Is programming only for certain people ?

certain people: "autistic", nerds, outcast ?

Is this a good place for average joe?
How much of the industry pool consist of normies?

>certain people: "autistic", nerds, outcast ?
no, they already ruined parts of computing
>Is this a good place for average joe?
no, they already ruined parts of computing
>How much of the industry pool consist of normies?
Programming isn't done for the sake of itself. Look into your sector.

Here's a simple check:
Do you like computers? Does the idea of programming sound fun to you? Then yes. You're going to be good at programming.

Do you want that meme STEM cash? You're probably not going to like it and end up doing poorly. There are better ways to make money

It's not for everyone in the sense that not everyone will enjoy it

>Does the idea of programming sound fun to you?
>implying they hace an idea of programming


How do i get into IT (im intrested in system administration) if im almost 30 and have no relevant experince?


since when are slavs pajeet?

they aren't white that's for sure

Among programmers you can find both the normiest of normies and utter autists. Whether it's a good place for you depends entirely on your aptitude for it. There are people who are seemingly incapable of understanding even the simplest of basics of programming, and if you are one of those, you should do something else.

Contrary to a popular belief, you don't have to be interested in it to be good at it. It's a job like any other. That being said, computer literacy is required.

Op here,

I don't know how so many around people enjoy their jobs. I look at what they do and ask myself: What the fuck are you so happy about ? 20% are cool jobs but are below my capabilities one way or another.The rest 80% of jobs are more or less like being the cog in the machine anyways.

Coding makes me quite uncomfortable, but I believe if i do it long enough I will break trough(get used to it) and it's going to be relatively happy.

Get a helpdesk job.

>There are better ways to make money

Please enlighten me!

You just need to enjoy programming, if you take it as an obligation then you'll do poorly, and most importantly you'll do the bare minimum to graduate, you'll become the definition of mediocre.

If you see yourself learning new stuff and putting them in practice in your free time then you are on the good path.

I'm old and unemployed. I would suck a 1000 dicks to just be mediocre.

if you are older than 13 and still didn't program anything, you are not meant to be a programmer, at least not a good one. Because curiosity and the fun are the main motivators.

15 years ago, i wouldn't say if you are older than 13 because not everybody had access to computers or internet or information about programming, but now there is no possibility that you didn't heard of programming.

You can be a pajeet and have a codemonkey job though, i hope you don't.

How old, do you know a trade?

you are a complete fucking idiot

If assignment and control flow is intuitive for you then you can be a programmer.

If it hurts your brain then find something else.

while (noSuccess && !Dead) tryAgain();


Don't do it.

To me, programming just doesn't feel as fluid and doesn't come naturally. I do enjoy learning it so far though but it's fucking difficult. At 27 about halfway through first semester of a compsci course. Do I have a chance?

I know a few relatively normie programmers but they don't really like programming. It's just part of their job. The people I've seen that actually enjoy programming as work and even as a hobby are pretty much sperglords every single time.

The first challenge is to find out what you need to know. If you rely on others to show you want to do, you will have a hard time as sysadmin (which is kind of dying profession anyway). As sysadmin you are the last line of defense and people come to you, because the need to get it fixed and cannot do it themselves.

>The people I've seen that actually enjoy programming as work and even as a hobby are pretty much sperglords every single time.
This, to everyone else it feels like filling tax forms, except you don't even get money.

kill(getpid(rajev), 9);

No, he isn't. The guys I met who were actually sensible on a higher level as what programming is good for all started early. The guys who know how to copy a tutorial or make a shitty crud can start later - and it's ok, the business guy don't even tell one security hole full copy pasta from another.

Keep learning.

The problem is that most normies have difficulty thinking in the rigidly-literal way you need to do to write code. The computer does precisely what you tell it. Most people can't internalize that, they'll get mad because "it looks right!" but it doesn't work properly. They don't like going over things line by line to see what it actually does. They like dealing with people, since people can interpret language and know what you mean even if you speak imprecisely.

Autsist, of course, have no problem being pedantic and literal, which is why they make good programmers.

Absolutely. People don't realize what a fucking baby a computer is. You have to sit it, care for it and make sure it does not get hurt the next minute. The systems you write need to run 24/7 with bad players all around. Gotta keep caring for the baby.

