
No, it never did. Ever. Maybe as a plug-in or something.

Not an argument.
>Because it does more.
Retarded argument.
>No, it never did. Ever. Maybe as a plug-in or something.
Ok, maybe you dont know about iOS.
Just stop.

>when you realize debloating the linux kernel is possible

>>Because it does more.
>Retarded argument.
What metric do you propose to compare them by then? Links is larger in terms of SLOC and it uses more memory and CPU time because it has graphics.
>Ok, maybe you dont know about iOS.
It's just a client for their sync service harnessed to Safari. How would running the iOS version of 'Firefox' on a regular computer even work?

Who is the tough motherfucker willing to try this tiny.wiki.kernel.org/

"Disable shit on macos" project on github
Reduce transparency and motion
Disable spotlight if you don't need it
If you're brave enough disable service with launchctl on your own
Launch maintenance on Onyx to purge caches
Change permissions of system apps and remove them
Check out "make your Mac suck less" on github
macOS won't ever be light but it's pretty optimized so it's kind of snappy
Safari is the most full fledged minimal browser so use it

back from last thread to shill my work

i recently wrote a very minimalist memory scanner/editor in under 1k loc

it's basically a lightweight scanmem with more sensible navigation and is possible to use non interactively

A reminder for anybody using newsbeuter: the project is no longer maintained. If you want updates use newsboat.

>that post
You must be English.


I decided to switch over to i3. I'm loving it so far.

What is the XFCE plugin that is on Parrot that toggles sleep display? I'm trying to get it on Debian

in Saharanpur we speak english as mother tongue so I do not know what you talk about!


Wallpaper pls

What's wrong with zsh?


Okay, but in practice, as in using it on a daily basis, what's wrong?

Still much less bloated than bash.

Also the only shell with a usable vi mode.

>shell that has builtin tetris game
>not bloated

What makes you think that bash is bloated?

Takes up more memory and executes scripts slower than zsh.

Nice meme.

bash is shit, deal with it

Use mksh if you care about minimalism

no u

zsh is shit, and bash can have vi mode too moron, get your facts right

I said "usable", retard.
Bash's vi mode is too awful.

>uses some retarded bloated configuration like oh-my-zsh with a gajillion plugins
>BAWW zsh is shit

Instead of falling for the zsh meme install the rc shell.

As long as it isn't bash.


Install crupix

>t. unemployed anime lover sucking suckless' cock, getting fed off every bullshit he can get, living the meme dream without a clue how stuff works in the real world and in real jobs.

really not knowing bash is terrible thing to be, but as interactive shell mksh is simply faster

>t. rajesh, quora member since 2011

Why are you so triggered?
Did zsh rape your mother?

Dumb racist.

Redpill me on zsh vi mode. What are bashcucks missing out on?

> simply faster
> no tab completion dictionaries
Cool story Rainman.


Doesn't randomly crap out on you
Visual select
Proper multiline editing
Search as you expect
Much much more configurable

>Visual select
Bloat, I use screen for that.

screen is bloat
I use dtach for that

>t. I don't have a clue what to answer so I'll be as generic as possible, spitting fizzbuzz while pretending to be a system engineer.

>visual selection

If you ever used bash in vi mode, you'd know what I'm talking about.
But you're not and just arguing for the hell of it.

I meant as a replacement for screen detaching, not selection.

why would you have problem with somebody else using different shell

Oh, and just tested it, no ciw either.

Guys lets settle this. A poroduction environment necessarily needs the powerhouse that is Bash for its scripting capabilities and standard. Under Bash there is Dash, more minimal and suited for the servers Debian is in. There really is no point in Zsh for minimalism but the fancy features is what makes it cool and shiny. Now, speaking of minimal shells the better answer is either mksh or rc, I personally suggest rc, because if you are going minimal you may as well go balls deep. What do you say, are we good?

>t. finally someone who knows what he's talking about

removing bash on debian or on distros that are based on it is probably not a very good idea.

just make sure you replace/symlink a compatible shell before you remove it
it should (?????) be fine, maybe

mksh, rc doesn't make for a good interactive shell - might as well use dash

Minimalism goes to far when it becomes a pain to use.
It's like using ed because that's so much more minimalist than vi.