>trying conan.io
>conan search -r conan-center "*" | wc -l
>Result: 112
>mfw there are only 112 packages not even OpenMP or MPI.
how is someone supposed to work with this pointless garbage?
>trying conan.io
>conan search -r conan-center "*" | wc -l
>Result: 112
>mfw there are only 112 packages not even OpenMP or MPI.
how is someone supposed to work with this pointless garbage?
wtf is a "c package"?
le kys
Are you mentally retarded or just a fucking idiot?
>no packagemanager?
this is a solution for what problem?
quick question: have you ever developed software?
Use GetIt, you idiot.
>inb4 I'm not using C++ Builder
Then you deserve all the bad things that are happening to you, faggot.
>propiertary Windows shit
gtfo fagget
fucking toddler or winblows fag
>proprietary software is bad, mmmmkay?
>wwwaaaahhh, I hate Windows!!!!
>being such a drooling autist
Omg, you called me a name and posted a meme picture. How can I ever recover?
It's decentralized. Unlike apt, npm or pip its purpose is to have your company wide, own package repository.
ah good to know user. Thank you
You can get recipes from bincrafter, btw.
It's a problem in search of a solution.
The concept of package managers for C++ is completely retarded.
>The concept of package managers for C++ is completely retarded.
It actually makes sense in companies. You don't want to lose one complete day for the new programmer to set up his 50 build dependencies.
>Assuming everyone is using wangblows shit and recommending propietary stuff
> calling someone idiot
You are the idiot sir
I don't want to live in a world where people don't see recursive git submodules is the ultimate answer to everything
autotools maybe?
>package manager
>for fucking C++
kill yourself asap
C/C++ will never be able to have a standard package management. Enjoy your CMake and auto-conf.
>using C++ Builder
>Not using the superior Delphi