>speak imprecisely.
- The synergy in our win-win scenarios will cause major disruption on out blockchain enabled platform business.
- Could have said it better.

this is why OOP was created

After years of procedural programming at 14 I read a book about OO and I am happy to report: My gut feeling back then that this was some kind of overengineered shit is slowly shared by more and more developers.

I don't have any colleagues who are both normies and competent.

The ones who most hate oo are functional programmers which don't want procedural either

How come they not competent but still have job?

xor yourself

They moved into non engineering roles where they were better suited and competent there. Tbh all of the engineering department are weird as fuck wizards and witches

> Tbh all of the engineering department are weird as fuck wizards and witches


so memes like this are the power of normies

I fucking love my job.

Yesterday two of us argued about a stupid pedantic thing for a while until I sketched a proof in paper. The guy I was arguing with holds a doctorate and is referred to lovingly as "Dr. Firstname"

wow he must really fear you now. lol good luck getting promoted for the rest of your time at this job

Hat tip.

I sometimes get to hang around with PhDs. Some of them are really smart. But I met guy who could not do either thing: thinking or coding - utterly useless people.

Yes, it's only for nerds, not fucking bloodboys.

yeah if you think you have to be a genius to get a PhD and ergo if you bested a PhD and that makes you at least a genius, you're sorely mistaken and you've got a lot of learning to catch up on. the way you get a phd is by having good grades in undergrad, and then paying a lot of money. no brains about it. not ever since the marxists took up positions of power in academia 60 years ago

I just Googled it. Something like 64% of people are happy with their job.
There's definitely something that clicks for a lot of programmers early on. Something about solving problems with computers gets them going. I see it a lot in other students in my school. But some of them just hate it like you would math or something. If you're similar to the later, save yourself the trouble.

What? We're friends and get along great. It's like those silly arguments with friends where neither really cares.

Just trying to say it is a fun silly place.

Dr. Firstname is highly competent. His PhD involves mathematics so it's great fun to discuss math with him

Wasn't trying to brag. The argument was about something more in my domain of expertise than his. Just sharing that silly neurotic office is good time

Wish I could have any technically interesting discussion with my colleagues. They are all normie AF. The think git is hyped and moan, because they have to learn yet another tool - take weeks, if not month, man. I use my time at the office to work on my own stuff - productivity drop doesn't register, lel. But got to find a way out of there soon.

Op here,

I'm 31. It does hurt my brain, but i'm hoping to get used to it and it will feel "so so". Also I'm not aiming to be very good at it. I planning to reach certain skill level, certain technologies that will not go out of fashion, and just 9-5 grind it out, live simple life and try to retire as early as possible.

Sorry to break it to you.

>Also I'm not aiming to be very good at it
You won't be good at it.

>certain technologies that will not go out of fashion
Have fun with Jobol.

> retire as early as possible.
Programming is bimodal. The next genius comes along and automates your expertise in five years. Have fun being retired.

I'm going to bed. Pm noan on freenode later. Might be able to help you out.

night, m8. And thanks, I have already some options cooking ...

Electrical Engineer here.
I've been specializing in hardware design. Now if you think programming software is for autistic people, have a look at designing/describing hardware; you'll find it's a lot more "autistic".
Some of the best hardware people I know are what you might call normies; they have "healthy, normal" social lives and all that.
There's also some pretty autistic people around who are very good, but it certainly isn't a requirement.

Two old friends of mine are EEs. One: Above average talent, active social life. Other: Kind of more grounded in theory, sharp, but super lazy - full autist.

You can get pretty animations and funny numbers out of it.
What else do you want?

Yeah that second guy sounds a bit like myself desu.
I'm good at theoretical stuff and can grasp problems easily, but as soon as I have to come up with an entire working system by myself I sperg out. I'm much better at finding and fixing other people's fuckups/bugs.

I wouldn't know, user. I don't program for the sake of programming.

It's great for setting up a GUI tho.
Other than that OOP really is quite useless and bloated.

Programming is like a language you learn. That's why they are called programming languages.
The average Joe can learn Spanish, Hindi, Polish etc. just like he can learn to "speak in" C, java or objective pascal.

Anyone who can make an omelette can program. Just try to abstract it down to ifs, whiles, fors, object.function etc.

I don't like programming but I like the feeling of creating something when I'm done programming, after a project is finished. Internally, I am a huge sperglord but I try to keep it in check in public.

I don't know what this means though, if I just like having the issue I was trying to solve, solved, or if I like overcoming something. I think it leans more towards creating something with purpose and utility both for me and everyone else.

I’ve met plenty of normies and spergs alike. Being more “weird” myself, I’ve noticed programming takes hours of your time, hours you need to be willing to put in, and hours of failures without giving up.

that's bullshit, programming is like a math notation
you can learn the notation easily, doesn't make you proficient at the logic behind it. some people simply suck at math and don't have enough working memory/concentration to solve problems, or bugs.

How is it possible for assignment, loops, and if/else statements to hurt your brain? I refuse to believe anyone is that stupid.
>first compsci course
yeah that's baby stuff, it might not be for you.

>they hace an idea

Begone beaner

This seems like it completely misses the point of programming. Sure, you could learn Spanish, Hindi or Polish with enough effort, but that doesn't mean you'll become a decent author.

>muh programming cooking analogy
Programming isn't about following a recepy. That's the computer's job. You're job is to invent new foods.
Just because you can make an omelette doesn't mean you can write a cookbook. At least not one that's not completely derivative.

Nigga what the fuck are you talking about?!?


acktually it's STEAM now, where the a is for Art.

I fucking hate [current year]. Words mean nothing anymore.

There are chad programmers.

>first semester
>already having problems

Do you enjoy programming? If yes, then it is for you. Else: Segmentation Fault Core Dump Google Answer On StackOverflow before the Assignment Deadline I Only Majored In CS For Money Line 205

normies can code they're just bad at it, programming is only for turbo autists if you want to be great at it, there ARE exceptions however

for whatever reason i seem to know of a lot of normies/semi-normies who write amazing code, basically they have insane skill but they work on one project, finish it, and then never code again. not sure why it works that way but it does. if you want to actually be a coding god like terry or bisqwit you basically have to be slightly insane though

This code is shit
What happens when tryAgain() throws an Exception at you?.

I empathize with this.

>The next genius comes along and automates your expertise in five years

This desu. You need to be actively engaged with the ecosystem to avoid redundancy. Learn constantly, read, explore niches and embrace new technologies.

Basically if you don't love programming you're going to be shit.

why not wrap the whole computer in a try-catch block?

Ha yes, the good old Pokemon try and catch block.

I would argue "if you don't love technology", I don't necessarily like programming but it's the only means to get to what I want (for now). We can't currently make computers do what we want them to do, without programming them in the way we do now. Obviously people are trying to drive us towards the future where we may be able to talk to machines in natural language and get them to follow out will exactly, but we're not there yet so programming is the only effective way.

The love to embrace new things is the drive, everything else is a means to that end.

There are some normies, but most are autists. Not all are introverted autists, but they're still autists.

>to follow out will exactly
our will exactly*

What's most important though is wondering if the drawings in that image are supposed to be hotdogs or hamburgers. Is a hotdog a sandwhich?

They pushed that shit at least three years ago where I live, but then again I live in a very liberal area. The first I heard about that was a radio ad for the local school system creating new programs and changing stuff for middle schoolers. It's confusing because when you add everything to the acronym there's no point to the acronym.

If you cut a sandwich in half, do you have 2 halves of a sandwich or 2 sandwiches?

programming for people with order thinking

The idea that technology is a means-to-an-end is the antithesis of the spirit of exploration and knowledge-seeking. I don't like using something if I don't know how it works, and knowing how something works invariably makes me better at using it.

Technology doesn't automatically improve. This is an outsider's perspective. It takes a lot of smart, focused people a lot of time and effort. You can either be part of it or try and ride their coattails.

>technology is a means-to-an-end
If you think that's what I'm implying I must have stated it poorly, I mean to convey the opposite idea. That programming is a means to technology, and that I think a hotdog is in fact a sandwich.

>autistic people are good at programming meme
Seriously, they aren't. I'm assuming you're using "autistic" as an umbrella term for the whole spectrum, because every case of autism is different.
Most people with autism, even the smart ones, end up horribly latter in life because they simply can't fit into society. And by that I don't mean "they have difficulty talking to other people" (however this might also be the case) but things like "being unable to hold a stable job, finish a degree or have a career".
So what if you're "good at programming" if you can't work like a normal person?